learn about your petWhew! Independence Day was one amazing holiday. From its signature display of fireworks to its call for the ultimate all American burger (you still won’t share your recipe, right?), we think most people agree that the Fourth of July is pretty darn great.

However, now that the fun is over, what did you learn about your pet? Did your pet spend part of the holiday trembling in fear? For most animals, this holiday isn’t on their list of favorite things. It’s noisy, scary and filled with tempting people-food. Let’s take a moment to review some of the things you may have noticed and can learn about your pet this Fourth of July that you may want to think about for upcoming holidays.

Is Your Pet Scared of Fireworks?

One of the most important questions pet owners should ask themselves post-holiday is whether their pets experienced fear. Pets with noise anxiety can be afraid of fireworks. No one wants to watch their pet shiver in fear. That fear can also present several risks, most notably escape (4th of July has the highest incidence of lost pets). Noise anxiety can escalate into a phobia with trembling, hiding, vocalization, pacing, and house soiling.

If your pet displayed any of these concerning symptoms, we encourage you to speak with your veterinarian regarding options for medication or other beneficial approaches to noise anxiety.

With any pet, it’s a good idea to assume some level of fear when it comes to noise. Therefore, please continue to take precautions, like keeping your pet inside during storms or other loud occurrences.

Life of the Party or a Wallflower?

If your pet is all about parties, this can be wonderful – especially if you like to throw them. Unfortunately, some pets get the idea that parties equal opportunities to beg for food, which can lead to upset tummies or, even worse, pancreatitis or poisoning. It’s perfectly acceptable to allow your pet to join in on the fun – just make sure it isn’t the feasting part.

Nervous or shy pets can also be overwhelmed by new people and experiences. In this case, consider boarding your pet next year or finding a cozy spot in your home (with toys) for him or her to relax.

Your Dog’s Behavior

Unfortunately, one of the things you may learn about your pet is that he or she is, well, kind of a jerk to other animals or people. If your pet is unusually aggressive or displays problematic behavior, it’s best to address these with training and/or a behavioral consultation to avoid conflict in the future.

On the other hand, it’s also possible for a dog to be a little too affectionate. You know the type: the one constantly humping other dogs or the one who jumps excitedly onto laps for some attention. Keep in mind, not everyone loves your dog as much as you do, so arrange for your pet to take a timeout if he or she starts displaying “OMG PEOPLE!” enthusiasm to the point of annoyance.

What Else Did You Learn About Your Pet?

The Fourth of July can bring out the best (and worst) behaviors in our animal companions. However, this learning experience is invaluable when planning for future celebrations (like next year’s Fourth of July bash!).

What did you learn about your pet? Tell us on our Facebook page!