The TPLO Procedure for Pets

Golden retriever in the grassInjuries to the cranial cruciate ligament (CCL) are one of the most common orthopedic problems seen in dogs. Similar to an ACL injury in a person’s knee, dogs often rupture or strain their CCL (for a variety of reasons), which can render the knee joint unstable for your pet. Unfortunately, this can be an extremely painful condition for your canine companion if it is not remedied.

Thankfully, dogs do not have to live their lives with this condition. There are several surgeries that can be performed in order to re-create a stable joint. For many of the dogs we evaluate at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, the surgery of choice is the Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy, or TPLO.

How a CCL Injury is Diagnosed

Most pets that have a CCL injury will have a sudden onset of a pronounced lameness in a hindlimb. Often, but not always, there is a history of intermittent problems with that leg leading up to the lameness. Continue…

Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care

OVRS-130One of the most dramatic changes in veterinary medicine in the past 15 years has been the tremendous advancement in the field of veterinary Emergency & Critical Care (ECC) for pets. With the development of ECC as a veterinary specialty comes great advancements in our ability to help seriously sick and injured pets. We have made great strides in being able to save the lives of critically ill pets, who, just a few decades ago, likely would have died.

At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services we are proud to offer world-class pet Emergency and Critical Care. Pet emergencies are often unexpected, stressful, and upsetting. Our knowledgeable and compassionate expert veterinary team is prepared to help you in your time of need regardless of the seriousness of the emergency.

We are proud of the excellent veterinary emergency and critical care doctors, staff and technology that have been available to our Michigan clients the last 25 years. We hope that you feel more secure knowing that OVRS offers:

Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care When You Need It

Pet emergencies don’t happen on a schedule. They often occur on weekends, late at night, or on holidays. Our ECC services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. Our staff’s training and experience are centered in emergency, specialty and critical care since that is our hospital’s focus. Continue…

Pet Anxiety – Thunderstorms, Fireworks, and Your Pet


While you may think of the Fourth of July as great holiday full of fun, friends food and fireworks, your pet might not be as fond of it as you are. If your pet shows signs of fear around loud or unexpected noises, then he or she will most likely have issues with the loud bang and pop of fireworks.

Fourth of July fireworks aren’t the only thing that can cause pet anxiety this time of year, though. Spring and early summer mean storm season, too; with booms of thunder and flashes of lightning. Many pets are fearful of these loud sounds that come along with these thunderstorms.

What the Problem Is

It’s not just the noise of fireworks and thunderstorms  that might spook your pet. The lights and smell of fireworks can also cause a panic, just like the flash of lightning can scare your pet. His or her first instinct is going to be to run and hide. If your pet is loose outside, their fear or panic could cause them to bolt. Continue…

TEAR Fund: Saving Lives, One Pet at a Time

As (we hope) you know, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services has founded The Emergency Animal Relief Foundation (TEAR) as a community-supported financial assistance program for the pets and pet owners of Southeastern Michigan.

1520734_10200980836553984_1534378113_nIn addition to funding public education programs and research projects benefitting animals in our area, TEAR’s primary goal is to provide financial relief to pet owners in crisis by providing emergency grants of up to $500 for animals in need of veterinary care. With the support of donors and volunteers, TEAR is able to extend these grants in an effort to prolong and enrich the lives of these beloved pets and their devoted owners.

Every TEAR grant recipient has a story worth telling. And while we would like to (eventually) tell them all, we have elected to start with the stories of two recent TEAR grant recipients, Ranger and Harley… Continue…

Unexplained Weight Loss in Pets

iStock_000010144870_SmallWith over half of the nation’s pet population being obese, many times weight loss in our dogs and cats can be a good thing. Sometimes, though, when a pet’s weight loss is sudden or unexplained, it can be a sign that something is wrong. This type of weight loss should never be ignored and is important to have checked out right away.

What To Do If Your Pet Has Lost Weight

If you are noticing that your pet is looking a little trimmer than usual, it is important to think about any changes that may be affecting his or her calorie intake and expenditure.

