What You Need to Know About Canine Parvovirus

Pug with tongue hanging outCanine parvovirus, also known as parvo, is a highly contagious illness that can be passed to any dog, particularly unvaccinated dogs and puppies under 4 months old. Is your dog protected? It’s a serious matter as parvovirus affects the gastrointestinal tract and, if left untreated, can cause death within 48 to 72 hours.

Be sure that you have all of the information you need to protect your dog from canine parvovirus. When it comes to parvo and your dog, it’s essential to understand what parvo is, how it is spread, and how to protect your pet.

Symptoms of Canine Parvovirus

Canine parvovirus attacks the white blood cells, rendering the body unable to combat the virus effectively. It also invades the cells in the intestine, leading to severe gastrointestinal distress for the infected dog. Severe vomiting and diarrhea associated with the disease leads to dehydration and eventual shock, as the damaged intestines may be unable to keep bacteria and other toxins from leaking into the bloodstream. Continue…

Not Always Easy as ABC: What to Know About Service Dogs in Schools

Enjoying SchoolWe’ve all seen firsthand or heard stories of the wonderful ways in which service dogs are trained to help people. From dogs trained to guide visually impaired individuals, to those who can detect and alert a person of an impending seizure or blood sugar drop, there is no question that service dogs impact the lives of their owners in profoundly positive ways.

These amazing animals help children as well as adults, but complications can arise when it comes to having service dogs in schools.

What is a Service Dog?

A “service animal”, as defined by the American Disabilities Act (ADA), is a dog that is trained to do work or perform tasks that benefit an individual with a disability. This includes sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, and other disabilities. The tasks a service dog performs must be directly related to the person’s disability. Service dogs are not considered “pets”. Continue…

No Class: Avoiding Back to School Pet Problems

Miniature schnauzer dog studyingIt’s about time for the kids to go back to school, and that often means big changes in your household. You may notice your dog suffering from anxiety, or even acting out, as the house is emptier during the day and everyone gets into the swing of the new fall routine. Thankfully, you may be able to prevent these back to school pet problems before they start, or help your pup to make an easier transition.

The First Step is Admitting There is a Problem

A dog’s anxiety can take numerous forms. Often owners recognize that there is a change in behavior or personality, but they may not be able to put their finger on the cause. Other times, the symptoms are more obvious. Continue…

Ear Infections in Dogs and How to Avoid Them

Lovely big-eared friendSome pet owners get to experience more than their fair share of ear problems in their furry wards. A few of you may even be regulars at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services’ dermatology department.

While some ear infections in dogs may be unavoidable, you can help eliminate or minimize the occurrence of many ear infections. Learn more about what you can do to help your dog steer clear of them where possible.

Ear Infections in Dogs

Ear infections in dogs are usually a different type of ear problem than the ear infections we talk about in people but both human and dog ears are comprised of three main parts: Continue…

All Your Questions About Pet Emergencies Answered

Animal HospitalWhen you have a pet emergency, no doubt there are many questions racing through your head. You might think to ask them, but your mind is generally preoccupied with the task at hand:  getting your pet better.

Oakland Veterinary Referral Hospital thought it might be nice to answer some of the more frequently asked questions about pet emergencies for you before you ever need to know them.

In the heat of the moment

No matter what kind of emergency you are having, things can get a little harried in the midst of it. Keep your cool by remembering the following: Continue…

Special Delivery: Why Cats Like Boxes

cat in the postal boxCats know there’s nothing as fascinating as a plain old cardboard box. Almost any cat owner who has ever left an empty box lying around for more than a few minutes can attest to this feline behavior. In fact, even non cat owners are familiar with the image of a cat squeezed into a too-small cardboard box. But it begs the question: Just why do cats like boxes so much anyway?

Cat In The Box

Cats in the wild are solitary predators who are curious, secretive, and spend hours sleeping and hiding. It makes sense, then, that a box could fulfill a variety of needs for a cat, including: Continue…

Life (With Pets) Is A Highway: Pet Travel Tips And Summer Getaway Ideas

Dog sitting in the suitcaseIt wouldn’t be summer without at least one short getaway. For many of us, leaving our pets at home when we go out of town is simply not an option, which is why we have compiled a list of our favorite local pet friendly getaway destinations, along with a few pet travel tips for safety’s sake.

Where To Go, Where To Go?

There is beauty and adventure to be found in every state in the union, but here at OVRS, we agree with the ad campaign that our great state is one of the most beautiful in the country. They don’t call it “Pure Michigan” for nothing! Continue…

Pets And Parties: Summer Party Petiquette And Safety Tips

OVRS_iStock_000022150902_LargeBarbeques and outdoor parties are a cherished part of summer for many families, and it only makes sense that we would want to include our pets in as much of our summer fun as possible. After all, pets and parties go hand-in-hand…

Or do they?

We’ve all been to (or hosted) a gathering that included an obnoxious pet; the terrier who swipes the hamburger from your 5-year-old’s hand and runs away with it, the tabby who makes himself right at home on the kitchen counter or dining room table, or the exuberant Labrador who almost knocks over each and every guest who dares to enter the premises. Continue…

The B-Word:  Bloat in Dogs

OakForest_iStock_000089139143_LargeFew health issues can take a dog’s life as quickly as bloat can. Despite its serious nature, though, few pet owners really understand what this devastating condition is. Taking just a few minutes to learn about bloat in dogs might just help you to recognize it if you are unlucky enough to encounter this canine emergency. Your knowledge may just save your dog’s life.

Bloat Basics

Bloat is a condition involving the digestive tract. It occurs when the stomach fills with air, inflating much like a balloon. The emergency happens when bloat turns into what’s called a GDV, or gastric dilatation volvulus. This occurs when that balloon of a stomach turns on itself, trapping the air, food, and fluid in the stomach and strangulating the blood supply to the stomach. Sometimes the spleen, which is a close neighbor to the stomach, also twists in the process. Continue…

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle: Our Favorite DIY Pet Toys

Playful CatDo you bring a new dog toy home from the store just to have it destroyed in a matter of hours or days by your exuberant pup? Does your energetic  kitty shred every toy you buy? Or, worse yet, shun the expensive store bought toys in favor of your favorite slippers or the corner of your new chair?

Whether you’re a seasoned crafter or don’t consider yourself to be the crafty type, our list of fun, economical, and Earth-friendly DIY pet toys is sure to please your furry friend, without taxing your budget or your patience.

DIY Pet Toys Made Simple

What better way to save the Earth, and your pocket book, than by whipping up a new toy for your pet out of items you already have lying around the home? Continue…