Turkey Troubles: Pet Pancreatitis and the Holiday Season

pet pancreatitisThanksgiving is just around the corner, and most of us are anxiously awaiting all of the delicious foods. The turkey and gravy, the stuffing, the fluffy rolls fresh from the oven, and – oh boy – the pumpkin pie! Thanksgiving is truly a time for giving thanks for all of our bounties, including the delectable dishes.

Unfortunately, the holiday season is also rife with pet emergency cases relating to pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal problems. Your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services want to explain why pet pancreatitis is a serious emergency that should give you pause before letting Fido partake in the holiday feast.


Pupternity: What Determines Litter Size in Dogs?

litter sizeNormal puppy litter size tends to vary from one to twelve. The world record according to Guinness is a whopping twenty four puppies, birthed by a Neapolitan Mastiff in the UK in 2004. Why does litter size vary so much and what determines litter size in puppies? OVRS looks at the main factors affecting litter size.


Frequently Asked Questions about Pet Medications

pet medicationsMedications are an essential tool of well-being in every dog or cat’s life. Whether the prescription is a monthly parasite preventive or a short-term antibiotic, where would we be without the health and wellness benefits of prescription medications?

Understanding these potent medications is an important part of being a pet owner. That is why we, as veterinary professionals, encourage lots of questions from pet parents. The team at OVRS compiled some of the more commonly asked questions about pet medications, and their answers.


Pet Cloning: Is It Safe? Does It Make Sense?

pet cloningOur pets are with us such a short time and no one wants to say goodbye to a beloved pet. With pet cloning, you may not have to. Multiple companies can currently clone your dog or cat with a simple procedure — though it comes with a hefty price tag. What are your options for cloning your pet, and what are some of the possible risks and ramifications?


One Paw at a Time: Keeping the Dog Out of the Litter Box

Keeping the Dog Out of the Litter BoxLiving with both dogs and cats can be a wonderful experience. Not only do we get to connect with and enjoy these two very different species, but watching them play, snuggle, and even annoy each other is a fun and meaningful aspect of pet ownership.

Of course, living with multiple pets has its challenges, especially when  Fido has a tendency to raid the litter box. Not only do pet owners hate this disgusting practice, it’s also highly likely that the cat doesn’t appreciate their private bathroom being invaded by the family dog!

Fortunately, it doesn’t take much effort to keep your dog out of the litter box, and your team at OVRS is here to help you every step of the way.


To Move Forward, Look Back: Oakland Veterinary Referral Services Top 10 Blogs of 2017

At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, our mission is to provide the best veterinary care possible to our growing community of pets, and it’s our continued honor to serve referring veterinarians and their clients. A component of our ongoing service is to brainstorm, write, and publish articles in our pet care blog that speak to the various challenges facing a pet owner today. Each week we post a new topic, and if a pet care blog is clicked on or shared by one of our readers, we gain meaningful insight into subject matter that hits home.

Our high-level care goes beyond the clinical, and we aim to show our dedication to pet owners through a full range of subjects. From the light-hearted to the serious, we hope you enjoy the top 10 blogs of 2017.


An Age-Old Mystery: Why do Cats Sleep so Much?

cat sleepingWhere is your cat right now? If you’re reading this on your tablet or laptop, there’s a good chance he or she is attempting to schedule an unplanned snuggle – right on top of the screen. If Fluffy is absent, he or she is likely either dreaming or waking up from the 9th cat nap of the day. Cats are definitely lounge lovers, but there’s more to this indulgence than meets the eye. Cats sleep an average of 16-20 hours every day, but why?

Cat Sleep Patterns

While many cats are active at night (especially kittens), their species is actually classified as crepuscular, meaning they “come alive” at dawn and dusk. This is explained by the fact that other natural predators are usually hunting in the deep night or daytime hours.


We’re Growing Again! Our New Oncology Wing Expansion

pet cancerHere at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, there is nothing that we would be more thrilled about than a cure for cancer. Unfortunately, just as in the human population, cancer in our pet patients continues to be one of the most frequent diagnoses that we deliver.

Our expert team at OVRS has been helping pets diagnosed with cancer for a long time, but, as you may know, we are always striving to be better. That is why we have expanded our hospital, adding on a new oncology wing, dedicated to helping our pet patients with cancer.


The Good Samaritan’s Guide: How to Help Feral Cats

17th century philosopher Thomas Hobbes famously described life outside society as “nasty, brutish, and short”. The same can be said for the lives of feral cats (also called “community cats”). Feral cats generally eat from trash bins and must deal with temperature extremes, traffic, mistreatment from humans and other cats, infections, disease, flea infestations, and more.

Anyone who lives near a population of community cats knows how quickly their numbers can grow, and how susceptible the individuals are to disease and injury. Knowing how to help feral cats is key in reducing their numbers and keeping the population healthy.

Life on the Fringe

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), a feral cat is defined as “any cat who is too poorly socialized to be handled…and who cannot be placed into a typical pet home”. Unlike a stray cat, who has become lost or been abandoned by the owners, feral cats are not used to contact with people and are generally too fearful or aggressive to be handled or adopted.

Spring into Action with Pet Safe Cleaning Tips from OVRS!

The warmer temperatures of spring bring thoughts of backyard barbecues, long walks in the park, and spring cleaning! Cleaning of any sort is a special challenge for pet owners, who not only have extra to clean (shedding fur, grimy food bowls, muddy paw prints, and smelly litter boxes for starters), but who also have to keep the safety of their furry friends in mind at the same time.

The health of your sweet pet is our top priority at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, so consider the following pet safe cleaning tips our gift to you!

The Importance of Pet Safe Cleaning

Using your favorite commercial cleaner in the bathroom or to mop the kitchen floor may not seem like a big deal, but ingredients commonly found in cleaning products, such as alcohol, ammonia, organic solvents, and phenols, can have serious implications for pets. Not only are pets physically smaller than humans, they use their mouths to groom themselves and explore their worlds, making the chances of coming into contact with a cleaning product that much greater.