Animal Symbolism: What Our Pets Teach Us About Ourselves

Dramatic landscapeThroughout history, mankind has studied animals and their behaviors. Animals have appeared as mythical heroes and guardians, as well as in fables focused on important moral lessons. They have embodied the stories of cultures throughout history and are the subject of Paleolithic cave art and archaic Native American petroglyphs. Continue…

Teaching Children About Animals

OVRS_iStock_000000203436_LargeMost children are naturally inclined to adore animals – from the Disney-inspired animal movies they covet to their own best-friend pets. Kids are often curious about all types of animals and are the first to want to pet, hold, or investigate any animal they happen to see. And, while this innate affinity is wonderful, it is also a great catalyst for teaching children about animals and how to safely and kindly interact with them. Continue…

The Pet Surgery Technician: The Unsung Hero of the Operating Room

OVRSredux_iStock_000050636198_LargeSurgery is something we do a fair bit of here at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services. Be it a Caesarean-section, orthopedic procedure, or an emergency foreign body removal, we often have a surgery in progress here at the hospital.

While you may already be familiar with our wonderful surgeons, many people aren’t aware of the other major player in our operating room: the pet surgery technician. Learn what these special team members do and why they are so important. Continue…

The Pet Owner’s Guide to Triage and the Veterinary Emergency Room

OVRS_iStock_000022610052_Large (2)No one plans on their pet having an emergency, but it is bound to happen eventually if you have animals in your home. Visiting the veterinary emergency room can be scary, especially if it is at a facility other than your pet’s regular veterinarian.

Learn what you need to know about the veterinary emergency room at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services and how things work so that you know what to expect should you have to visit us unexpectedly. This includes understanding how we prioritize the order in which pets are seen in the ER. Continue…

Resolving Cat Conflicts in the Home: Study Results Prove Encouraging, New Study Recruitment

OVRS_iStock_000010445496_LargeCats share our homes and our hearts. In fact, they retain the position of #1 among common household pets in the United States. That is probably why many of us choose to share our homes with two or more cats and have, perhaps, been challenged by passive and overt aggression between our feline companions.

Unfortunately, household cat conflicts are quite common.  Social tension between housemate cats may cause overt aggression or manifest as elimination outside the litter box.  These issues between cats in the home motivate pet owners to seek out help in the form of behavioral consultation (aggression or elimination problems are the most common reasons for behavioral consultation when it comes to cats). When cat conflicts cannot be resolved or seem to present too many disturbances in the home, many of these cats are sadly surrendered to shelters. Continue…

Choosing a Pet: Finding Your Perfect Match

OVRS_iStock_000017127254_XXXLargeHow many pet owners have succumbed to the trendy cuteness of the labradoodle, the exotic curiosity of an iguana, the beauty of a Afghan hound, or the novelty of the “fit-in-your-purse” teacup chihuahua, only to realize the pet isn’t a good match with their overall life and lifestyle? The sheer number of chihuahuas currently in shelters across the US illustrates why choosing a pet is more than a preference in appearance or cute factor.

Choosing a pet should encompass a plethora of factors: your lifestyle, living situation, personality, and schedule AND the specific physical and behavioral needs of the species and breed of animal. Continue…

Heart Disease in Cats: What Every Feline Fanatic Should Know

OVRS_iStock_000003578356_LargeHeart problems are serious business, no matter what your species. And cats are no exception. Unfortunately, heart disease in cats can be very difficult to detect. That’s where your family veterinarian may recommend a consultation with one of the veterinary cardiologists at OVRS to help in diagnosing, treating and managing your cat’s heart condition. Learn what every cat owner should know about their feline friend’s cardiovascular health. Continue…

How the Human-Animal Bond with Our Pets Enhances Our Lives

Fell into profound sleepFrom their adorable, furry faces to their undeniable enthusiasm when they greet us at the door, our pets provide a world of love. It’s not surprising that much research has been conducted on the human-animal bond and its impact on our physical, mental, and emotional health. Likewise, our affection for our animal friends reciprocally enhances their health and wellbeing. Continue…