Meeting the Needs of a Disabled Pet

cat three leggedAdopting a pet is big commitment, one that typically lasts over a decade and involves numerous supportive elements for long-term wellness. Adopted or rescued pets love unconditionally (as all pets do), and a critical component of pet ownership is accepting pets as they are. But, what happens when a pet is – or becomes – disabled?

Certainly, the various needs of a disabled pet might be challenging at first, but the benefits are far-reaching, all-consuming, and deeply felt.

Together Forever

Whether your pet came to you with disabilities, or you are learning how to adjust to a disability, there is hope. Modern technological advances make it easier to care for a disabled pet than ever before. While many disabilities affect quality and length of life, many others allow us to provide the care they need for health and wellness, and promote a normal life expectancy.


Delicious Pumpkin Pet Treats and More

Children in stage costumes of wizards with cat at HalloweenFall has arrived, and with it comes the inevitable smorgasbord of pumpkin flavored products. Pumpkin coffee, pumpkin bread, pumpkin pasta, and pumpkin beer are widely available. There are even pumpkin spice hair and nail colors to choose from at your local salon.

The pumpkin trend appears to be firmly rooted in our culture for the time being, so why not let pets in on the fun? Pumpkin pet treats are easy to make, and can bring happiness (and nutrition) to your pet’s day.

Pumpkin Pet Treats

Fall’s favorite squash is not only versatile; it’s packed with nutrients such as vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium, and beta-carotene. Pumpkins are also low-calorie, high-fiber, and fairly inexpensive this time of year. Continue…

On Pins and Needles:  Acupuncture for Pets with Cancer

Vet doing acupuncture treatmentWhen a pet is diagnosed with cancer, their human family members are often on a mission to find answers. Thankfully, we have more options than ever before when it comes to treating animal neoplasia. Some treatments are more traditional – such as chemotherapy and radiation, while others fall into the alternative or complementary category. Learn how Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is making life better for our patients by utilizing acupuncture for pets with cancer.

Not Just Needles

While some people may turn a skeptical eye towards treatments like acupuncture, alternative non-traditional treatments are gaining popularity. Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and is a mainstay of Eastern medicine. Continue…

It’s That Time Again: Our 2016 TEAR Cancer Fundraiser

Pug with hospital maskAt Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, helping pets in need is our passion; which is why October is such an exciting month for us! After much planning and many preparations, we are thrilled to announce the arrival of our annual TEAR Cancer Evening & Auction fundraising event, October 21, 2016 at the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham.

Our TEAR fundraiser will include a scrumptious buffet dinner, a live and silent auction, and a variety of raffles, including the Lucky Charms raffle and the Bugaboo Whitt Memorial raffle. Tickets are priced at $100 each, or you may purchase a table of 10, along with a champagne toast and introduction, for $950. Continue…

Trouble Brewing: Hops Toxicity in Dogs

Beautiful smiling dogYou probably know that sharing your brew with Fido isn’t smart or safe, but few people realize that the hops used to make beer are also toxic to pets. With the increase in people brewing their own beers, more people now have hops in their homes or gardens. If you are among those who have taken up home brewing, keep reading so that you can know all you need to about hops toxicity in dogs.

The Problem with Hops

Hops, better known to you scientific types as Humulus lupulus, are a type of plant used in brewing beer. It isn’t known exactly what the toxic component in the plant is, but we do know that hops toxicity in dogs (and actually cats as well) is a very real and dangerous thing. Continue…

Combating Pain in Pets: It’s What We Do

Boxer PuppyOur pets are arguably one of the best parts of life. We naturally want to do what is best for them. They deserve it, after all.

We are better than ever at recognizing when pets are hurting and have more options for managing pain in pets now that we have a better understanding of how our pets experience pain. Learn how Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is working everyday to keep your special furry friends as comfortable as possible.

Understanding the Physiology of Pain

Our pet patients experience pain for many reasons. It may be related to an injury, a surgery, an orthopedic problem, or even a disease process such as pancreatitis or cancer. Continue…

What You Need to Know About Canine Parvovirus

Pug with tongue hanging outCanine parvovirus, also known as parvo, is a highly contagious illness that can be passed to any dog, particularly unvaccinated dogs and puppies under 4 months old. Is your dog protected? It’s a serious matter as parvovirus affects the gastrointestinal tract and, if left untreated, can cause death within 48 to 72 hours.

Be sure that you have all of the information you need to protect your dog from canine parvovirus. When it comes to parvo and your dog, it’s essential to understand what parvo is, how it is spread, and how to protect your pet.

Symptoms of Canine Parvovirus

Canine parvovirus attacks the white blood cells, rendering the body unable to combat the virus effectively. It also invades the cells in the intestine, leading to severe gastrointestinal distress for the infected dog. Severe vomiting and diarrhea associated with the disease leads to dehydration and eventual shock, as the damaged intestines may be unable to keep bacteria and other toxins from leaking into the bloodstream. Continue…

Not Always Easy as ABC: What to Know About Service Dogs in Schools

Enjoying SchoolWe’ve all seen firsthand or heard stories of the wonderful ways in which service dogs are trained to help people. From dogs trained to guide visually impaired individuals, to those who can detect and alert a person of an impending seizure or blood sugar drop, there is no question that service dogs impact the lives of their owners in profoundly positive ways.

These amazing animals help children as well as adults, but complications can arise when it comes to having service dogs in schools.

What is a Service Dog?

A “service animal”, as defined by the American Disabilities Act (ADA), is a dog that is trained to do work or perform tasks that benefit an individual with a disability. This includes sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, and other disabilities. The tasks a service dog performs must be directly related to the person’s disability. Service dogs are not considered “pets”. Continue…

No Class: Avoiding Back to School Pet Problems

Miniature schnauzer dog studyingIt’s about time for the kids to go back to school, and that often means big changes in your household. You may notice your dog suffering from anxiety, or even acting out, as the house is emptier during the day and everyone gets into the swing of the new fall routine. Thankfully, you may be able to prevent these back to school pet problems before they start, or help your pup to make an easier transition.

The First Step is Admitting There is a Problem

A dog’s anxiety can take numerous forms. Often owners recognize that there is a change in behavior or personality, but they may not be able to put their finger on the cause. Other times, the symptoms are more obvious. Continue…

Ear Infections in Dogs and How to Avoid Them

Lovely big-eared friendSome pet owners get to experience more than their fair share of ear problems in their furry wards. A few of you may even be regulars at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services’ dermatology department.

While some ear infections in dogs may be unavoidable, you can help eliminate or minimize the occurrence of many ear infections. Learn more about what you can do to help your dog steer clear of them where possible.

Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear infections in dogs are usually a different type of ear problem than the ear infections we talk about in people but both human and dog ears are comprised of three main parts: Continue…