Pet Weight Loss Facts: No Pain, No Gain?

Overweight cat sitting on floor

Weight Loss is Confusing in the Pet World Too

In the world of diets and weight management, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. One diet says to eat only healthy fats, while another says bacon is fine. One weight loss regime focuses on healthy protein, while another has you fasting on green smoothies. Confusing? Yes! We are seeing the same confusion around why pets gain weight and what they should eat.

It’s great to keep your pet at a healthy weight and avoid obesity, which causes many health problems. But, how does a pet owner gauge a healthy weight and the right approach to keeping fur friends on the right dietary track? The team at OVRS is here to separate fact from myths.


Unexplained Weight Loss in Pets

iStock_000010144870_SmallWith over half of the nation’s pet population being obese, many times weight loss in our dogs and cats can be a good thing. Sometimes, though, when a pet’s weight loss is sudden or unexplained, it can be a sign that something is wrong. This type of weight loss should never be ignored and is important to have checked out right away.

What To Do If Your Pet Has Lost Weight

If you are noticing that your pet is looking a little trimmer than usual, it is important to think about any changes that may be affecting his or her calorie intake and expenditure.

A change in your pet’s diet or activity level might easily explain weight loss. If this is the case, assess whether the weight loss was necessary or whether you need to make changes to allow for weight gain. If you are not sure, consult with your veterinarian. Continue…

Healthy Habits for Pets in the New Year

People are not the only ones who can benefit from a New Year’s resolution that centers around health. With winter weather that’s less-than-desirable, and daylight that tends to end far too early, your typical healthy habits might not cut it. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to help you find some healthy habits for pets in the New Year:


Setting Up a Pet-Friendly Space at Home

If you want to help an animal feel welcome in your home, you have to create a space for them. This space should make them feel comfortable and safe and like they belong in your house. Creating these areas in your home means that you are truly opening your house for the love and affection of an animal. Here’s some tips on building a pet-friendly space in your home:


How to Monitor and Control Blood Sugar Levels in a Diabetic Dog or Cat

A diabetes diagnosis can be scary for a pet owner to hear, but it doesn’t have to mean that your pet can’t enjoy a good quality of life. With a little bit of care and attention, pets with diabetes can remain healthy for many years with their favorite human. In order to do this, however, it is vital to monitor and control blood sugar levels in a diabetic dog or cat. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here with some tips on keeping your dog or cat’s diabetes in check:


Living with a Dog or Cat with Diabetes: Tips for Managing Their Health

Diabetes is a disease that occurs when the body cannot properly process glucose. While glucose is vital to powering the cells, if not properly regulated, it can lead to significant health issues. In fact, untreated diabetes in pets can lead to organ failure, blindness, coma, and in extreme cases, death. Luckily, with proper management, a dog or cat with diabetes can live a relatively normal (and healthy) life. Here are some tips on how to keep your pet’s diabetes at bay:


My Cat Is Throwing Up But Seems Fine

Is your cat throwing up but seems fine? Cats are instinctively inclined to hide any weaknesses. This can make it difficult for us as pet owners to determine when there is a health issue at play. Sometimes cats throw up but don’t seem to have any other symptoms of illness. Does this mean they are fine? Your friends at OVRS have created this guide to help you determine when a cat throwing up is nothing to worry about.


Common Life-Threatening Illnesses To Look Out For In Your Dog

The USA is undoubtedly a nation of dog lovers. In fact, cuddly canines are our favorite pet, beating cats and freshwater fish to the top spot in our hearts. However, while many of us may understand the basics of how to care for our precious pooch – such as what type of food to buy, and how much exercise a particular breed may require – when it comes to protecting them from illness, a little extra research is required.


Dogs Love Peanut Butter: Can We Indulge Them?

It is hard to deny that dogs love peanut butter even more than most things. Most of them go truly crazy for this treat. Why do dogs love peanut butter so much? And is it okay to indulge them in this love affair?

Dogs Love Peanut Butter: The Basics

Many canine nutrition specialists think dogs love peanut butter for the same reasons we do. The combination of sweet and salt provides a winning (and memorable) explosion on the tongue. If your dog has ever tasted peanut butter, simply getting a whiff of its scent is enough to trigger the taste memory. 


Heart Disease in Dogs

Heart disease in dogs is more common than you might realize. Dogs are susceptible to many different forms of cardiovascular issues that range in severity. Your veterinarian will base the treatment on the type of heart disease. Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS) wants to help you learn about heart disease in dogs so you can spot any signs of trouble early.  
