
With Thanksgiving just days away, many of us are pausing to reflect on all we have to be thankful for this holiday season. At Oakland Veterinary Referral Service, we hope that your pets are among the blessings you count this year and that you’ll take a moment to consider all the good your four-legged friend has brought to your life this past year.

Thanksgiving and Pets: Top 10 Reasons to Be Grateful for Pets

There are many reasons to be thankful for our pets. Even if they chew our shoes or scratch up our furniture, the love and joy they bring to our lives is priceless. Often, they can make the darkest days seem brighter and they usually give us no choice but to get out of bed in the morning, no matter how much we want to sleep in. Here are 10 reasons pets are something to be thankful for:

  1. Pets make us laugh. Their crazy antics, strange habits, and sometimes out-of-this-world sounds are hard to resist and usually leave us smiling, if not laughing out loud.
  2. Pets are always happy to welcome us home, and, for us, it’s always nice to have someone to come home too.
  3. Pets “force” us to get out and get some fresh air. Whether it’s taking your dog for a walk or trying to chase your cat in for the night, pets help us get outside and get moving.
  4. Pets give us a little extra warmth on a cold winter’s night. Why turn up the heat when you can curl up with your pet?
  5. Pets force us to get up in the morning, whether we want to or not.
  6. Pets remind us when it’s time to stop working, more often than not by laying on our keyboards, books, or knitting projects.
  7. Pets love us unconditionally, even when we might not love ourselves that much.
  8. Pets often know when we need a little extra love, and give it without hesitation or having to be asked.
  9. Pets help to protect our homes. Even the smallest dog can deter a stranger, and many cats and birds, too.
  10. Pets give us a chance to meet new people. It’s hard to take your dog for a walk without stopping to chat with someone who wants to say “hi.” This is doubly true if you’re taking your cat, ferret, or bird on an outing.

While the reasons you are thankful for your pet may differ from ours, we have no doubt that your pet gives you plenty to be thankful for all year long.

We hope that this season you will take the time to consider why you are thankful for your pet and wish both you and yours a safe and happy Thanksgiving.