Nine-To-Five: Take Your Dog To Work Day

Woman working on computer with dogHi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to work we go, this time with our dog! That’s right, national Take Your Dog To Work day is right around the corner (June 24th this year to be exact), and if you have the right type of dog, and the right type of boss, you may be looking forward to this annual event.

Since every day is take your dog (or cat) to work day here at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we figured we would share our tips for a safe and successful workplace visit for you and your best pal.

Know Thy Dog

After clearing it with your boss, of course, the first step in getting ready to bring your dog to work should be to honestly assess your dog to see if he or she has what it takes for a full day of work. Is your dog… Continue…

Born Free: Making Life Safer For Outdoor Cats

Cat climbing tree“My cat is bored.”

“Cats are born to hunt.”

“My cat can’t get enough exercise inside the home.”

“My cat is destructive indoors.”

These are just a few of the reasons typically given by owners who allow their cats to roam freely outside.

Most cat owners have good intentions when they make the decision to let their cat have free run of the great outdoors, but we want to make you aware of the risks associated with an outdoor cat and this practice and how to avoid some of them. Continue…

Fear Freesm Veterinary Visits: The New Face of Pet Care

Veterinarian and CatEvery pet owner has experienced that feeling when you know that your pet should probably be seen by a veterinarian, but you’re hesitant due to the stress you know it will cause. Many pets miss out on basic wellness care and even sick care due to their fear of coming to see us. Things are changing, however, and Fear Freesm veterinary visits are becoming the trend. Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is happy to embrace this trend and help more pets get the fear-free care that they deserve.



Breaking Up is Hard to Do:  Preventing and Dealing with Dog Fights

Cordova_iStock_000028058734_LargeIt is a scary experience that, unfortunately, many pet owners have experienced first-hand: Dog fights. Be it between your own pets, at the dog park, or with a stray animal coming into your yard, dog fights are one of the leading causes of injuries that we see.

It is important for pet owners to be know how to help prevent aggression problems where possible and know what to do when dog fights do break out.

The Drive to Fight

Inter-animal communication can be a complicated thing, and sometimes fighting is a way for pets to sort out issues. In order to prevent fights where possible, it is important for dog owners to understand why dog fights occur. Continue…

Veterinary Cancer Patient Emergencies and What to Do

Veterinarian Doctor Consulting Cairn Terrier Dog with StethoscopIf you have a pet who has been diagnosed with cancer, you already know that things aren’t always going to be easy. These special patients do need attention and TLC but, in your concern, it is also easy to become jumpy about every little thing and worry needlessly. Veterinary cancer patient emergencies do happen, though, and any pet owner who is caring for one needs to be aware of the signs of a truly urgent problem.


Special Needs of the Cancer Patient


The oncology department at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services understands that having a pet going through cancer treatment is not easy on either of you. We are very educated in the special needs of these delicate patients. Pets undergoing cancer treatment may have: Continue…

What the Heck is in My Pet’s Food? Understanding Pet Nutrition

OVRS_iStock_000059360494_LargeSelecting the right pet food can be mind boggling, and trying to understand the nutrition label can be even trickier. It can be a tempting topic to avoid but our pet’s diet is an important cornerstone to proper care. Every pet owner should learn the basics about pet nutrition, what it all means, and what to look for.

Avoid the frustration of trying to sort through all of the information yourself and let Oakland Veterinary Referral Services help you focus on the most important things to know.

The Importance of Pet Nutrition

Feeding your pet a healthy, well-rounded diet is essential to good health. Pet nutrition is an extremely important part of animal husbandry. While there are many acceptable ways to feed a pet, every balanced diet includes several components: Continue…

Winning the Battle of Understanding Cancer in Pets

OVRS_iStock_000052688484_LargeIf you have a pet who has been diagnosed with cancer, things are scary enough. To make things, worse, though, the oncology world is filled with jargon and terminology that can intimidate even the most scholarly of pet owners. Take a moment to let us explain some oncology basics so that you can feel more confident in understanding cancer in pets.

Not All Cancer is Equal

Understanding cancer in pets can be difficult unless you have a good grasp on what cancer actually is. All of the tissue in our pet’s bodies are made up of individual cells. Under normal circumstances these cells grow and divide in an orderly, regulated manner. Cancer occurs when these cells begin to grow uncontrolled. Continue…

Do Animals Dream?

OVRS_iStock_000022080452_LargeAsk most observant pet owners whether animals, such as cats and dogs, dream and you are likely to get a lot of anecdotal (and endearing) stories. From the soft yips of a snoozing puppy to the whisker twitches of a feline friend, it’s a fair assumption that our pet companions also experience dreamtime.

But, is there actually any scientific proof behind this assumption?

The Studies of Animal Slumber

From rats to cats, the subject of dreaming in animals has been a focus of research and debate for decades. And, the common denominator of dreaming is a stage of sleep known as REM (rapid eye movement). Continue…

Putting a Stop to Animal Cruelty

Dog in kennelAs fellow animal lovers, it is hard for us to imagine treating a pet or animal unkindly. Sadly, though, animal cruelty occurs every day. It takes on many shapes and forms, but regardless of how you look at it, treating an animal without respect is a serious offense.

Take a step back and ask yourself if you know how to recognize animal cruelty and whether you know what to do about it.

The Faces of Animal Cruelty

Animal cruelty isn’t always as black and white as you might think. While most of us would step in if we saw a pet being beaten or otherwise physically harmed, cruelty isn’t always intentional. It may come in the form of: Continue…

Pet Parasite Prevention 101

Dog considering health risks of tcks, fleaDogs and cats are susceptible to a number of internal and external parasites, some of which are capable of being passed to humans. Year-round, monthly parasite prevention is not only a vital component of your pet’s overall health and wellbeing, it’s important for your family’s health as well.

Pet Parasite Prevention

Parasites are more than just annoying. Many carry pathogens that can put our pets at risk for dangerous illnesses. By following your veterinarian’s recommendations for monthly parasite preventive medications, you will be protecting your pet from these tiny foes: Continue…