The Joy and Pain of Adopting Senior Pets

At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS), we are happy anytime we hear about a successful pet adoption. Senior pets are just as in need of loving homes as their younger counterparts, but are often overlooked in the shelters. Bringing an older animal into your house can be hugely rewarding for your family. Just as with any adoption scenario, though, it is important to understand what to expect before you bring a senior pet home.


Which Parts of the Turkey Are Safe for a Dog?

As hard as it might be to refuse those puppy dog eyes, it’s important to know which parts of the turkey are safe for a dog before sharing any. Have no fear, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS) is here to help.

With the holiday season upon us, it is good to know which parts of the turkey are safe for a dog. If your dog is like most members of the canine species, he is probably at your side from the time the turkey goes in the oven to the moment you put away the last of the leftovers. 


Me-ow: The Latest in Cat Tech

The latest and greatest cat technology makes it easier than ever to own and love one (or many) cats. These gadgets improve every aspect of life with a cat–and, best of all, they’re fun to use. Check out some of the newest advancements in cat tech to see which items could enhance your kitty’s life with you:


How to Remove Pet Hair from Your Laundry

Pet hair has a way of finding its way into all the cracks and crevices of your home. We love our pets as family, but their stray hairs can definitely drive even the most dedicated pet owner a little crazy. 

If you are tired of finding clumps of pet hair in your clean laundry or stuck in hard-to-reach parts of your washing machine, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS) is here to help. Pet hair clings to fabric and water just makes soggy clumps. Use these tips to wash the pet hair out of your laundry for good:


How to Get Rid of Dog Odors

Our tips can help you reduce or get rid of dog odors. We love our dogs and there is little that could decrease our love for them. Sometimes, though, unusual dog odors on your pet or in your house can make loving them a little more challenging. If your dog’s scent often makes you crinkle your nose in disgust, these simple tips can help you get rid of these odors. Then you can have your clean dog as well as a fresh-smelling pet and house. 


Hives on Dogs: What to Do If Your Dog Has an Allergic Reaction

Hives on dogs can be extremely uncomfortable. If you have ever had hives after eating something you are allergic to, you know just how uncomfortable they can be. 

These raised, often itchy spots can be restricted to a small area or could spread across the whole body. While they are usually short-lived and relatively harmless, they can occasionally be a cause for concern. Keep reading to learn more about hives on dogs and what to do about them:


Best Retractable Dog Gates

We love our dogs and want them to feel comfortable and safe in our homes. That does not mean that they should have unrestricted access everywhere though. Retractable dog gates offer function without messing too much with your home’s aesthetic appeal. They are a great option, whether you want to keep your pup from a room that has a lot of chewing temptations or you want to block off an area for safety. Here is a list of some of the best retractable dog gates to meet your needs:


5 of the Friendliest Cat Breeds

Ah, cats. These independent creatures sure do wrap us humans around their tiny little paws, even when they act aloof or indifferent towards us. Some breeds are known for being friendlier than others though. Think kitties that love to cuddle and won’t shun you when you try to get close. This list of friendliest cat breeds will give you a great place to start when looking for a feline that will visibly love you as much as you love them:


Why Do Dogs Lick Your Feet?

Dogs have plenty of zany behaviors that make them adorable. Some behaviors are a reflection of your dog’s personality, while others are more universal to the canine world. If you have a dog that licks your feet, you might wonder about that behavior. 

Why do dogs lick your feet? Is it a sign that something is wrong or just them showing their affection? Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS) is here to help you find the answer to this strange behavior:
