Party Animal: Tips for Keeping Your Pet Safe During Parties

pet safe during parties

What crowd-loving canine (or curious cat) doesn’t love to be the center of attention during any festivity? Some pets are highly socialized and enjoy all of the pats and treats, while others are curious or want to take advantage of food opportunities. Other pets may feel anxious or overwhelmed by the noise and the crowd.

This holiday, ask yourself whether your pet should be part of the reveling, or whether you should make other arrangements. Think ahead about your pet and plan how to keep pet safe during parties while you focus on your guests. Here are pet-safe party tips from the team at OVRS.


This Season’s Most Amazing Pet Gifts

pet giftsIs your pet the pet who has everything? Does he have more toys in his toybox than your kid does? If so, you are in luck. Each year, manufacturers up the ante on pet games, accessories, treats, and so many more items.

Even if you are a more discerning and frugal pet owner, there are several new items that may pique you and your four-legged’s interests. From boredom busting to snuggly, we’ve sourced some of the most amazing pet gifts, just in time for the holidays.


Frugal Four-Legged: Money Saving Tips for Pet Owners

money saving tips for pet ownersAfter the spending spree of the holidays, most of us wouldn’t mind cutting costs in the New Year. DIY projects and homemade things never looked better than after a full month of gift buying. There are many ways a cost-conscious pet owner can save cash any time of year with help from your friends at OVRS.

Here are are our 10 best money saving tips for pets owners that will be a benefit to you, as well as your favorite fur friend.


Don’t Eat That! When Your Dog Swallows a Foreign Object

dog eats foreign objectRocks, socks, hair bands, skewers–dogs will swallow just about anything, including items that may really surprise you. At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, our 24-hour emergency team has seen a parade of common (and not so common) items come in for removal.

If your dog swallows a foreign object, how would you know? What should you do? And what happens when you suspect that your dog swallowed something and bring your dog to the veterinary hospital?


Keeping it Safe: Prevent Pet Poisoning in Your Home

pet poisoning in your homeOf the many things you do to care for your pet, we hope that poison proofing your home is one of them. It’s amazing (and somewhat scary) to see just how many things in your home and yard can be toxic to pets. Some may only cause gastrointestinal upset (which is bad enough), but others can cause organ failure or even death.

Poison Prevention Week is the third week in March, so Oakland Veterinary Referral Services would like to share a checklist of common household items that may be hazardous to your pet’s health. Together, we can prevent pet poisoning this month and beyond.


The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Pet-Friendly Donations

For many people, giving to those in need is a big part of the holiday season. With such a large number of deserving charities out there, it can be difficult to choose where to contribute your hard-earned dollars.

If you are considering donations to a pet or animal friendly cause this year (it is our fervent hope that everyone is), allow us to suggest a donation to OVRS’ own TEAR Foundation or one of our Michigan-based favorites: Continue…

Sittin’ Pretty: How To Prepare For A Pet Photo Session

pet photo sessionAlthough it’s only October, thoughts are inevitably turning to the winter holiday season ahead. For many families,  annual photo cards are a great way to share pictures with family and friends, and it’s only natural to want to include our pets in this fun tradition.

Pets are notoriously unpredictable, which can make holiday card planning a bit touch and go. Our tips and tricks can help you make the most of your pet photo session, and give your cards the sweet touch that only a beloved family pet can bring.


Have A Happy Howl-O-Ween With These Easy Pet Costume Ideas!

easy pet costume ideasModern pet owners know that costumes aren’t just for people, and if you can’t imagine your pet celebrating Halloween without an adorable ensemble, you’ve come to the right place. Our easy pet costume ideas will have your little buddy looking festive, feeling good, and won’t tax your budget!



Fourth of July: Now That It’s Over, What Did You Learn About Your Pet?

learn about your petWhew! Independence Day was one amazing holiday. From its signature display of fireworks to its call for the ultimate all American burger (you still won’t share your recipe, right?), we think most people agree that the Fourth of July is pretty darn great.

However, now that the fun is over, what did you learn about your pet? Did your pet spend part of the holiday trembling in fear? For most animals, this holiday isn’t on their list of favorite things. It’s noisy, scary and filled with tempting people-food. Let’s take a moment to review some of the things you may have noticed and can learn about your pet this Fourth of July that you may want to think about for upcoming holidays.


Beer, Burgers, and Pet Safety: 5 Tips for Enjoying Memorial Day Weekend with Your Pets

Memorial Day weekend is the official launch to summer. Consisting of cold brews, volleyball, barbecue, and relaxation, this is the weekend where we launch into summer food and fun. While we appreciate this holiday weekend, it’s important to keep in mind that pet safety becomes an issue when you combine food, alcohol, and plenty of distractions.

With a few precautions, though, you and your furry pals can party it up this weekend – without putting them in danger. To learn more about how to have a great long weekend with your pet, read on.
