Apartment Living With Pets: Tips For A Successful Situation

OVRS_iStock_000024652323_LargeLiving with a pet in a condo, apartment, or other small space may seem like an insurmountable challenge: no yard, lots of neighbors, flights of stairs to navigate, etc. But with more and more families downsizing to smaller living spaces, these particular pet care issues are becoming more important than ever.

Fortunately, it’s not only possible to keep your pet happy and satisfied within the confines of a small space, but it can often be a deeply rewarding experience. Consider the following guidelines for successful apartment living with pets.

No Pets Allowed?

This may seem obvious, but the first step to successful apartment living with pets is to receive express permission from the landlord before bringing a pet into your home. Conversely, if you are planning on a move to a rental and either already have a pet or are considering adopting one in the future, make sure your new home has a “pets allowed” policy. Continue…

On the Frontlines of the Battle Against Cancer: Electrochemotherapy for Pets

Girl grooming of his dog at homeCancer is a formidable foe, and science is still in its infancy when it comes to mounting a battle against it. Thankfully, we have more options than ever before to treat cancer in our veterinary patients, and have a great deal of success. Our failures are still too high for our liking, however, and we are always looking for new ways to combat this common disease.

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is excited to be offering a newer treatment technology for our patients with cancer. Electrochemotherapy in pets is an exciting option that we hope will allow us to win a few more of our battles.

The Ins and Outs of Electrochemotherapy for Pets

Every cancer is different, and there is no one-sized fits all treatment plan for every pet and every cancer. The more tools we have at our disposal, however, the better our odds of beating cancer. Continue…

Quiet Heroes: Saluting America’s K9 Veterans

OVRS_iStock_000003405555_LargeStrong. Intelligent. Stately. Loyal. Dedicated. Just a few of the many adjectives one could use to describe U.S. military dogs.

Vietnam veteran and former military dog handler Joseph J. White felt the same way, which is why he founded National K9 Veterans’ Day (March 13th), a day intended to honor all military and working dogs for their service and their sacrifices for our nation.

Military Dogs Throughout The Ages

The first recorded use of dogs in battle was around 600 B.C.. Canines went on to be used by the Egyptians, Greeks, Persians, Romans, and ancient Far East cultures during wars and battles. Here in the U.S., the employment of military dogs began during the Civil War, where dogs served as messenger senders and guards for prisoners. Continue…

St. Patrick’s Day Pet Safety Tips


OVRS_iStock_000003056205_LargeSt. Patrick’s Day is right around the corner, and with it come the inevitable parties, traditional Irish food, and the wearing of green. Named after St. Patrick, the most recognized patron saint of Ireland, this day is celebrated around the country, regardless of whether or not the celebrators are of Irish descent!

Because pets are increasingly being considered full-fledged family members, it makes sense that some of us will want to include our four-legged-friends in our St. Patty’s Day festivities. Before you follow that rainbow out the door, however, take a moment to bone up on some important St. Patrick’s Day pet safety tips.

St. Patrick’s Day Pet Safety 101

Don’t leave your pet’s safety to luck, keep the following ideas in mind when celebrating St. Patrick’s Day with your pets this year: Continue…

Girls in Veterinary Science: The Sky’s the Limit

Billings_OVRS_iStock_000064223829_LargeThe month of March is a big one for girls and women everywhere. Each year, the Expanding Your Horizons Network holds a conference for girls in grades six through ten to engage in activities promoting opportunities for them in science, technology, engineering, and math fields. It is a great opportunity for these young ladies to learn all about the options that await them in the world.

Veterinary medicine is a science-based field that is full of opportunity for women of all ages. Learn more about girls in veterinary science and what prospects await them.

Girls Rule

Women are becoming a larger and larger majority of the veterinary field. As of 2009, this once male-dominated workplace has shifted to the majority of practitioners being women. And, with the majority of veterinary school enrollees being women too, this doesn’t appear to be changing any time soon. Continue…

On the Frontiers: Immunotherapy for Cancer in Pets


Beautiful dog during medical appointmentCancer affects our lives every day, and cancer in our pets is no exception. We are constantly on the hunt to find better, more effective ways to treat and hopefully cure cancers of all types. Oakland Veterinary Referral Services has an oncology department dedicated to helping our patients beat cancer, and this means incorporating the newest and most promising techniques into our treatment protocols.

Immunotherapy is one of those newer and more cutting edge ways to combat cancer. While knowledge about this technique is still in its infancy, we are learning more and more every day about how it can be used in our pets. Immunotherapy for cancer in pets is just one of the powerful tools we at OVRS have in our arsenal to defeat this disease. Continue…

Knowing What to Say (and Not Say) in Uncomfortable Pet Situations

SONY DSCMaybe your neighbor’s dog has been handed a very sad prognosis, a co-worker’s cat has passed away suddenly, or your sister is spending thousands of dollars on treatments for her guinea pig. These situations can be difficult. Even for the most experienced of us, it is hard to know what to say and how to react. It is especially challenging for non pet owners who haven’t experienced the human-animal bond themselves. Thankfully, there are a few tricks to help know what to say (and not to say) in uncomfortable pet situations.

Taking on a New Perspective in Uncomfortable Pet Situations

No matter what the situation, the loss of a pet, or loss of his or her health, is difficult for those in that pet’s life. Our pets are with us through thick and thin, through major life events, and are the epitome of unconditional love in our lives. Continue…

All You Need Is Love: Celebrating Valentine’s Day With Your Pet

Valentine's Day with a PetAs Valentine’s Day approaches, do you find yourself wondering what type of treat to purchase for your precious pooch or cuddly kitty? Are you almost as (or maybe more) excited about spending the evening curled up by the fire with your four-legged-friend than your significant other? When you think of love, is your pet one of those that comes instantly to mind?

If this sounds like you, rest assured that you are not alone. According to a recent survey from the National Retail Federation, one in five Americans will be pampering their pets this Valentine’s Day, spending an estimated $703 million on pets from dogs to goldfish (yes, even some goldfish get gifts on Valentine’s Day).

At OVRS we love all pets and can’t imagine not including them in our Valentine’s Day celebrations! We have put together a list of fun and unique ways you can show your best pal just how much you care. Continue…

Awareness Is Everything: The Importance Of Pet Dental Health

iStock_000081523419_MediumOne of the most common diseases seen by most veterinarians is pet dental disease, and it’s no surprise. Up to 85% of dogs and cats show signs of dental disease by age 3 and lack of dental care can cause the disease to worsen over time.

February 1 marks the beginning of pet dental health month for regular wellness veterinarians. What better time to brush up on the ins and outs of pet dental health and the ways you can work with your veterinarian to help maintain your pet’s dental and overall health? Continue…

Walkin’ In A Winter Wonderland: Cold Weather Pet Activities

dog making splashes of snow. Jack Russell Terrier playing on sunSnow? Ice? Freezing temps? …No problem!

Here in Michigan we’re used to winter (though blizzards may be a challenge), and we know that it’s no excuse not to give our pets the daily exercise and mental stimulation they need. Your friends at OVRS want you and your pet to enjoy everything winter in Michigan has to offer. We’ve compiled a list of popular winter pet activities for you and your pet. Whether you’re the outdoorsy type or prefer to avoid the elements, there’s something for everyone! Continue…