Understanding Pet Pain


Those in the human medical field have long known the importance of treating pain. Our pets, on the other hand, have gone a long time without us properly recognizing or treating their pain. In recent years, veterinarians have made great strides in doing a better job in recognizing and treating pet pain. Unfortunately, their pain can be difficult to recognize, as animals are very good at disguising discomfort due to instinctive survival mechanisms.

What Causes Pain in Pets?

Pets can experience pain for many reasons. Pain can be due to an injury, a surgery, or a medical condition. It may be acute, or temporary, or chronic. Acute pain might occur immediately after an elective procedure or an accident. Chronic pain might be due to something like arthritis or cancer. Continue…

How to Help a Lost Pet Get Home

As pet owners, we can easily imagine how scared and confused our pets would be if they got away from home and became lost. Because of this, it is natural to want to help when we see animals wandering without their human companions. But helping a lost pet isn’t always as easy as it seems.

With some patience, and perhaps a few treats, you can safely handle a found pet, and hopefully help to reunite them with their owners.

Be Prepared

We recommend that you carry a few basic supplies in your car, just in case your own pet gets loose or you find an animal that is lost:

  • Slip Lead – A slip on leash, or slip lead, is a great tool to keep on hand because it requires no collar. The loop of the leash is simply slipped over the head of the animal, allowing you to avoid getting too close to a nervous pet. (If you don’t already have one, stop in and we can give you one.)

  • Treats – Even scared pets may overcome their nerves for a good treat. Treats are also a great way to reward good behavior in the animal you find.

  • Food and Water – Pets that are away from home are likely to be very hungry and thirsty. A set of travel bowls, some bottles of water and a small bag of food will go a long way if you find a lost pet.

  • Blanket – A heavy blanket can be used as a sling to carry an injured pet and is also good to protect your vehicle’s seats if you have to transport a sick or dirty lost pet.

How to Safely Handle a Lost Pet

If you find a pet you believe is lost, it is important to not let your desire to help outweigh your safety. Not all pets are friendly with strangers. Even friendly pets may become defensive when scared or hurt.

To approach a lost cat or dog, crouch down to the pet’s level and stretch out a hand, preferably with a treat or bit of food. Speak in a calm and soothing voice. Watch the pet’s body language, and back away slowly if it growls or acts aggressive. If friendly contact is established, slip the leash over the pet’s head. If the animal bolts or acts aggressive, call animal control and let the experts intervene.

What to Do with a Found Pet

If the pet you’ve found has a collar with tags, a simple phone call or text message may be all it takes to reunite pet and owner (always send a text, in addition to leaving a message, if there is no answer).

Sadly, many lost pets do not have up to date identification tags on by the time they are found. Here are some ideas to help the pet find its way back home:

  • Stop by your local animal shelter or veterinarian’s office to see if the pet has a microchip.

  • Contact your local animal control, rescues, humane society and veterinarians to report the found pet.

  • Watch online for lost pet posts on Craigslist, and share the pet’s information on Facebook and other social media sites.

If you are able to take the pet home until an owner is located, be sure to keep it away from other pets until you can confirm it is healthy and up to date on shots.

If you have questions, if the pet is sick or injured, or if you need to check for a microchip, please do not hesitate to contact us. We understand how stressful helping a found pet can be for both you and the pet, and are happy to help where possible.

Post-Surgical Care for Pets

Cute Boxer Puppy

When your pet has surgery, it is common to feel worried and overwhelmed, especially when it comes to the post-surgical care you will need to give your pet at home.

Thankfully, you can rest assured that your veterinarian team is certain that your pet is stable before sending him or her home to recover. And while the vast majority of patients heal without issue, it is important to know what to watch for in the unlikely event that your pet does develop an infection or other issue.

Here are a few tips on how to help your pet heal, and what to know if complications do arise.

Post-Surgical Comfort and Pain Management

If you have ever been under anesthesia, you have a general idea of how your pet feels after surgery. It is very important to make certain your pet has a quiet place to rest and be comfortable. This place should be close enough to the family for your pet to feel secure, but away from the high Continue…

Pet Eye Problems: Corneal Ulcers

DogEyesOne minute your pet is fine, and the next she is squinting her eye, tearing and reluctant to open the eye.  You call the vet and they tell you to come in right away. What could be happening with your pet’s eye health?

One of the most common causes of these symptoms is a corneal ulcer.  The cornea is the clear tissue at the front of the eye. Although similar to skin, having an outer epithelial layer, middle stromal layer and inner endothelial layer, the cornea is very thin being approximately 0.5 mm.

If the outer layers of this tissue are damaged then a corneal ulcer or “an open sore” of the tissue develops. There can be many underlying causes including trauma, eyelash problems etc., however many times the underlying cause cannot be determined.


