Starting the New Year Right with Winter Wellness for Your Pet

CatIt seems like from the time we carve the Halloween pumpkins to the time we bid farewell to another year at a festive party (or in our jammies), our attention and time is maxed out with the winter holidays and all the tasks they bring. Because of this, it’s no wonder we sometimes forget a follow-up wellness appointment for our cat or that extra walk to the park we promised our dog.

The holidays have a way of overtaking our attention, but the New Year can bring many opportunities for improving the quality of life for that pet who gives you so much love year-round. Here are a few ideas…. Continue…

All Dressed Up: How to Choose Pet Clothes

iStock_000000907787_LargeShopping for new duds always gains momentum during winter – but these days clothes shopping is not just for people. Pet wear and pet fashion have evolved tremendously, and there’s no shortage of sassy sweaters and cunning coats to choose from. In fact, the variety is so immense, it can be downright overwhelming trying to find the right clothing to best protect your pet from maladies like hypothermia. From patterned microfiber jackets to Welsh knit sweaters; how can you tell what is useful when it comes to pet clothes versus just fun novelty wear? Much less know how to get the right fit?

That’s where we come in…

The Birthday Suit

Assuming that you’re not the proud pet parent of a Husky, Malamute, or Saint Bernard, it’s likely that your pet may be a wee bit chilly in his or her birthday suit this time of year. If you’re unsure whether your pet could benefit from bundling up in some winter weather pet gear, consider these questions: Continue…

Barking Up The Right Tree: The Best Pet Presents

Christmas ShnauzerYour pet may not need or appreciate a new LED TV, golf clubs, or the newest best-seller, but there are lots of things you can give your pet this holiday season to show your love and affection. Your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services have put together some ideas to get the ball rolling towards the best holiday your pet has ever had.

In The Kitchen

Your pet’s meal time is truly important, so why not ship out the old dishes your pet has been eating out of since infancy? Personalizing a new food and water bowl or upgrading to a new water fountain that filters and circulates drinking water are wonderful ways to show you care. Your pet may value a new platform that raises the level at which he or she eats. Continue…

December Holiday Decoration DON’Ts – What Every Pet Parent Should Know

iStock_000007953420_LargeSo, now that Halloween has come and gone and the turkey and gravy have been feasted upon, it’s time to break out those boxes in the garage and decorate! It is a common scene after Thanksgiving: the stringing of lights and the decking of halls… But, like other holidays, if you share your home with a cherished pet, you’d better keep a keen eye on your fur buddy around the bedazzling display of holiday décor.

On the Tree

The ideal way to protect your pet from the perils of the Christmas tree is to simply keep your four-legged friend away from the tree unless you or a family member are present. If that’s impossible, keep lower branches somewhat bare or opt for unbreakable, large ornaments at your pet’s level.

No one likes to deal with a downed tree after a rowdy game of chase (we suggest anchoring it), or a favorite ornament lying broken on the floor (a tempting toy for your feline), there are a few decorations that can create real emergencies for our pets. Continue…

Serious Thanksgiving Food Risks For Your Pets

Dog eyeing turkey leg

Dog eyeing turkey leg


We all look forward to the holiday season as a time of family, friends, food, and fun. Unfortunately, though, Thanksgiving is also a time where we see a dramatic increase in the number of pet emergencies.

Be sure to be aware of potential Thanksgiving food risks and keep your pet safe this holiday season.

Pancreatitis in Pets

Just as for people, overindulgence in rich, fatty foods can upset the digestive system, resulting in vomiting, diarrhea, or both. Sometimes, though, when pets indulge too much the result is something more serious than just a tummy ache. Continue…

Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia: What Dog Owners Need to Know

100_2657As a pet owner, nothing is as scary as a disease that can take our pets from us without warning, and sometimes even without cause. Immune-mediated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is a condition that can do just that, though.

Although you’ve likely never heard of it, it’s important to learn what you need to know so that if you ever have a pet who is affected by IMHA you can take prompt and effective action.

What is Immune-Mediated Hemolytic Anemia in Dogs?

The name of the disease says it all. In pets affected by IMHA the immune system begins to destroy (hemolyze) the animal’s own red blood cells, resulting in anemia. Continue…

Pets and Pain

Dog covering noseNo one likes to see their beloved pet in any kind of discomfort, but it can be difficult to know how to help your pet with chronic or intense pain. Pets are not the same as people so their pain must be handled differently, and even treating a dog’s pain can be quite different from treating a cat’s pain.

Knowing what to do in the event that your pet is suffering pain can help pet owners deal with this unfortunate but common occurrence of pet ownership.

Identifying Pet Pain

Sometimes, the biggest hurdle in addressing pet pain is knowing that it is there. Animals can be very stoic and many hide illness and injury very well. Be sure to pay attention to what is normal for your pet. Pets who are in pain may exhibit many or none of the following signs: Continue…

Enjoying A Safe Halloween With Your Pets

iStock_000028166570_MediumAutumn provides ample opportunity to enjoy the outdoors and make memories with your pet. From the inimitable sound of autumn leaves crunching beneath the paws of your pooch to the poetic way your feline gazes at the early sunset, this season is a special one for all. However, with Halloween’s approach, pet owners should prepare for the possible risks that also await their pets. Sure, there is fun to be had and treats to enjoy (we’ll get to that in a bit) but caution is also necessary in order to best protect your pet and avoid pet emergencies. Read on to learn more.

Spooky Can Quickly Turn Scary

Many pet owners decide to keep their pets inside starting at dusk on All Hallows Eve. Pets (including black cats, of course) can be at risk when it comes to senseless Halloween pranks. Keep Your Pet Safe by keeping him or her indoors after dark. You can even create a warm and cozy den for them to snooze in away from the shrieks and chatter of trick-or-treaters. Continue…

City Cats and Cosmopolitan Canines: Keeping City Pets Safe

Dog SalonFrom the clamor of our favorite deli to the all-night-lights of the city, residing in an urban area can be thrilling for humans. Unfortunately, the fast-paced urban life we enjoy can present challenges to maintaining our city pet’s well-being and safety.

Increased traffic puts many pets at greater risk for getting hit by a car. More people living in a concentrated area can also be equated with dangers such as access to potential toxins, open garbage cans, and city-dwelling wildlife. High-rise apartments also present the risk of injuries from falls, and newer homes and apartments often lack suitable enclosed areas for safely exercising our pets.

But, we can take some steps to make life in the city more pet-friendly, while increasing our pet’s safety in such a fast-paced, people-filled environment. Continue…

Intratracheal Stents for Pets

StentUnfortunately the diagnosis of a collapsing trachea is one all too many pet owners are familiar with. Small breed dogs, especially Toy Poodles, Pomeranians, Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas, Maltese, and Pugs are predisposed to this condition. Many times pet owners learn to live with this problem and manage it medically, however some pets may need more aggressive treatment. We are happy to be able to offer tracheal stenting to these patients.

What Is Tracheal Collapse?

For some pets, breathing isn’t easy. The trachea, also known as the windpipe, connects the airway to the lungs. Normally it is a rigid tube made up of rings of cartilage that extend from the back of the throat, through the neck, and into the thorax. Continue…