We Got the Beat…On Caring for Pet Heart Patients at Home

pet heart patients at homwPets with cardiac issues need a little extra TLC. If you are the caretaker of one of these special animals, you may be wondering what you need to do at home to help your pet stay as healthy as possible. Oakland Veterinary Referral Services knows that you want to do everything you can to achieve this. With a little extra effort at home, pet heart patients often do quite well.

Home Strategies for Pet Heart Patients

Depending on your pet’s diagnosis, our team may have individualized recommendations for your patient at home. There are some generalized things, though, that most pet heart patients can benefit from.


Pet Tech: All About the Smart Dog Collar

smart collarPicture this: You’re sitting at your desk at work when you hear the familiar ping of a notification on your smartphone. The message has been sent by your dog’s collar, letting you know that she has gotten out again. Time to track her down using the collar’s built-in GPS, which is accessible on your phone.

By the time you reach the area where she is located, evening is setting in, so you remotely switch on the collar’s LED light to help you in your search. There she is, investigating the contents of a gopher hole in some bushes five blocks from home!

Before returning home, you have the collar take and post pictures of your dog’s escapades to your social media accounts, just for fun.


Pets in the Pre-Nup? The New World of Pet Custody Battles

pet custodyCouples who adopt pets together are most likely not thinking about what will happen to these pets in the event of a breakup, but maybe they should. With over 70% of U.S. households containing a pet, combined with a 50% divorce rate, it makes sense that pet custody battles are on the rise.

The Law of the Land

In most states, pets are considered part of a couple’s joint assets, except in cases where one party brings the pet into the relationship. In that case, the pet is considered that person’s nonmarital property.


Bow WOW! Ways to Add Excitement to Your Daily Dog Walk

dog walkIs your dog bored with the standard “walk to the park?” Are you reluctant to tread the same old path each and every day? It’s easy to get stuck in an exercise rut with your dog – and chances are that your dog is tired of the same old walk routine as well.

Daily exercise plays a key role in the lifelong health and happiness of all pets, and the daily walk is one of the best ways to keep your dog moving (it also offers important opportunities for socialization). Just because daily walks are routine, the OVRS staff doesn’t believe that your walks need to be dull! Here are ways to add a little pizazz to your dog walk to keep both you and your paw pal enthusiastic.

Where Can You Take Your Dog? Almost Anywhere!

take your dogWith more than 69 million pet dogs in our country alone, it just makes sense that our canine counterparts would be welcome at a variety of public establishments; some employers are even encouraging their employees to bring their pets to work! With evidence of reduced stress, increased productivity, and higher morale, integrating pets into all areas of life seems natural.

In spite of widespread progress in this department, though, dogs aren’t allowed everywhere we want to go (yet!). The great news is that there are some amazing businesses out there that allow you to take your dog, and we’ve got them listed here!

From “No Pets” to “Yes, Please!”

With increased education, socialization, and training programs, dogs are becoming excellent participants in all manner of outings. It used to be that dogs were only allowed in outdoor areas, but now it’s common to take your dog to grocery stores, malls, restaurants, hotels, and more.

Beer, Burgers, and Pet Safety: 5 Tips for Enjoying Memorial Day Weekend with Your Pets

Memorial Day weekend is the official launch to summer. Consisting of cold brews, volleyball, barbecue, and relaxation, this is the weekend where we launch into summer food and fun. While we appreciate this holiday weekend, it’s important to keep in mind that pet safety becomes an issue when you combine food, alcohol, and plenty of distractions.

With a few precautions, though, you and your furry pals can party it up this weekend – without putting them in danger. To learn more about how to have a great long weekend with your pet, read on.


Pet ICU: Understanding Veterinary Critical Care

When most people consider critical care or an ICU, they likely think of life-threatening medical scenarios where a patient is given life support and monitored closely in a special unit. The same is true for our pet patients. Advances in veterinary critical care have made it possible to treat those with critical illnesses or traumas that once would have likely resulted in a very poor outcome.

While veterinary emergency and critical care are often closely intertwined, veterinary critical care (or intensive care) is a branch of veterinary medicine that focuses on animals who are experiencing a serious medical situation that can potentially be helped. Unlike hospice care, where a pet is supported and kept comfortable during the end stages of life, the goal of critical care is to use all avenues of treatment to give a patient the best chance of survival.


Solving Great Mysteries: Explaining the Small Dog Lifespan

small dogsThe Egyptian pyramids, crop circles, Stonehenge…there are some mysteries in this world that continue to go unexplained. Perhaps one of the more compelling mysteries for animal lovers everywhere, though, is trying to figure out why some dogs live to be 20 while others are lucky to get to 8 years of age.

Read on with us at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services to unravel the mystery that is the small dog lifespan.


The Good Samaritan’s Guide: How to Help Feral Cats

17th century philosopher Thomas Hobbes famously described life outside society as “nasty, brutish, and short”. The same can be said for the lives of feral cats (also called “community cats”). Feral cats generally eat from trash bins and must deal with temperature extremes, traffic, mistreatment from humans and other cats, infections, disease, flea infestations, and more.

Anyone who lives near a population of community cats knows how quickly their numbers can grow, and how susceptible the individuals are to disease and injury. Knowing how to help feral cats is key in reducing their numbers and keeping the population healthy.

Life on the Fringe

According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), a feral cat is defined as “any cat who is too poorly socialized to be handled…and who cannot be placed into a typical pet home”. Unlike a stray cat, who has become lost or been abandoned by the owners, feral cats are not used to contact with people and are generally too fearful or aggressive to be handled or adopted.

Mutts Vs. Purebreds: What Pet Owners Need to Know

mutts vs purebredsProspective pet owners have a lot to think about before committing to bringing home a new, four-legged family member. Although many of us gravitate toward a specific pet breed, there are concerns about the overall health and hardiness of a purebred pet, not to mention a desire to help pets in need by adopting from a shelter or rescue. Thus, we may find ourselves struggling with the age-old debate of mutts vs. purebreds.

Genetic Concerns

Inherited diseases and disorders affect all pets, regardless of breed or background, but a purebred animal runs a higher risk of suffering from one of the many damaging genetic conditions. Although there are no hard and fast statistics on the subject, it goes without saying that breeding animals that share similar genetics is going to increase the likelihood of passing on diseases or conditions they may share.
