pet surgeryAlthough cancer is not a word that any pet owner wants to hear, the fact remains that some of our pets will wind up with this diagnosis. Cancer is a reality for roughly 12 million dogs and cats in the United States, and is the leading cause of death in pets over 10 years of age.

While cancer in pets is a scary thought, the prognosis is good for many dogs and cats. More and more pets are receiving treatment, thanks to continuing advances in veterinary medicine. At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we are proud to offer a state-of-the-art veterinary oncology department, including diagnostics, treatment services, pet oncologic surgery, and other services designed to meet the varied needs of our precious patients.

Pet Oncologic Surgery at OVRS

Pet oncology is a growing field, and many veterinarians have made it their life’s work. We are fortunate at OVRS to employ board-certified veterinarians who specialize in cancer diagnosis and treatment, including pet oncologic surgery, which is often utilized for the treatment of cancer in pets.

A veterinary oncologic surgeon has extensive experience in performing surgery procedures aimed at addressing cancer wherever it may be located – within the muscle, skin, bone, and abdominal or chest cavity.

Meet Dr. Covey!

We are thrilled to introduce you to our newest team member and oncologic surgeon, Dr. Jennifer Covey! After graduating from college, Dr. Covey served in the Peace Corps in the West Indies, where she assisted a veterinary technician in caring for local animals. It was here that Dr. Covey solidified her desire to become a veterinarian, and in 2004 graduated with her DVM from Colorado State University.

Dr. Covey’s personal experiences with cancer, including the death of her beloved Doberman, Theo, from the disease, moved her to focus her career on oncologic surgery. After a surgical oncology fellowship at the University of Florida, Dr. Covey earned her credentials as an ACVS Fellow in Surgical Oncology.

When she’s not providing top-quality oncologic care for the patients at OVRS, Dr. Covey deeply enjoys her time spent raising her two young daughters, ages 6 months and 2 years. Welcome to the family, Dr. Covey!

As always, please don’t hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions about pet oncology services, or have any concerns whatsoever about your pet.