Veterinary emergencies can arise, often without warning, at any time of the day or night, leaving you in a state of panic. The following things should be considered before pet emergencies happen.

Injury Pet Emergency

Traumatic injury is often of the most unpredictable type of emergency a pet will experience. In the blink of an eye your pet could be hit by a car, caught up in a dogfight, or worse.

The simplest way to avoid these types of emergencies is to stay vigilant when it comes to your pet’s whereabouts and environment.

  • Keep your pet on-leash at all times—Unless you are absolutely certain that he or she will obey your voice command every time, keeping your pet on-leash is the most assured route to safety.

  • Keep track of your pet’s food, treats and special toys—Far too often needless dogfights erupt over a bone or chew toy that wasn’t put away before another dog arrived.

Accident Pet Emergency

While it’s true that accidents do happen, many of the accidental emergencies suffered by pets are avoidable with a little common sense and prior planning.

  • Never leave your pet in a hot car—Simply put, if it’s over 70˚F just leave your pet at home.

  • Leash Choking—Always be certain that your pet’s leash is on properly, especially if it is designed to restrict your dog’s movements. Likewise, never leave your dog tethered and unattended as the potential for strangulation is high.

  • Electrical Cords—Keep electrical cords safely out of the way and replace or repair any exposed cords. Even if your dog isn’t a chewer, the potential for electrical shock is high should your pet’s nose end up somewhere it doesn’t belong

  • Choking—Be certain to keep your home and yard clear of any debris that may interest your pet. Likewise, small items such as needles, pennies, and even thread have the potential to cause blockages and trauma to the intestinal track.

  • Poisoning—From grapes and onions to medications and household cleaners, know what substances are toxic to pets and keep them out of your pet’s reach.

  • Proper gear for hunting and boating—While in action, keep a safety vest on hunting dogs and reflective PDFs with a handle on dogs that are boating or swimming in the water.

Preventable Emergencies

Finally, bear in mind that many health emergencies are avoidable simply by ensuring that your pet is receiving proper care and nutrition.

Keep your pets current on their vaccinations and schedule regular wellness and dental exams. Likewise, proper grooming can go a long way in preventing infections and in-grown nails. Also be certain that your pet is getting the proper nutrition he or she needs to remain at a healthy weight and the clean water he or she needs to stay healthy, hydrated, and bacteria free.

Finally, don’t wait to seek professional veterinary help if an emergency should arise. Getting help early can prevent complications and more suffering, while waiting can often result in undue worry, serious deterioration of conditions, and make a recovery more difficult.

If you have any other questions or concerns about preventing emergencies, please don’t hesitate to contact us.