The Owner’s Manual for Home Care for the Diabetic Pet

If your pet has been diagnosed with diabetes, you may feel a little overwhelmed and words like pathophysiology, insulin, and glucose curves may have your head reeling.

Obviously, diabetes is a diagnosis that requires a close relationship with a veterinarian. There are things that you will need to do at home as well. Home care for the diabetic pet is just as important as the care required at the vet’s office. Here’s what you need to know.

New Puppy? No Problem!

Happy Doggy Fast Running On GrassThose first few weeks of having a new puppy at home can be a little chaotic. Never fear, though, the staff at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services are here to help. Read through our puppy owner guide to be sure that your first week at home with your new puppy is a breeze!

Come Prepared

Preparing yourself and your home for the new addition is half the battle. The more you plan, the better off you will be. Try to bring your new puppy home at a time when you are going to have some free energy to concentrate on his or her care. If you’re adding a new four-legged family member around busy times, such as the holiday season, try to do it when you’ll have time off at home.

Pawsitively Pawsome Gifts for Pet Owners

Winter time and family lovePet owners everywhere have a lot in common – namely, how much we love and adore our furry friends. A great way to show the pet lovers in your life how much you care is with a pet-themed gift this holiday season, whether it’s for their pets or for themselves.

Get a head start on your holiday shopping or creating with our list of fun and practical gifts for pet owners.


Options for Helping Pets with Hyperthyroidism

Sleepy DogThe endocrine system is a group of glandular organs that secrete hormones, and is responsible for regulating bodily functions such as metabolism, growth, tissue function, and reproduction. It is composed of important players, including the adrenal glands, the thyroid gland, and the ovaries or testes. The endocrine system is controlled by the pituitary gland and hypothalamus of the brain, and Its health is essential for the proper functioning of the body.

One of the most common dysfunctions of this system we see in pets involves the thyroid gland.

Learn about how this affects our animal patients and what we can do to treat hyperthyroidism in pets.


Life (With Pets) Is A Highway: Pet Travel Tips And Summer Getaway Ideas

Dog sitting in the suitcaseIt wouldn’t be summer without at least one short getaway. For many of us, leaving our pets at home when we go out of town is simply not an option, which is why we have compiled a list of our favorite local pet friendly getaway destinations, along with a few pet travel tips for safety’s sake.

Where To Go, Where To Go?

There is beauty and adventure to be found in every state in the union, but here at OVRS, we agree with the ad campaign that our great state is one of the most beautiful in the country. They don’t call it “Pure Michigan” for nothing! Continue…

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Our Favorite DIY Pet Toys

Playful CatDo you bring a new dog toy home from the store just to have it destroyed in a matter of hours or days by your exuberant pup? Does your energetic  kitty shred every toy you buy? Or, worse yet, shun the expensive store bought toys in favor of your favorite slippers or the corner of your new chair?

Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or don’t consider yourself to be the crafty type, our list of fun, economical, and Earth-friendly DIY pet toys is sure to please your furry friend, without taxing your budget or your patience.

DIY Pet Toys Made Simple

What better way to save the Earth, and your pocket book, than by whipping up a new toy for your pet out of items you already have lying around the home? Continue…

Nine-To-Five: Take Your Dog To Work Day

Woman working on computer with dogHi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go, this time with our dog! That’s right, national Take Your Dog To Work day is right around the corner (June 24th this year to be exact), and if you have the right type of dog, and the right type of boss, you may be looking forward to this annual event.

Since every day is take your dog (or cat) to work day here at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we figured we would share our tips for a safe and successful workplace visit for you and your best pal.

Know Thy Dog

After clearing it with your boss, of course, the first step in getting ready to bring your dog to work should be to honestly assess your dog to see if he or she has what it takes for a full day of work. Is your dog… Continue…

Born Free: Making Life Safer For Outdoor Cats

Cat climbing tree“My cat is bored.”

“Cats are born to hunt.”

“My cat can’t get enough exercise inside the home.”

“My cat is destructive indoors.”

These are just a few of the reasons typically given by owners who allow their cats to roam freely outside.

Most cat owners have good intentions when they make the decision to let their cat have free run of the great outdoors, but we want to make you aware of the risks associated with an outdoor cat and this practice and how to avoid some of them. Continue…

Veterinary Cancer Patient Emergencies and What to Do

Veterinarian Doctor Consulting Cairn Terrier Dog with StethoscopIf you have a pet who has been diagnosed with cancer, you already know that things aren’t always going to be easy. These special patients do need attention and TLC but, in your concern, it is also easy to become jumpy about every little thing and worry needlessly. Veterinary cancer patient emergencies do happen, though, and any pet owner who is caring for one needs to be aware of the signs of a truly urgent problem.


Special Needs of the Cancer Patient


The oncology department at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services understands that having a pet going through cancer treatment is not easy on either of you. We are very educated in the special needs of these delicate patients. Pets undergoing cancer treatment may have: Continue…

Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty

Dog in kennelAs fellow animal lovers, it is hard for us to imagine treating a pet or animal unkindly. Sadly, though, animal cruelty occurs every day. It takes on many shapes and forms, but regardless of how you look at it, treating an animal without respect is a serious offense.

Take a step back and ask yourself if you know how to recognize animal cruelty and whether you know what to do about it.

The Faces of Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty isn’t always as black and white as you might think. While most of us would step in if we saw a pet being beaten or otherwise physically harmed, cruelty isn’t always intentional. It may come in the form of: Continue…