If you want to help an animal feel welcome in your home, you have to create a space for them. This space should make them feel comfortable and safe and like they belong in your house. Creating these areas in your home means that you are truly opening your house for the love and affection of an animal. Here’s some tips on building a pet-friendly space in your home:

Create a Pet-Only Space

Giving your pet his or her own space can make them feel truly at home with you. Whether you designate a cozy corner or a whole room, this space should be heavy on the comfort. Set up your pet’s favorite bed, a water bowl, and some of his or her most popular toys. If your pet is crate trained, this is the perfect spot to store the crate. Try to set up this space away from the hustle and bustle of the household to keep your pet calm and provide a quiet area when they need it.

Keep Safety in Mind

Even well-trained pets can get into something dangerous when you aren’t looking. The best way to avoid a potential emergency is to pet-proof your place before something bad happens. Lock away any cleaning supplies or other toxic materials behind a door that closes completely. Do not leave any loose wires out where your pet can access them easily. Make sure you do not have any toxic plants that your pet could eat. Check to see that your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors have good batteries. Create an emergency plan that helps you act fast in the unlikely event of a fire or other emergency. 

Put Yourself in Your Their…Paws

Adding a few extra features that are unique to your pet can make the place feel really special. If you have a cat, for example, set up a few scratching posts throughout the house. If you have an older pet suffering from arthritis, you can get some ramps to help them onto their favorite furniture. Make sure your dog has plenty of room to run around. If you are living in a small space, be sure to schedule a few extra walks or play sessions each day.

Remember the Furniture

If you plan to let your pet on the furniture in your home, you should invest in fabrics and materials that are stain resistant. Homes with pets experience more wear and tear than animal-free houses, and you want furniture that can stand up to that. Microfiber is a great fabric that won’t buckle under the weight of living with a pet, and it’s easy to clean. Leather is another durable fabric that usually works well in houses with pets. Well, houses with dogs at least. Sometimes cats get a little too scratchy with leather furniture. 

However you set up your pet-friendly space, OVRS is here to help you keep them in optimal health. Our specialty and emergency veterinary services are designed to give your animals the care they need when they need it. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, please call (248) 334-6877.