Adventures in Dog Park Manners

When you think of taking your four-legged pal to the dog park, do any of the following thoughts come to mind?

  • Oh, great, my dog can play while I catch up on my phone calls, emails, texts…
  • Patches has been off the hook lately… think I will take him to the dog park to work off that destructive energy.
  • They always have water at dog parks, right?
  • Dang, I am in a hurry, but I’m certain they hire someone to clean up doggie messes.
  • My dog’s just naturally dominant, like the alpha, and that’s normal.
  • Snuggles is just a bit timid; I’m sure she’ll become more assertive in time.
  • If you confess to some of these misconceptions, hold the leash!


Veterinary Technician Specialties: Do You Have What It Takes?

OVRS_iStock_000015525355_LargeVeterinary medicine is a science-based field, and that means that every day there is more research being done and new findings happening that change the face of what we do. It has gotten to the point that no one person can be an expert in everything related to veterinary medicine.

In recent decades, veterinarians have trended towards specialization, with board-certified specialists focusing on surgery, oncology, internal medicine, critical care, and other areas of veterinary medicine. The veterinary technician field has followed suit, with the National Association of Veterinary Technicians in America (NAVTA) Continue…

Hot-Weather Pet Safety Quiz

OVRS_iStock_000004595745_LargeHot weather dos and don’ts seem obvious where our pets are concerned. Do make sure there’s plenty of drinking water available. Don’t leave pets in the car. However, many of the activities our pets love, and we don’t worry about, especially away from home, can be riskier than you might think, especially in hot weather.

Try this quiz about hot weather pet safety – the answers (near the end) may surprise you!

Which of these situations may be dangerous (or at least very uncomfortable) for your pet?
(Assume drinking water is freely available.) Continue…

Basic First Aid for Pets

OVRS_iStock_000005845426_Large (1)No one wants to think about a pet falling victim to accident or illness, but most of us will agree that thinking about emergency preparedness is important. The reality is: accidents happen and sudden illness or symptoms of distress can befall any pet, even the healthiest. Because of this, having a basic understanding of how to administer First Aid for pets is an important skill for any pet owner and can even save the life of a pet. Continue…

Animal Symbolism: What Our Pets Teach Us About Ourselves

Dramatic landscapeThroughout history, mankind has studied animals and their behaviors. Animals have appeared as mythical heroes and guardians, as well as in fables focused on important moral lessons. They have embodied the stories of cultures throughout history and are the subject of Paleolithic cave art and archaic Native American petroglyphs. Continue…

Teaching Children About Animals

OVRS_iStock_000000203436_LargeMost children are naturally inclined to adore animals – from the Disney-inspired animal movies they covet to their own best-friend pets. Kids are often curious about all types of animals and are the first to want to pet, hold, or investigate any animal they happen to see. And, while this innate affinity is wonderful, it is also a great catalyst for teaching children about animals and how to safely and kindly interact with them. Continue…

The Pet Surgery Technician: The Unsung Hero of the Operating Room

OVRSredux_iStock_000050636198_LargeSurgery is something we do a fair bit of here at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services. Be it a Caesarean-section, orthopedic procedure, or an emergency foreign body removal, we often have a surgery in progress here at the hospital.

While you may already be familiar with our wonderful surgeons, many people aren’t aware of the other major player in our operating room: the pet surgery technician. Learn what these special team members do and why they are so important. Continue…

The Pet Owner’s Guide to Triage and the Veterinary Emergency Room

OVRS_iStock_000022610052_Large (2)No one plans on their pet having an emergency, but it is bound to happen eventually if you have animals in your home. Visiting the veterinary emergency room can be scary, especially if it is at a facility other than your pet’s regular veterinarian.

Learn what you need to know about the veterinary emergency room at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services and how things work so that you know what to expect should you have to visit us unexpectedly. This includes understanding how we prioritize the order in which pets are seen in the ER. Continue…