Lost And Found: Using Social Media To Find A Missing Pet

OVRS_iStock_000006837403_LargeAs a pet parent, the last thing you want is to discover that your dog or cat has gotten loose and is missing. You may wonder what you would do first? Who would you call? Where would you even begin to locate your missing pet?

First Things First

  • As soon as you discover that your pet is missing, contact the Bloomfield Township Animal Welfare department and the Oakland County Animal Control And Adoption Center to file a missing pet report.
  • Create a “lost pet” flyer complete with a photo of your pet and your contact info. Enlist family and friends to help post copies of the flyer in as many places as you can, such as lampposts, trees, veterinary offices, pet supply stores, dog parks, grocery stores, and gas stations. Always ask permission before posting a flyer.
  • Get on the computer and utilize as many social media sites as possible to aid you in your search.


Celebrating Responsible Pet Owners Everywhere

sweet brown labrador puppy licking the nose of a blond teenager girlWhat constitutes responsible pet care? Certainly most pet owners love their pets. What should that love in action look like though? Is it daily feeding and petting? Spoiling your pet with treats? What does it mean to be a responsible pet parent?

Our blogs usually focus on how to prevent health care risks, ways to improve pet health and quality of life, or various health conditions. In this blog, we want to describe our view of responsible pet care and celebrate the many responsible pet owners who provide exemplary care and love to their pets each and every day. Continue…

Surprise! Dog Birthday Parties Are In

ovrs-iStock_000003633022_LargeYou can just envision it: the tiny party hats, the decorated dog biscuits, and a clown bending balloons into the shapes of little humans. OK, maybe not the clown… but, it is a fact that pet birthday parties are becoming quite the trend among pet parents.

And, why not? Our pet companions are oftentimes very much like our kids and hold an important place in our hearts and homes.

Throwing the Perfect Dog Birthday Party

So, what does a birthday party for fur friends entail?


Sunscreen and Bug Spray for Pets

Funny dog on summer vacation at swimming poolWe are now deep into summer and we hope that you and your pets have been enjoying the great outdoors. If you have been outside much, though, you know how much of a damper the sun and bugs can put on your good time. Our four-legged family members are no different in this regard. Learn what you need to know about sunscreen and bug spray for your pets this summer season.

Sun Dangers for Pets

The sunshine holds lots of fun for people and pets alike, but we must always remember that its rays can be dangerous. Continue…

A Mega Mission for Canine Megaesophagus Awareness Week

OVRS_iStock_000009730375_LargeJuly 19th-25th is Megaesophagus Awareness Week and Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is on a mission to raise understanding about this condition. Keep reading to help us achieve our goal and learn about canine megaesophagus.

Mega What? Understanding Canine Megaesophagus

The esophagus is the tube that carries food from the mouth into the stomach. It is made up of muscle tissue. Normally the muscle of the esophagus helps to ease food and water into the stomach and prevent it from going the wrong way.

In dogs with megaesophagus, the muscle of the esophagus does not do its job. Food and water sit and often never quite make it into the stomach.

Canine megaesophagus can have several underlying causes. The most common of these include: Continue…

The Tick Boom and Your Pet

OVRS-iStock_000033327372_LargeTicks have been an increasing problem for people and their pets over the past few years. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, reported cases of Lyme disease have almost doubled in two years, with the western region of the state seeing the highest number of incidents. And, while the tick boom has created a worrisome outdoor environment for people, pet owners are also concerned about keeping their pets safe from ticks and the diseases they carry.

An Animal Owner’s Guide to Pet Liver Problems

Man's best friendLiver problems are usually serious for a pet. As a pet owner, you want to better understand what is happening with your pet, even if they know he or she is in good hands. There are many different pet liver problems that dogs and cats can have. Read on to learn what you should know if your pet is having liver issues.

Pet Liver Problems: The Rundown

The liver is a very important organ, and pets and people alike need it to stay healthy. The liver has several vital functions including helping in digestion, aiding in proper blood clotting, regulating blood sugar, producing essential proteins, and detoxifying the blood. If the liver isn’t working right, serious problems can develop. Continue…

Beach Safety Tips for Our Lake Loving Canines

OVRS_iStock_000047035506_LargeSurf’s up in Michigan! (Ok, well, what we consider surf.) And, many of us, human or animal alike, can appreciate the cool lakeshore on a steamy summer day. Have fun at the beach and avoid these doggie dangers with a little beach safety awareness. High water levels, heat, and pet escape are among some of the possible pet perils.

To make yours and your pet’s summer extra cool, practice some of the following surf-n-turf precautions. Continue…

How to Handle a Pet Escape Artist

OVRS_iStock_000019191267_Large (1)You turn your back for a minute, and he’s off! A pet escape artist can maneuver through the narrowest of passages, wiggle under any fence, or slip through an open door with the stealth of a ninja – or at least it can seem that way. The truth is, when your pet likes to roam, there’s really no letting your guard down.

Pets escape for a number of reasons. Getting to the core of what prompts your particular pup or kit to want to wander is a good place to begin.

Understanding the Cause

Dogs and cats are natural roamers. Instinctually, many breeds can travel several miles each day, marking territory, communicating with other animals through scent, and seeking out a mate. However, when it comes to your beloved pet, we discourage the indulgence of these instinctual impulses through training, providing enrichment at home, and spaying or neutering before the first heat. Continue…

On the Forefront: VetCOT and Elevating Veterinary Trauma Care

OVRS_iStock_000015016040_LargeCutting edge veterinary hospitals like Oakland Veterinary Referral Services are joining together to form a national network of veterinary trauma centers. Hospitals in this network will work with the recently formed Veterinary Committee on Trauma (VetCOT) to produce a veterinary trauma registry, standardize trauma practice, and further trauma education. Learn more about why this and other work planned by VetCOT is so important for improving veterinary trauma care.


In human healthcare, it is common for hospitals across the nation to work based on the best practices in how patient care is handled. Veterinary hospitals, however, are traditionally privately owned and often work independently. This becomes particularly evident in trauma medicine, where hospitals may be working with dated, or less than optimal, trauma processes and knowledge. Continue…