The Lowdown on Cat and Dog Treats

Treats are an important part of rewarding your dog or cat. In moderation, cat and dog treats are great. They offer motivation during house training and basic commands, offer appeasement during times of stress, let you to bond with your pet, and are just generally tasty. But food-based rewards can also lead to obesity and health problems. 

Your team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services understands the importance of pet treats. This blog is to give you insights into pet treats and suggest forms of reward that are healthy alternatives to treats.


Canine Physical Therapy–Does It Help With Recovery?

Rehabilitation or physical therapy can benefit your dog in many ways, including speeding up the healing process and ensuring better mobility and long term health. After any injury or surgery, plan to devote a substantial amount of time to your dog’s healing. Recovery is critical in healing and in minimizing the effects of physical trauma.


Pet Weight Loss Facts: No Pain, No Gain?

Overweight cat sitting on floor

Weight Loss is Confusing in the Pet World Too

In the world of diets and weight management, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. One diet says to eat only healthy fats, while another says bacon is fine. One weight loss regime focuses on healthy protein, while another has you fasting on green smoothies. Confusing? Yes! We are seeing the same confusion around why pets gain weight and what they should eat.

It’s great to keep your pet at a healthy weight and avoid obesity, which causes many health problems. But, how does a pet owner gauge a healthy weight and the right approach to keeping fur friends on the right dietary track? The team at OVRS is here to separate fact from myths.


Helping Your Arthritic Pet Get More Exercise

A senior pet sits looking upwards, moth agape.

Senior pets (and those who have had an orthopedic injury) are prone to arthritis. If your pet suffers from chronic arthritis, you may believe that they should avoid exercise and take it easy as much as possible. While there are reasons to avoid jumping or other rambunctious activities, all pets – including those with arthritis – need some level of exercise.

To help you get your arthritic pet moving and feeling better, try our suggestions for low impact exercise. It will have them moving and feeling better!


Therapeutic Diets for Pets: Using the Power of Nutrition to Heal

therapeutic diets for petsThere is no denying that the food we eat has an impact on our health, energy, and overall wellbeing. It is, therefore, no surprise that we have found the same to be true for our animal companions. Where once the family Fido was given leftover scraps, or inexpensive commercial kibble, we now find that quality nutrition is important in determining quality of life and longevity.

Prescription diets, or now more often referred to as therapeutic diets, for pets have come a long way since their introduction a few decades ago. But, what does a therapeutic diet offer, versus a commercial diet, and how can it actually benefit your pet?

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to give you some food for thought.


Turkey Troubles: Pet Pancreatitis and the Holiday Season

pet pancreatitisThanksgiving is just around the corner, and most of us are anxiously awaiting all of the delicious foods. The turkey and gravy, the stuffing, the fluffy rolls fresh from the oven, and – oh boy – the pumpkin pie! Thanksgiving is truly a time for giving thanks for all of our bounties, including the delectable dishes.

Unfortunately, the holiday season is also rife with pet emergency cases relating to pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal problems. Your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services want to explain why pet pancreatitis is a serious emergency that should give you pause before letting Fido partake in the holiday feast.


Cancer in Cats: Recognizing and Reducing the Risk for Your Feline Friend

cancer in catsCancer…the word itself is unsettling, yet most of us know someone who has been touched by this terrible disease. A cancer diagnosis is equally scary when it concerns a beloved cat. For many cat parents out there, this unfortunate disease can hit too close to home.

A number of symptoms can potentially signal cancer development, so know what to look out for in order to help catch it early. More importantly, learn how to reduce risk before cancer develops. While it is true that cancer cases are not always preventable, there are impactful ways you can reduce your cat’s chances of a cancer diagnosis.

Your team at OVRS is here to help reduce the likelihood of cancer in cats with some essential steps for its prevention.


A Look Inside: Canine Stifle Arthroscopy

stifle arthroscopyA stifle joint – essentially your dog’s knee – is one of the most vulnerable parts of the canine anatomy. It is common for dogs to rupture or strain their cranial cruciate ligament (which connects the thigh bone to the lower leg at the knee) through injury, accident, obesity, or degenerative joint disease. A tear or rupture of the cruciate ligament destabilizes the stifle joint, triggering inflammation and pain, cartilage damage, meniscal injuries and ultimately pelvic lameness or osteoarthritis.


Entertainment, Stimulation, and Exercise After Your Pet’s Surgery

pet surgeryAfter surgery, it’s very likely that your pet will be ordered to rest and remain calm during recovery (and we’re sure you want them to rest too!). Depending on the procedure, your pet may be restricted in movement, diet, and other aspects of daily life in order to promote healing. But what does this time of rest during recovery actually mean for your pet?

If you’ve ever had surgery, being relegated to sleep and a restricted regimen can be quite boring. The same is true for your pet post-surgery. Because all animals need enrichment and stimulation, it’s necessary to create games, activities, and other positive outlets that can promote wellbeing during this time.

A happy pet, after all, typically enjoys a faster recovery time. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services has some suggestions for activities and exercises after your pet’s surgery.


What New Studies on Pets Reveal About Our Furry Friends

pet studiesHalf of all American households include pets. Considering companion animals have been part of our lives since the hunter-gatherer days, it makes sense that we would devote considerable time and resources to studying them.

Indeed, scientists are constantly looking for new ways to learn about our four-legged friends, and pet owners are just as eager to find out what makes their pets tick! By taking a look at  some of the new studies on pets, we can gain considerable insights into our furry best pals.