A change in your pet’s diet or activity level might easily explain weight loss. If this is the case, assess whether the weight loss was necessary or whether you need to make changes to allow for weight gain. If you are not sure, consult with your veterinarian. Continue…

Allergy Testing for Pets

itches puppyIf you have a dog or cat with allergies, you probably know how frustrating the symptoms (and your pet’s suffering) can be. Just as with people, there is no cure for allergies in pets. Instead, owners and their veterinarians are left to try to manage the symptoms as best they can.

For some pets, we are able to help the immune system to become less reactive to allergens. You may know a person who needs to get allergy injections periodically. This type of treatment, called immunotherapy, is available for pets as well, and can result in decreased sensitivity to allergens, and decreased allergy symptoms. But, if you’re interested in getting a pet started with immunotherapy, it must begin with allergy testing.

Allergy Testing for Pets

The term ‘allergy testing’ is a little misleading. We are already pretty sure that patients undergoing testing have an airborne allergy, but this type of testing will assess what, exactly, your pet is allergic to. This is done by testing the pet’s skin reactions to a variety of allergens that are likely to be contributing to the pet’s Continue…

Planning for a Pet Sitter

iStock_000020863550_LargeAs you plan your summer vacation this year, you’re probably wondering what to do with your pets. For many pet owners, boarding their four-legged friends at a local kennel is the only option they will consider, but for others, the idea of keeping their pets at home, under the care of a pet sitter, is an appealing thought, too.

But how do you hire a pet sitter? What should you look for? And, perhaps most importantly, what information should you leave for your pet’s temporary guardian? Before you hit the road, consider these tips and use them to make up your mind on what care is best for your pet while you’re away.

Reasons to Hire a Pet Sitter

While a boarding kennel or pet resort might be a fun option for some pets, not all animals thrive outside of their home environment. This is especially true if your pet suffers from severe separation anxiety.

Letting your pet stay at home and hiring a pet sitter can be just the answer for this situation: your pet gets to stay in his or her home environment and can rest easy knowing that home is still home, and that your return is assured. Continue…

The Responsibilities of Pet Ownership

iStock_000016717969_SmallThe level of companionship and devotion you can get from a furry or feathered friend is unlike anything you can get elsewhere. Pet ownership can bring you years of rewarding experiences, but owning a pet is hard work, too. There are a lot of important responsibilities that you have to be willing to take on for the privilege of your pet’s love.

Unfortunately, not everyone understands the responsibilities of pet ownership before they jump in. It’s important that you know what owning a pet entails before you adopt. Here are a few key considerations…


Owning a pet is a commitment for the life of the animal. Far too many people jump into pet ownership, only to return the animal to the shelter or give it away when they realize that they can’t live up to the care their pet needs. Know that you will be taking care of a life, and that that life is depending on you for its Continue…

Pot and Pets

Very good dogAs medical marijuana becomes more commonplace in Michigan, it’s easy to forget that the drug doesn’t necessarily have the same medicinal (or recreational) effects on our pets as it does for us.

This is especially true of medical grade marijuana, which is often grown to have higher levels of THC (and potency). Or, it has been synthetically formulated to pack a powerful punch in the face of the serious illness symptoms it is designed to treat. Because of this, it’s vitally important to your pets that you don’t become careless with your prescription, and leave it somewhere that is easily accessible to pets.

Here’s what to know when it comes to pot and pets…

Stash Your Stash

Pets are, by nature, curious creatures, and are often curious about whatever captures your attention – especially if it smells interesting. Continue…

When is it Time to Say Goodbye to Your Pet?


As a pet owner, the most difficult decision you will make is the one concerning your pet’s end of life care. While some pets will pass naturally and peacefully at the end of a life well lived, this is often the exception and, sadly, not rule, when it comes to our pet’s passing.

The decision to euthanize a pet is rarely easy, even if it is “for the best”. It is also a deeply personal decision for you and your family, as you are your pet’s voice and care advocate. Our reasons for having our beloved friend and family member cross the Rainbow Bridge are as personal and varied as our relationships with our pets are.

For some it may, heartbreakingly, be a matter of money, and not being able to afford the intensive treatments needed to extend our pet’s life. For others, it may be that our pet’s battle against a life-threatening condition has become too much to bear. While for others, it may simply be Continue…