To Love Again: Adopting After Losing a Pet

loss of a petThe loss of a precious pet is one of the hardest things a pet owner can imagine, and the process of grieving and coming to acceptance takes time. This period of time is different for everyone, and the extent of the grieving process is unique to the individual. However, for most pet lovers, a house is just not a home without a loving purr or a wagging tail.


My Doggo Sipped the Morning Joe! Is Coffee Bad for Pets?

is coffee bad for petsCoffee is the life blood of most humans, and that morning pick-me-up is a must before heading out to face the day. Coffee is something that is easily accessible, and that means that it may also be within easy reach for a curious canine or other family pet. Add cream and sugar, and what’s more of an allure to our whiskered and tailed friends?

But is coffee bad for pets? And what should you do if you catch your pet licking up the java? Your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services are here to clarify why this common substance can turn into a trip to the vet.


Quick, Cheap, and Totally Easy Pet Costumes

easy pet costumesOctober is an exciting time for kids and kids at heart. Trick-or-treaters, jack-’o-lanterns, and lots of goodies are but a few of the things that we treasure. Costumes are one of the best parts of Halloween, and who doesn’t love to see all of the ghoulish and adorable outfits?!

For pet lovers, the costume frenzy also applies. But for very busy, very frugal, last-minute or just lazy pet lovers out there, here are ideas for putting together a simple, fun costume from things lying around the house or easy to gather. No need to be crafty or spend a fortune. OVRS has scoured the Internet to help you scare up the easiest, simplest, last-minute pet costumes for the big night of BOO.


When the Unexpected Strikes: The True Cost of a Veterinary Emergency

veterinary emergenciesConsider this, you are at the park with your dog and, after throwing the Frisbee another time, he comes back to you limping.

Or your cat has been vomiting since the early part of the day, and now it is close to midnight and she continues to vomit. What if your puppy comes down with diarrhea and a bloated tummy, and you wonder if it is just digestive upset or something more serious, constituting a veterinary emergency?


Cancer in Cats: Recognizing and Reducing the Risk for Your Feline Friend

cancer in catsCancer…the word itself is unsettling, yet most of us know someone who has been touched by this terrible disease. A cancer diagnosis is equally scary when it concerns a beloved cat. For many cat parents out there, this unfortunate disease can hit too close to home.

A number of symptoms can potentially signal cancer development, so know what to look out for in order to help catch it early. More importantly, learn how to reduce risk before cancer develops. While it is true that cancer cases are not always preventable, there are impactful ways you can reduce your cat’s chances of a cancer diagnosis.

Your team at OVRS is here to help reduce the likelihood of cancer in cats with some essential steps for its prevention.


Pupternity: What Determines Litter Size in Dogs?

litter sizeNormal puppy litter size tends to vary from one to twelve. The world record according to Guinness is a whopping twenty four puppies, birthed by a Neapolitan Mastiff in the UK in 2004. Why does litter size vary so much and what determines litter size in puppies? OVRS looks at the main factors affecting litter size.


Frequently Asked Questions about Pet Medications

pet medicationsMedications are an essential tool of well-being in every dog or cat’s life. Whether the prescription is a monthly parasite preventive or a short-term antibiotic, where would we be without the health and wellness benefits of prescription medications?

Understanding these potent medications is an important part of being a pet owner. That is why we, as veterinary professionals, encourage lots of questions from pet parents. The team at OVRS compiled some of the more commonly asked questions about pet medications, and their answers.


Don’t Eat That! When Your Dog Swallows a Foreign Object

dog eats foreign objectRocks, socks, hair bands, skewers–dogs will swallow just about anything, including items that may really surprise you. At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, our 24-hour emergency team has seen a parade of common (and not so common) items come in for removal.

If your dog swallows a foreign object, how would you know? What should you do? And what happens when you suspect that your dog swallowed something and bring your dog to the veterinary hospital?


The Dog Nose All: The Power of A Dog’s Nose

power of a dogs noseWe all know that dogs have an impressive power of smell. Your dog is in the back of the house, sound asleep. You quietly open a package of ham for a sandwich and look who’s immediately begging at your feet! That’s the power of a dogs nose.

Sniffing out snacks is the least in a list of amazing ways that dogs and their super sniffers improve our lives. You’ll be surprised at the many ways they are aiding humans.
