Pet Firework Anxiety: 4th of July Coping Strategies

It’s hard to believe summer is already here, but the days are longer, the weather is warmer, and the 4th of July is just around the corner. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services understands canine noise aversion and pet firework anxiety. We know just how scary fireworks can be for pets. These tips will help you make a plan to keep your pets calm this summer before the fireworks illuminate the night sky:


An Outdoor Catio for Kitty: Creating a Safe and Stimulating Space

Cats need stimulation and being outside can help feed their need for adventure. A catio could be a great addition to your home if you don’t have a safe outdoor space, or don’t feel comfortable letting your cat wander outside (inside cats average longer lives). 

A safe outdoor cat enclosure allows your kitty to spend hours a day visually exploring the world outside without getting too close to predators or becoming exposed to illnesses. There are a variety of types of cat enclosures that give your kitty safe access to the outdoors. Use our tips to create a beautiful and functional catio for your favorite feline:


Technology for Pets: How Dogs and Cats Benefit from Gadgets and Apps

It’s hard to think of a part of modern life that is not dependent on technology or enhanced by it. Sometimes it feels like tech touches everything from coffee to dating. Our pets are no exception. Technology for pets include the latest gadgets and apps targeted at pets and pet owners. 

Adding certain tech items to your home can help you care for your furry friends. Here are just a few of the ways that dogs and cats can benefit from modern gadgets and apps:


Pet Influencers: How Dogs and Cats Are Taking Over Social Media

If you are anything like us, your social media feed is probably full of cute videos of animals of all shapes and sizes. Thanks to algorithms, once you click on an animal video, you will most likely see a lot of others (not that we’re complaining). 

While many of these posts are created by normal people just trying to show off their adorable pets, there are plenty of certified “pet influencers” on social media these days. This often means they have managers dealing with companies who pay them to “sponsor” posts. It also means they must produce a high amount of regular content and consistently gain more followers.


Lap Cat vs. Lone Ranger: the Varied Affectionate Behaviors of Cats

Cats have personalities that vary as much as their coloring. While some cats will climb right into a person’s lap and fall asleep while purring contently, others need their personal space. Why are the affectionate behaviors of cats so varied? Here’s how to identify their love language behaviors so that you can know how to cater to your cat’s particular affection style. 

cat purring on lap

6 Tips to Avoid Dog Bites While Walking

Here are 6 tips for walkers and joggers on how to avoid dog bites and aggressive dogs while exercising outdoors. Encountering an aggressive dog while out for a walk or jog can be a scary and dangerous situation. Without the proper action, you can be seriously injured. Knowledge can help you prevent finding yourself on the wrong end of a dog bite. 


Cat-Proof Furniture and Decor Ideas

If you own a cat, are you doomed to a life of drab decor and desiccated furniture? What is cat-friendly furniture and decor? With their cute little button noses, toe beans, whiskers, and fluffy heads begging for kisses, sometimes just looking at your cat is enough to send your heart fluttering. That is, until he digs his claws into your brand new couch. Or knocks over a vase and sends water and flowers flying onto the carpet. Or climbs up your window screen leaving a giant tear down the middle. Are you doomed to a cat-ravaged home? Not if we have anything to say about it!


Helping Your Newly Adopted Dog Feel Settled in Their New Home

Dogs are by far the most popular type of pet. Millions of people across the world have brought an adopted dog into their life, and they serve as trusted and loyal companions. 

However, coming into a new environment can be a stressful experience for an adopted dog. As an owner, you should try to facilitate the transition period so that it goes as smoothly as possible. We’ve put together a guide with several top tips for helping your dog feel settled in their new home. 
