Financial Considerations of Getting a Pet

Getting a pet is a long-term commitment that requires a certain amount of planning, and a fair amount of money. If you want to create the best life for your future furry friends, you have to think about finances. Before you bring an animal into your home, consider the following financial considerations of getting a pet to ensure you can afford proper care:


Introducing a Cat to Your Dog in 3 Steps

Is there anything cuter than animal friends of different species? Finding a feline friend for your dog can add a lot of enrichment to his life (and cuteness to yours). When introducing a cat to your dog, though, you have to take it slow. New animals need time and space to get used to one another and to start feeling comfortable. If you don’t want to see the literal version of fighting like cats and dogs, OVRS explains the 3 steps for carefully introducing a cat to your dog


How to Monitor and Control Blood Sugar Levels in a Diabetic Dog or Cat

A diabetes diagnosis can be scary for a pet owner to hear, but it doesn’t have to mean that your pet can’t enjoy a good quality of life. With a little bit of care and attention, pets with diabetes can remain healthy for many years with their favorite human. In order to do this, however, it is vital to monitor and control blood sugar levels in a diabetic dog or cat. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here with some tips on keeping your dog or cat’s diabetes in check:


Diabetes Management Tools for Pet Owners: Glucometers, Insulin Pens, and Apps

Diabetes in pets requires a little extra time and attention. With the help of your veterinarian and new advancements in diabetes technology, it is easier than ever to keep your pets healthy and their blood sugar stable. Here are some of the diabetes management tools for pets you’ll need to help manage your furry friend’s diabetes. We recommend:

cat with diabetic management tools

Living with a Dog or Cat with Diabetes: Tips for Managing Their Health

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body cannot properly process glucose. While glucose is vital to powering the cells, if not properly regulated, it can lead to significant health issues. In fact, untreated diabetes in pets can lead to organ failure, blindness, coma, and in extreme cases, death. Luckily, with proper management, a dog or cat with diabetes can live a relatively normal (and healthy) life. Here are some tips on how to keep your pet’s diabetes at bay:
