Who doesn’t like to get things for free or on the cheap? Not us! And what fun-loving cat doesn’t love to play in an empty cardboard box–the ultimate cheap cat toy? Not many. The cardboard box is the quintessential kitty playhouse that doesn’t require money or extra toys that clutter up the house. Once your cat finishes with them, you just place the box in recycling.

Recently, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services came across a very cool idea. Amazon (the king of all cardboard box pile-ups) decided to put their necessary needs to good use for our cat companions. They created a box that can be converted into a cat condo. If you are one who has far too many Amazon boxes stuck in storage, then this creative way to make a kitty condo from a cardboard box will pique your interest.

The Less Packaging, More Smiles Initiative

With an aim at being more environmentally conscious, Amazon has adopted an eco-friendly approach to transportation and product design over the past few years. Most recently, they announced a cool design that is less impactful on the earth (and more fun for your pet). These new cardboard boxes can be converted into rocket ships, cat condos, and other cool designs.

Each box has a QR code that you can scan and get the instructions for making these functional cat hiding places. As a part of Amazon’s vision of net-zero carbon emission by 2040, the company is pulling out the stops to reduce waste. This is why their new designs are so incredible. A win for the environment, and a win for your furry one.

Amazon sellers also offer cardboard cat houses in a variety of fun themes. Some come with scratchers and catnip. For the kids, Amazon even designed boxtumes, special designs made out of their cardboard boxes that shoppers can assemble into Halloween or playtime costumes like a car, piece of cake, and other creative costumes. Check them out!

Other Ideas for Cheap Cat Toys

Once you have your box kitty condo in place, why not look for other free and inexpensive items that you can make into cheap cat toys. The sky’s the limit when it comes to your purry pal’s favorite things and many of them can be assembled easily from things you have around the home. 

  1. Toilet paper roll with embellishments – Place a bell inside a toilet paper roll and seal the ends with glue or tape. Or, you can cut slits in the cardboard and slip a variety of straws in to make a more complex plaything to bat around.
  2. Homemade yarn ball cat toy – This is a very cheap way to create a new toy for your purry pal. Buy styrofoam balls at your local craft store and wrap with yarn. Affix the yarn by using some craft glue that will stay in place for a great new ball for your pet.
  3. Feather and sting – This is probably one of your cat’s favorite toys, right? And also the one they demolish quickly. Buy faux feathers at a hobby store and affix them to a string or a string attached to a wooden wand or stick. This is an easy way to make an awesome interactive toy!
  4. Crumpled paper ball – Talk about cheap and easy! Just find a recycled piece of paper and wad it up into a crinkle toy for your fur friend. They will love batting this around, hiding it under the couch, and running after their new plaything.
  5. Bent wire – If you have an old wire hanger or another bendable item, like a pipe cleaner, bend it into whatever shape you wish. Your cat will love scooting these shapes around.
  6. Catnip cave – Use an old box or paper bag and turn it on its side. Then place some loose catnap there for a special little den for your meowy friend.

What are some of your feline’s favorite DIY or cheap cat toys? Have you tried the Amazon boxes yet? We would love to know! Just comment on our Facebook page or mention it to us when you are in for an appointment. 

If you have any questions about the health of your cat or want to schedule an appointment, please call us.