Dealing with Distractions: How to Keep Your Dog Focused on Walks

Training a dog requires time, patience, and effort. Some dogs take to training easily, while others need a little more attention. Some dogs have no problem obeying commands in the quiet of their homes but immediately get distracted on walks. Keeping your dog’s attention for your walk takes extra training, but is possible. Use these tips on how to keep your dog focused on walks:


Protecting Dog Paws in the Summer Heat

There’s nothing better than enjoying some beautiful summer weather with your furry best friend. You can make some core memories of playing fetch at the park, swimming in your favorite watering hole, or just exploring your favorite pet-friendly local spots. It’s important to remember, however, that our pets are vulnerable to hot weather, too. Protecting dog paws in the summer heat is an important consideration as you and your furry friend enjoy some seasonal fun.


Causes for Aggression in Dogs

Dogs can exhibit behavior changes such as aggression stemming from a secondary emotion such as fear, genetic predispositions, or even undiagnosed health issues. While it is common for a dog to have the occasional aggressive episode, repeated aggressive behavior can make dog ownership difficult and dangerous. 

Understanding what is causing this undesirable behavior is the cornerstone of figuring out how to correct it. This guide walks you through some of the most common causes of aggression in dogs.


Bladder Stones in Dogs

Bladder stones in dogs are fairly common and can make urination difficult or painful. Don’t take bladder stones lightly, though. If left untreated, they can create significant discomfort and lead to serious complications. Keep reading to learn more about how to spot this condition and what you can do to lower your dog’s risk of developing bladder stones. 


Laws for Dog Owners

With so many animals needing homes, it can sometimes feel like owning an animal is a right and not a privilege. But, those who take pets into their homes do so with the promise that they will adequately care for the animal. Additionally, there are laws for dog owners, and it is essential to be aware of them. If you are (or are planning to become) a dog owner, be aware of the following safety considerations and laws for dog owners:


Ideas for Cat and Dog Easter Baskets

Spring is in the air. As the ground begins to thaw and your thoughts turn to Easter preparation, don’t forget to include your pets in the fun. Animals enjoy a nice Easter basket as much as people do. Here are some festive ideas that you can use to create the perfect cat and dog Easter baskets.


Stay Active With Your Dog: Dogs as Personal Trainers

Most of us have at least good intentions of being more active in our daily lives. The execution, though, is not always as simple as the desire. Luckily for dog owners everywhere, pups can serve as surprisingly effective personal trainers. Keep reading to see how you can stay active with your dog and enjoy your very own pup-sonal training sessions.


Overcoming Dog Car Anxiety

Some dogs are up for anything…until it’s time to get in the car. Dog car anxiety can make it difficult to go to the vet, plan a vacation, or even visit the pet store. Some dogs feel mild discomfort that keeps them from settling down during a car ride (whether it’s long or short). 

Other dogs whine, pant, pace, or cry for the duration of the trip. If your dog is suffering from car anxiety, your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services are here with helpful tips to mitigate this fear:


Old Dog Wisdom

The older you get, the wiser you get if you learn from life. These white hairs in my doggy whiskers tell stories of the many lessons I’ve learned in my short years here. While I may walk on four legs, I think the dog wisdom I carry can be shared with anyone. 


4 Ways to Increase Your Bond with Your Dog This Winter

In the dog days of summer, it is easy to find ways to bond with your dog. From long walks along the beach to hours playing with pals at the park, each day brings a new opportunity for bonding. While bonding activities might not come as easily during the winter, they are still plentiful. Here are four simple ways to increase your bond with your dog this winter:
