Has your dog been diagnosed with heartworm disease and is currently undergoing treatment? If so, it is important to change your at-home habits to complement your veterinarian’s efforts and give your dog the best chance for a full recovery. Heartworms target a dog’s heart, lungs, and blood, and can bring on potentially fatal health issues without the proper treatment. 

Even with treatment, your pup requires additional care and consideration while undergoing treatment. Here are some of Oakland Veterinary Referral Services’ (OVRS) top tips for caring for a dog during heartworm treatment.

Limit Physical Activity

Since heartworm disease targets your dog’s cardiovascular and respiratory systems, it is very important to limit physical activity throughout the duration of the treatment. Heartworm disease ranges in severity from stage 1 (where the animal is infected but not showing symptoms) to stage 4 (where the heart and lungs are already damaged and the liver is enlarged). Your veterinarian will talk to you about which stage your dog is dealing with. It affects how much or little physical activity he can safely do without risking further damage. Instead of your daily walk, you might want to instead have a cuddle fest to give your dog’s body a proper chance to heal.

Limit Excitement During Heartworm Treatment

We know it can be difficult to keep your dog from some of her favorite things while she is dealing with heartworm treatment, but it is very important to keep your pup calm to ensure a full recovery. While your dog is undergoing treatment, be sure to avoid the following:

  • Visitors: While new people might cheer your dog up, they can also get her too excited, which is good for her spirits, but not for her ailing body. If you can’t avoid all visitors, set your dog up in a room with a door and a loud, yet calming distraction like some music or a television show.
  • The Outdoors: In her compromised state, the wonders of the outdoors could do more harm than good. It is best to keep your pup safely confined to her kennel until you hear otherwise from your veterinarian. Make sure to spend a little time with her each day to keep her from getting lonely.
  • Freedom to Roam: Keep your dog on a leash during bathroom breaks, even if you are just venturing into your own backyard to prevent her from getting too excited or too physical and doing more damage.

Use Food as a Distraction

Without regular levels of physical activity, it is important not to overfeed your dog during heartworm treatment. That doesn’t mean you can’t use food to give him a little bit of joy. Invest in a food puzzle or other interactive food game that can keep his mind engaged as he eats to prevent boredom. You can also fill his kennel with some fun chew toys so he can keep his mind busy even while his body rests.

The American Heartworm Society also offers ideas for battling boredom during cage rest while your pet recovers.

If you think your dog might have heartworm disease and needs treatment, the team at OVRS is here for you. To learn more about our specialty or emergency veterinary services, or caring for a dog during heartworm treatment, please call (248) 334-6877.