Our kitties may be the main characters of our own lives, but feline additions to literary classics are a true treat for any cat lover. If you’re like us, adding a cat to a book or a poem is a great way to garner attention (and adoration). We like to think some of these classics are so popular because of their cat components. Come with us on this literary journey of some of the most famous cats in literature.

Famous Cats in Literature: The Cheshire Cat

Lewis Carrol really knew what he was doing when he included The Cheshire Cat as a significant character in his beloved novel Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. This feline uses riddles and paradoxes to offer advice to Alice without ever revealing his true intentions. This feels very on-brand for many of the cats we know and love in real life. Long before the book was adapted into a movie, readers were able to create a clear picture of this enigmatic cat-acter in their minds and hearts. 

Famous Cats in Literature: The Cat in the Hat 

The Cat in the Hat is another quirky cat character, one who was created in the imagination of the formidable Dr. Seuss. In his book The Cat in the Hat, the titular feline causes trouble for young Sally and her brother. His mischievous ideas are full of personality, which makes him another memorable literary cat that continues to leave a soft space in our hearts and minds. 

Famous Cats in Literature: Bagheera

Rudyard Kipling explored the world of the exotic animal kingdom in his books The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book. One of the most beloved characters from these books is Bagheera, a black panther who provides young Mowgli with protection and friendship. His gentle yet powerful presence was an excellent addition to the story. 

Famous Cats in Literature: Pangur Ban

While felines in books get a lot of notoriety, there are plenty of poems with cats that have left their mark throughout history. One of these is “Pangur Ban,” which was written in the 9th century by an anonymous Irish monk. Named after his beloved feline, the prose describes how the cat enhanced his life, a tale to which most cat owners can relate.

Famous Cats in Literature: She Sights a Bird

Even the prolific Emily Dickinson included some feline observations in her writing. Her poem “She sights a bird – she chuckles” offers an incredibly descriptive vision of a cat in the thralls of watching her prey.

Famous Cats in Literature: The Owl and The Pussycat

Edward Lear’s exciting take on cats in his poem “The Owl and the Pussycat” also makes our list. Although this poem leaves some readers scratching their heads to discover its true meaning, it’s clever rhymes and sweet love story between an owl and a cat make it hard to resist.

From famous cats in literature to those special kitties in our lives, OVRS is all about those cats. We provide top-tier specialty and emergency veterinary medicine for cats and dogs so they can keep enhancing the stories of our lives. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, please call (248) 334-6877.