loss of a petThe loss of a precious pet is one of the hardest things a pet owner can imagine, and the process of grieving and coming to acceptance takes time. This period of time is different for everyone, and the extent of the grieving process is unique to the individual. However, for most pet lovers, a house is just not a home without a loving purr or a wagging tail.

Eventually, many decide to open their hearts and homes to a new furry pal, but wonder when is the right time to adopt another best friend. There are many factors in choosing to adopt another loved one after the loss of a pet, and we are here to help guide you through this hopeful process.

Loss of a Pet

Grief comes in five stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Those who have lost a dear pet are not immune to this process. Some may continue to grieve for several months, unable to imagine any other pet companion; while others may find comfort in being around new animals. This important time can be honored in the way that best suits you. Yes, wisdom discourages running out to adopt while still in the throes of sadness, but only you know when the time is right to adopt.

When You’re Ready to Adopt

If you have decided that you are ready to adopt a pet, you may be wondering about timing, how it will feel with an entirely new pet companion in the home, how to deal with any emotions that may come up, and a number of other concerns.

Here are a few suggestions from your friends at OVRS:

  1. Choose your own timing. We want to emphasize this because there are likely numerous opinions that may or may not dissuade you from adopting. Be true to what feels right for you. If you believe you are ready and have the means to bring in another wonderful critter, then the time is now.
  2. Understand that love is abundant. Just because you lost your best friend, the love you have to give another deserving pet is there. Love is never-ending and by opening your heart, you will reap the rewards of this opportunity to deeply care for a new pet.
  3. Memories will come. When bringing a new pet into the home, there may be memories that arise that remind you of your departed pet, such as a placement of the food bowl or favorite sleeping spot in the sun. These memories may come with a sense of heartache, but they can also remind you of the important memories you created during your pet’s incredible life with you.
  4. It will be different. When you share a strong bond with a pet, it’s hard to imagine ever bonding with any other. This is a natural feeling, and you may even experience a bit of guilt if you choose to adopt. Remember that each pet is unique. Your new four-legged friend will have so much to share, too. It will be different, and it will grow into another wonderful bond.
  5. Keep an open mind. As with any new beginnings, relaxing and remaining open-minded will help while you adjust to your pet. By being open-minded, you will come to see some amazing qualities in your adoptee and allow them to fully blossom into the best and healthiest fur friend they can be.
  6. Enjoy the process…all of it.There will be waves of emotion, little reminders of your departed pet, frustrations with housetraining, a few puddles, getting to know your new friend, and all the feels! It is a process; whether dealing with endings or beginnings, the flux is always constant. Try to enjoy this. Every little bit. Over time, you and your new pet will have a lasting bond that is unimaginably rich, meaningful, and joyful.

Celebrations After the Loss of a Pet

When you lose an old companion, it is never easy. The road to healing a broken heart may be long. Just as you have the opportunity to celebrate a newly adopted animal, so, too, you can celebrate the life of your departed pet in many ways. From memorial garden plaques or stepping stones to donating to a favorite rescue in your pet’s honor, the love you shared will never leave.

If we can help answer any questions about healing from the loss of a pet or adopting a wonderful new little being, your friends at OVRS are here for you.