Your veterinarian can confirm the diagnosis of a corneal ulcer by examining the eye and using a special fluorescent dye applied to the eye to Continue…

Paying It Forward


Quinn, a Golden Retriever who is part of St. John Providence health system’s pet therapy program at the Oakland Center, didn’t know that he was “paying it forward” by helping patients through their illness’ and recovery. He was just being a good dog, and doing what he does best: helping those in need. But, as it turns out, that’s precisely what happened.

Last month (February 2014), Quinn suffered from a ruptured cruciate ligament in his knee, and was in need of TPLO corrective surgery if he was going to continue with the important work he does at St. John’s.

When the staff at OVRS heard about Quinn’s condition, we knew we had to help.  As a result, on February 22, OVRS’s Dr. Saundra Hewitt performed the surgery on Quinn, free of charge, as a way to say thank-you for all the comfort and good works that Quinn and his fellow therapy animals do for the patients for the St. John Providence health system.

Three weeks later, Quinn is doing great! He’s up and moving and enjoying his “time off” while his incision heals and he regains his strength. As soon as the risk of infection (for all involved) has passed, Quinn will be back to making his rounds at St. John Providence’s Oakland Center, but now with a special understanding of what it means to be the one in need of care.

St. John Providence’s Pet Therapy Program

For those of you who are unaware, the St. John Providence health system offers pet therapy for the patients, visitors, and associates throughout the system. Quinn is one of seven dogs participating in the program, along with Parker, Wilbur, Murphy, Mac, and Lilly.

Together, these incredible animals deliver what is often regarded as “the best medicine of all,” a warm heart, a wet nose, and a loving touch. These dogs bring comfort, smiles, and peace to those who spend time at the St. John Providence locations.

As therapy animals, each dog has been specially trained by Paradise Dog Training, and has extensive socialization skills. These amazing volunteers are partnered volunteer dog handlers, and work weekday hours. When not working, Quinn and his associates spend time living with host families as regular dogs.

If you would like to contribute to the pet therapy program at St. John Providence health system, please call Heidi Crisman at (248) 465-4511.

Thank-you Quinn, for all you do. And thank-you Dr. Hewitt, for providing Quinn with the care he needed to continue his work.


Cat Conflict? Consider Our Clinical Trial

Cats in a struggleThis spring, OVRS’ veterinary behaviorist, Dr. Theresa DePorter, DVM, MRCVS, DECAWBM, DACVB, will be spearheading a clinical trial of a new pheromone aimed at alleviating aggression and tension between cats in a multi-cat household.

If your cats are prone to fighting amongst themselves this clinical trial may be an exciting opportunity for you and your cats. If you are interested in participating in the study, here are the qualifications and requirements for your consideration.

Are Your Cats Fighting?

Feline housemates don’t always get along. Aggression may include fighting but often occurs as passive blocking and staring. Feline victims may hide, flee or even scream when attacked. Thankfully, there is new hope for peace and harmony among your feline friends. Continue…

Coping with Pet Loss in a Family

Serious conversationThe loss of a beloved family pet is probably the most difficult aspect of pet ownership. This is especially true when there are children in the home. Often, the loss of a pet is the first experience that young children will have with death and grieving, and may be especially difficult to understand. .

Everyone in the family will react to the loss differently, and it is important to understand that age, life experience, and personality all play a part in how a person handles grief.

As parents, it is important to understand how children handle grief, so that you can help them through this difficult time. Here are some insights when it comes to coping with pet loss in a family. Continue…

How Do I Volunteer My Dog?

Young Girl Being Visited In Hospital By Therapy DogFor many of us, giving back to our community is an important part of our life. But did you know that pets could be volunteers too?

Therapy animals are becoming more common and more active than ever before, and the demand for these special animals is growing by leaps and bounds. Volunteer pets have making the world a better place in senior centers, retirement homes, schools, and rehab centers for years, and their popularity is growing as their good works are proving to be effective.

If you’ve ever asked yourself, “How do I volunteer my dog?” then read on for an introduction to volunteering your pet. Continue…

Why Are Pets Good For You?

Woman running in winterThis past year, the American Heart Association reported scientific evidence to support the notion that pets actually have the ability to improve our heart health.

And while there’s no denying that there are times our pets drive us a little crazy, and can cause us heart ache, most pet owners were not surprised by this “discovery”.

But for all the feel-good reasons there are when it comes to why pets are good for you, do you actually know the reasons that pets can help to keep us healthy? While the list could go on and on, here are the top two reasons that pet’s are (scientifically) good for you…  Continue…

Can Your Dog Be A Blood Donor?

dog lying on bed with cannula in vein taking infusionWhen a dog undergoes a serious surgery, be it planned or as a result of an unexpected trauma, he or she needs life-saving blood donations just like we do.

But where does that blood come from? It’s not often that we see blood drives for pets, or the American Red Cross: Canine Division vans parked in front of local businesses. (No, there’s really no such thing, we’re just kidding)

Instead, blood donations for our four-legged friends often come from local owners volunteering their pets for the cause, and OVRS is one of the local resources for volunteer donations. These donations fuel our Buddies for Life Blood Bank, which helps dogs at both OVRS and throughout our community. Continue…