Everything You Want to Know About Black Cats and Halloween

It’s Halloween, and images of black cats are everywhere. Have you ever stopped to wonder how the black cat became associated with the holiday? Keep reading to learn everything you ever needed to know about black cats and Halloween.

The History of Black Cats and Halloween

No one knows exactly how black cats and Halloween have become so closely linked. It may have something to do with how stealthy and slinky these beautiful animals can be, often hunting in the darker hours. Black and the night have long been symbols of evil due to the fears of our ancestors.

Many of the old Pagan religions also associated the black cat with witchcraft and evil. This carried through into Medieval times, where witches were said to take the form of a black cat at their will. During the witch trials, black cats were often burned at the stake alongside witches.


How Fluoroscopy is Helping Michigan Pets

Using fluoroscopy for less invasive surgeries

Using fluoroscopy for less invasive surgeries

While X-rays allow us to see inside your pet so that we can better diagnose and treat him or her, they have limitations. A technique known as fluoroscopy allows us to overcome some of the shortcomings of traditional X-rays which capture one moment in time. Imagine X-rays, only in motion! This technique is creating new options in interventional radiology, minimally-invasive fracture repair, and tracheal stent repair for our patients at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services.

What is Fluoroscopy?

Fluoroscopy is a technique that uses low doses of continuous X-rays transmitted through the area of concern onto a fluorescent screen. These X-rays create a real-time moving image of structures within our patients’ bodies. This allows us to capture images, monitor procedures, and even manipulate the video as we work. Continue…

An Owner’s Guide to Lumps and Bumps on Pets

haired hunting dog on a black backgroundWhen you stumble across something on your pet that wasn’t there before, it can be a very disconcerting feeling. Is it a tick? A discarded piece of bubblegum? Cancer???

Pets often have such thick coats that we neglect to find small bumps until they become somewhat large. Some lumps and bumps on pets are no big deal at all, while others can be worrisome. Be sure you know how to handle your next bumpy encounter. Continue…

Nose to Tail: How to Perform a Pet Skin Check

dog trainingA pet’s skin is his or her largest organ, so monitoring and maintaining good skin health is an important part of having a happy, healthy pet. Allergies, irritations, infections, parasites, lumps and bumps can all affect pet skin. Take the time to learn how to perform a thorough pet skin check to be sure you are keeping your four-legged friend in tip-top shape.

How to Perform a Pet Skin Check

It is probably best to sit down once a month and really look at your pet closely. You may wish to keep a small notebook to document findings. Get comfortable in a well-lit area of your home. It is probably easiest to put small dogs or cats up on a counter so that you can really see what you are doing, but your lap will work too. Start at the nose and work your way back to the tail. Be sure to look at the following: Continue…

Our 2015 TEAR Cancer Fundraiser Evening

Fundraiser 2014_2 It’s that time again! We are so pleased to announce our annual TEAR Cancer Fundraiser event. Join us Friday, October 23rd, 2015, at the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham for a buffet dinner, live and silent auction and the Bugaboo Whitt Memorial Raffle all to benefit TEAR Foundation.

You can purchase single tickets for $100 each, or an entire table of 10 for $950 including champagne toast and introduction. It is going to be an exciting, fun and productive evening to help pets with cancer.


Pet Respiratory Problems: A Primer for Owners

Beautiful dog during medical appointmentIf you have ever had trouble breathing, you know how scary a feeling it can be. There are many causes of breathing trouble in pets, just as with people, but they all result in difficulty taking a breath.

If you have a pet who can’t catch his or her breath, we are going to teach you what you need to know. Pet respiratory problems shouldn’t be taken lightly. Keep reading so that you can breathe easier when caring for your breathing-challenged pet.

Signs of Respiratory Problems

If your pet is having trouble breathing, it is important to have him or her examined right away. Even mild problems can progress rapidly, and you don’t want to wait until things are bad. Continue…

When You Gotta Go: Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs

dog with UTI

Urinary tract infections are not pleasant, whether you have two legs or four. When the urinary tract (the bladder, kidneys, or ureters between the two) are host to bacteria, no one is happy. Keep reading to learn about UTIs in dogs and what we can do.

Signs of Urinary Tract Infections in Dogs

Sometimes, despite our body’s best efforts, bacteria can make its way up the urethra into the bladder. Most urinary tract infections in dogs never move beyond the bladder, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t bad news. While UTIs rarely result in systemic infection and remain local, they can cause irritation and discomfort. Continue…

Getting to Know (and Avoid) Leptospirosis

Xtra_iStock_000037649852_LargeAsk many dog owners what their biggest fear is regarding canine diseases or illnesses and they may say parvo or rabies. And with good reason as the core vaccines for dogs focus on the big four: canine parvovirus, distemper, canine hepatitis, and rabies. But, depending on your dog’s level of exposure to the outdoors, or to crowded kennels and dog parks, it can be equally important to vaccinate against diseases like leptospirosis which are too often ignored.

To truly understand what vaccines are needed for your pet, begin by educating yourself on some of the common diseases, such as leptospirosis. Continue…

Snooze Fest: Stimulation For A Bored Pet

7Hills_iStock_000006967561_LargeVeterinary medicine and nutrition are good for your pet, but pet owners shouldn’t overlook environmental enrichment and stimulation as important components of an animal’s overall health and wellbeing. Even the most dedicated or involved pet owner may start to notice the tell-tale signs of a bored pet; especially if you’re walking by the same ol’ smells, day after day.

Life gets hectic, we all get a bit older everyday, and the old antics from kitten or puppy hood give way to a more sedentary life. Even for pets that have a stretch of backyard to play in, boredom (and maybe even bad behavior) can easily set in. But, with a new approach to your pet’s environmental enrichment, it doesn’t have to be this way. Continue…