Cloudy Vision: Cataracts in Dogs

dog with cataracts in his eyes

Cataracts in dogs are usually easy to spot. The clouded look of the pupil gives them away. Unfortunately, many dog owners assume that cataracts just come with age and don’t think to intervene to address them. This is troubling because eye health is so important to a dog’s general health and quality of life.

The good news is that there is treatment available for cataracts so that your canine can have good vision and eye health throughout their golden years.


How to Safely Remove Ticks from Your Pet

tick removal

We want everyone to know how to safely remove ticks since they are a terrible problem in the Midwest. Most of us pull at least one tick off of ourselves or our pets. Ticks carry diseases like Rocky Mountain spotted fever, ehrlichiosis, and most notably, Lyme disease. 

Most people’s response, when seeing a tick on their pet, is to pull it off fast! But there is a technique to tick removal. By doing it correctly, you minimize your pet’s risk of developing disease or infection. Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants you to better understand the common deer tick and the proper way to remove them from your pet.


DCM and Grain-Free Diets and Dog Food

grain-free diets and dog food

Since July 2018, the FDA has conducted investigations into grain-free diets and dog foods and their potential link to canine dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM). Since then, more pet owners have come forward after their dogs have been diagnosed with or have died of DCM. And, each of these pets was fed a grain-free diet.

On June 27, the agency published an updated listing of 16 brands of dog food as those with the highest correlation to this form of heart disease. Many pet owners are understandably concerned about this FDA warning and would like more answers about these diets. Are grain-free diets bad? Should you change your pet’s food?

The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants to address these concerns and help dog owners understand these precautions and what actions to take.


Canine Physical Therapy–Does It Help With Recovery?

Rehabilitation or physical therapy can benefit your dog in many ways, including speeding up the healing process and ensuring better mobility and long term health. After any injury or surgery, plan to devote a substantial amount of time to your dog’s healing. Recovery is critical in healing and in minimizing the effects of physical trauma.


The Dog Owner’s Guide to TPLO Surgery

Dog walking in sling after TPLO surgery

Has your Veterinarian recommended Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy (TPLO) surgery for your dog? TPLO is one of the most widely used procedures in repairing cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) tears in dogs (and sometimes in cats). In most cases, TPLO surgery is superior to that of other orthopedic surgeries. It is particularly successful in large breeds and those with advanced joint degeneration and CCL ruptures.

Many dogs suffer injuries related to CCL tears, fractures, and other orthopedic occurrences. These injuries require a highly skilled team of veterinary surgeons. This guide explains what TPLO is, in what cases it is needed, and why it’s effective. We also provide tips to maintain your dog’s orthopedic health post-surgery.


Frugal Four-Legged: Money Saving Tips for Pet Owners

money saving tips for pet ownersAfter the spending spree of the holidays, most of us wouldn’t mind cutting costs in the New Year. DIY projects and homemade things never looked better than after a full month of gift buying. There are many ways a cost-conscious pet owner can save cash any time of year with help from your friends at OVRS.

Here are are our 10 best money saving tips for pets owners that will be a benefit to you, as well as your favorite fur friend.


Therapeutic Diets for Pets: Using the Power of Nutrition to Heal

therapeutic diets for petsThere is no denying that the food we eat has an impact on our health, energy, and overall wellbeing. It is, therefore, no surprise that we have found the same to be true for our animal companions. Where once the family Fido was given leftover scraps, or inexpensive commercial kibble, we now find that quality nutrition is important in determining quality of life and longevity.

Prescription diets, or now more often referred to as therapeutic diets, for pets have come a long way since their introduction a few decades ago. But, what does a therapeutic diet offer, versus a commercial diet, and how can it actually benefit your pet?

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to give you some food for thought.


Keep the Cheer Without the Fear: Avoiding Pet Emergencies this Holiday

pet emergenciesThe holidays are a time of joy and merriment, where loved ones gather to exchange gifts and make memories. There’s food, family, decorations, and stress. No wonder the holiday season sees a spike in the number of pet emergencies we see.

During the midst of the celebrations and festivities, your curious pet may be up to, or more appropriately, in to something they shouldn’t. Let’s look at how you can avoid a pet emergency this holiday and keep the happy in Happy Holidays.


Turkey Troubles: Pet Pancreatitis and the Holiday Season

pet pancreatitisThanksgiving is just around the corner, and most of us are anxiously awaiting all of the delicious foods. The turkey and gravy, the stuffing, the fluffy rolls fresh from the oven, and – oh boy – the pumpkin pie! Thanksgiving is truly a time for giving thanks for all of our bounties, including the delectable dishes.

Unfortunately, the holiday season is also rife with pet emergency cases relating to pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal problems. Your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services want to explain why pet pancreatitis is a serious emergency that should give you pause before letting Fido partake in the holiday feast.


Dog Breeds: Where Do They Come From?

Four dogs of various breedsFrom short to tall, furry to bald, wrinkled to smooth, and everything in between, there are a lot of dog breeds out there. Are they from the same line, or multiple species? And how did all of these adorable pups come into being?

Just walking to the park these days, you are likely to encounter a number of unique breeds, and it would seem there are new kinds of dogs every few years. If you have ever wondered why there are so many dog breeds, the team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to explain the nature of our wide world of unique dogs.
