An Evening for the Cliome Collins Cancer Fund

iStock_000034926076_MediumWe are so pleased to announce our annual fundraising event for the Cliome Collins Cancer Fund! Join us Friday, October 24th, 2014 at the Townsend Hotel in Birmingham for a buffet dinner, live and silent auction and the Bugaboo Whitt Memorial Raffle all to benefit TEAR Foundation.

You can purchase single tickets for $85 each or an entire table for $850 (includes champagne and introduction). It is going to be an exciting, fun and productive evening to help pets with cancer.

What is TEAR Foundation?

To help pet owners supplement the cost of veterinary care, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services developed The Emergency Animal Relief  (TEAR) Foundation, which is a multi-faceted non-profit organization.

Firstly, we will give medical veterinary attention to animals brought in by “good samaritans”.  Without owners to pay for their care, TEAR will help those animals with treatment, surgery or rehabilitation. Secondly, we also assist pet owners facing major financial hurdles as a result of their pet’s emergency medical costs. Lastly, TEAR sponsors clinical research to advance veterinary medicine and enhances community education.

TEAR touches so many lives, but animals that require and receive oncology care, however, do not meet TEAR’s funding criteria. Enter the Cliome Collins Cancer Fund… Continue…

Zoonotic Diseases and Your Pets

iStock_000020257269_MediumAre you familiar with the term ‘zoonotic’?

Zoonotic diseases are those which can be passed between animals and humans. And, with more and more homes in the United States having pets, it is important to understand these types of diseases and how to prevent them.


Rabies may seem like a far-fetched possibility, but a lot of people forget how scary rabies can be, and how common the disease is. The rabies virus can affect any mammal and is transmitted through saliva. In all mammals it invades the central nervous system, causing neurological signs and eventually death.

There is no cure for rabies, so it is very important keep your pet up to date on his or her vaccination. Pets who are unvaccinated and potentially exposed to rabies are recommended by the CDC to be euthanized or kept under strict isolation for 6 months. Continue…

Hidden Dangers: Potential Pet Poisons May Be Lurking in Backpacks…

Cat And BackpackAs a dedicated pet owner, we know you pay special attention to what your paw pals could potentially get into with the right recipe of curiosity, hunger and boredom. So, with kids back in school, we’d like to remind households of the hidden risks associated with pet poisons and what kids are bringing home in their backpacks and lunch bags.

Can’t. Stop. Sniffing.

The smells we bring home could (and often do) drive our pets into an olfactory frenzy. Food smells, people smells, the scents from other animals… you name it, our pets are going to sniff it and catalogue it away in their brain. Your pet’s sniffer could lead to your child’s backpack where hopefully one would not discover any of the following potential pet poisons: Continue…

Canine Heroes: How Service Dogs Change Lives

Two Service Therapy DogsMost dog lovers know at least a couple of stories about a daring rescue by a four-legged hero or a dog who brightened a ward at the local children’s hospital. Dogs are amazing animals who are able to discern our deepest fears and respond to danger and distress. But, for the men, women, and children living with emotional or physical illnesses or disabilities, service dogs can be, in fact, life changing.

What is a Service Dog?

According to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA, 1990), a dog is considered a “service dog” if he or she has been “individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of a person with a disability”.

In order for a service dog to be matched with his or her human “handler”, he or she must go through rigorous training in a variety of areas that are dependent on the needs of the future human guardian. This could include assistance dogs trained specifically to respond to those with serious mental illness, to aid those Continue…

Dog Bite Prevention and Education

iStock_000016985167_MediumHave you or a loved one ever experienced or witnessed a dog bite?

It’s likely you have. According to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), more than 4.5 million people are bitten by dogs each year. Unfortunately, many of these incidents could have been prevented through proper training and socialization of the dog, beginning in puppyhood. Also by educating individuals on ways to mitigate a bite-occurrence from happening in the first place.

Of course, the first important step in creating a safe environment for your pet pooch and those around him or her is through basic and ethical obedience training. By providing training to your new puppy, you help reduce the risk of bites or aggressive or otherwise problematic behaviors down the road. And, since the majority of dog bites occur at home with a known canine, bite prevention education should begin at home and include all members of the family. Continue…

OVRS Keeps Growing

iStock_000022798967_MediumOakland Veterinary Referral Services is dedicated to providing our pet patients and human clients with cutting-edge medicine and surgery capabilities. We are proud to be one of the premier emergency, specialty and referral hospitals in Michigan and are excited to share with you that we are continuing to grow.

Internal Medicine at OVRS

Pets become sick or injured, and their diagnosis and treatment isn’t always easy, especially when the problem is internal. We have more medical treatment options today, but pet owners have higher expectations for the help available to cure or heal their beloved pet.

The OVRS internal medicine department is top notch and we continue to add staff, equipment and expertise. Our existing team of outstanding internal medicine specialists are all board-certified by the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine. Continue…

Endoscopy for Pets

Veterinarian With a BeagleVeterinary medicine has come a long way in the last few decades, mirroring human medicine more and more. We are able to provide so much more in the way of advanced diagnostics and treatments than ever before.

One of the more cutting-edge technologies being utilized by specialty hospitals such as Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is endoscopy. This newer diagnostic procedure can help us to diagnose and treat pets in ways that we never could before.

What is Endoscopy for Pets?

Endoscopy is a term used to describe a procedure in which an endoscope is used to look inside of an animal. An endoscope is a small camera with a light attached. This device allows us to get a good look at places inside the body that were previously not easy to access.

There are several types of endoscopy: Continue…

Feeding Tubes for Pets

Little sad dogMany pet owners are resistant to the idea of placing a feeding tube in their beloved pet. The thought of their dog or cat being “hooked up” to tubes can be scary, and placing a feeding tube sounds extreme.

In reality, however, feeding tube placement in animals is a very simple and helpful procedure that can help pets be stronger and healthier when they need it the most. Tube placement may be temporary or permanent depending on why it is needed and is often part of improving the quality of life for sick pets.

How Is a Feeding Tube Placed in My Pet?

There are a few types of feeding tubes that may be used. Pets who are having a feeding tube placed may receive a local anesthetic, light sedation, or a short anesthetic while the tube is placed. The most common types of tubes used at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services are: Continue…

Summer Pet Emergencies


Summer is a wonderful time of year for people and their pets. With the sunny weather, though, comes some special issues that every pet owner should be aware of. Be vigilant about potential summer pet hazards so that everyone can enjoy the season.

Animal Fights

Spending more time outdoors can mean that your pet may be confronted by another animal at some point. There are some things that you can do to help prevent unwanted encounters and prevent pet emergencies..

  • Keep dogs on a leash
  • Consider keeping cats indoors
  • Take into account your pet’s personality before going to a dog park
  • Do not allow your pet to approach another animal without the owner’s permission


Pet Cancer Prevention

dog lying on bed with cannula in vein taking infusionNo pet owner ever wants to hear that their beloved companion animal has cancer. Unfortunately, with pets living longer than ever before, cancer is becoming a more common diagnosis than it ever before. While there is still no way to totally protect pets (or people) from developing cancer, there are steps that you can take when it comes to pet cancer prevention.

Schedule Frequent Wellness Exams

One of the most effective ways to keep your pet healthy is to detect problems early in their course. Paying close attention to changes in your pet’s habits and body can provide you with clues that something may be wrong. If you own a specific breed, familiarize yourself with any genetic predispositions to certain types of cancer so that you can be aware of subtle changes. Continue…