Woman working on computer with dogHi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go, this time with our dog! That’s right, national Take Your Dog To Work day is right around the corner (June 24th this year to be exact), and if you have the right type of dog, and the right type of boss, you may be looking forward to this annual event.

Since every day is take your dog (or cat) to work day here at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we figured we would share our tips for a safe and successful workplace visit for you and your best pal.

Know Thy Dog

After clearing it with your boss, of course, the first step in getting ready to bring your dog to work should be to honestly assess your dog to see if he or she has what it takes for a full day of work. Is your dog…

  • Housetrained? – This seems obvious, but your dog should be fully house trained before joining you at work. After all, the office is no place for dog pee.
  • Overly anxious? – If your dog is extremely shy or timid, or finds new people and places overwhelming, he or she is better off at home.
  • Aggressive? – Dogs who have shown aggression towards people or other dogs in the past are not good candidates for a day in the office.
  • Recently groomed? – If not, give him or her a bath and a good brushing the night before. First impressions are everything, after all.

Safety First

Of course, the safety of your dog and your coworkers is of the utmost importance. Keep the following safety tips in mind:

  • Check with your coworkers to make sure there aren’t any dog allergies. If anyone is allergic, leave Fido at home.
  • Dog-proof your workspace by removing any poisonous plants or chemicals. If your dog is a chewer, secure or hide cords and wires, and put anything your dog might chew on out of the way.
  • Many people foods are toxic for dogs so play it safe and don’t assume they know what is safe or allow co-workers to feed your dog unless you okay it.
  • For the safety of your dog and any other dog that may be there, make sure he or she is up to date on all vaccines and parasite preventives before the big day.

Bring Your Dog To Work

Planning is key to a triumphant Bring Your Dog To Work Day:

  • Keep plenty of water, healthy treats, and chew toys on hand for your dog.
  • Bring your dog’s crate or bedding and create a spot near your desk for him or her to lie down.
  • Pay attention to your dog. See that he or she isn’t bothering anyone else, getting into the trash, sniffing around the office kitchen, etc. Make sure to take him or her outside plenty of times.
  • …But not too much attention! You still need to get your work done!
  • Finally, clean up after your dog. Bring bags to properly dispose of waste when necessary.

We want you to have a fun and successful Bring Your Dog To Work Day. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns, we are happy to help!