What’s In Your Mutt? Find Out With Dog DNA Testing!

dog dna testingIf you are the proud owner of a rescue mutt, you have almost certainly wondered at their lineage. Does that dark tongue make her part Chow Chow? Is his curly fur a result of some poodle in the mix? He looks like a cross between a boxer and a Chihuahua, but is that even possible?

Finally, there’s a way to settle the intense debate once and for all with at-home dog DNA testing. These easy to use kits enable dog owners to assuage their curiosity about their dog’s lineage, to tailor breed-specific training, and to be on the lookout for certain inherited conditions.


Black and White:  The Role of the Veterinary Radiologist

veterinary radiologistAny Veterinarian in general veterinary medicine has to try to be a pediatrician, a surgeon, an internist, a dermatologist, and ophthalmologist, a dentist, a nutritionist, an oncologist, an anesthesiologist, and more on a daily basis, and often for multiple species. The old saying “jack of all trades, master of none” is becoming more and more applicable in general practice, with general veterinarians knowing about a lot of things, but unable to specialize  in any of these areas. Sometimes, though, more in depth knowledge is necessary.

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services staffs a myriad of veterinary specialists in various fields to bring a level of expertise and concentration to your pet’s health. That is why we are adding Dr. Rachel Policelli-Smith, our first veterinary radiologist, to our staff. It’s our goal to bring the best in veterinary medicine to you as our client, and this is just one more way we are working to achieve that goal.

An Age-Old Mystery: Why do Cats Sleep so Much?

cat sleepingWhere is your cat right now? If you’re reading this on your tablet or laptop, there’s a good chance he or she is attempting to schedule an unplanned snuggle – right on top of the screen. If Fluffy is absent, he or she is likely either dreaming or waking up from the 9th cat nap of the day. Cats are definitely lounge lovers, but there’s more to this indulgence than meets the eye. Cats sleep an average of 16-20 hours every day, but why?

Cat Sleep Patterns

While many cats are active at night (especially kittens), their species is actually classified as crepuscular, meaning they “come alive” at dawn and dusk. This is explained by the fact that other natural predators are usually hunting in the deep night or daytime hours.


Hair, There, and Everywhere: How to Deal with Dog Hair

dog hairYou’ve swept it up, you’ve vacuumed for the hundredth time, you own more lint brushes than the local pharmacy – and your home still looks like a Wild West scene with those furball tumbleweeds rolling across the living room.

Dog hair can be an aggravation, particularly during high shedding seasons when some dogs will lose a bit of that thick winter coat. Realistically, though, dogs shed any time of year, which can make for a lot of work when it comes to grooming and keeping your home and clothing fur free.

To help your fuzzy friend out, OVRS has put together some tips for managing your dog’s mane!


We’re Growing Again! Our New Oncology Wing Expansion

pet cancerHere at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, there is nothing that we would be more thrilled about than a cure for cancer. Unfortunately, just as in the human population, cancer in our pet patients continues to be one of the most frequent diagnoses that we deliver.

Our expert team at OVRS has been helping pets diagnosed with cancer for a long time, but, as you may know, we are always striving to be better. That is why we have expanded our hospital, adding on a new oncology wing, dedicated to helping our pet patients with cancer.


Puppy Dog Eyes: Do You Have A Sneaky Dog?

sneaky dogThere’s no question that dogs are pretty amazing creatures; their amazing noses can sniff out cancer, drugs, bombs, and illegally imported food, service dogs restore our independence by being our hands, legs, ears, or eyes, hero dogs serve in the military, police force, and FBI. Even the “average” dog is far from average, and as a companion goes there is nothing better than the unconditional love and the deep bond we have with our dogs.

Of course there’s a flipside to all of this wonderfulness, and for many of us that involves making sure our beloved pup isn’t left unattended with our half-eaten turkey sandwich. If you are the proud owner of a “sneaky dog”, you aren’t alone!


DIY Natural Pet Pill Pockets that Help the Medicine Go Down

Nobody enjoys taking medication, and our pets are no different. Many pets are accomplished pill-avoiders (the dog who eats the entire hotdog you hid the pill in, yet somehow manages to spit the pill out, or the cat who magically disappears for hours right around medication time). It can be frustrating, to say the least, and may even be dangerous for a pet who relies on daily medication.

Pet owners struggling with getting pets to take medication often turn to pill pockets for help. Pet pill pockets are an ingenious (and tasty) way to trick even the most astute pet into swallowing his or her medication, and the team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services has the inside scoop on how to make your own!


Laika the Great Space Dog: The True Story of a Hero Pup

space dogFor millennia, humankind has employed dogs in our endeavors. We have taken advantage of their loyal companionship, steadfast endurance, and courageous natures in various ways. From homesteading, hunting, protection, and more, dogs have been our closest allies as we move through time.

Laika, a pioneer in the dawning age of space exploration, is one of the notable canines we owe a great debt to. We couldn’t have made certain aeronautical advances without her help, but little is known about this amazing space dog.

A Lifetime Ago

Before she was a space dog, Laika was a stray mixed breed (Siberian Husky and terrier) living on the streets of Moscow. She was chosen along with other dogs to train for a special mission, but she was ultimately singled out for her calm demeanor and even temperament.


Something Smells Off: Incredible Cancer Sniffing Dogs

cancer sniffing dogsYou probably knew that your dog is good for your health, but you probably didn’t know that dogs are advancing human medicine in ways you never dreamed about. Modern medical science is learning more and more about how our canine companions can be the key to disease detection. Cancer sniffing dogs may sound like science fiction, but this really is an incredible discovery in the health field.

Prostate Cancer and Cancer Sniffing Dogs

It has long been thought that animals have some sort of sixth sense when it comes to illness and death. Now we have some actual evidence to prove it.


Fourth of July: Now That It’s Over, What Did You Learn About Your Pet?

learn about your petWhew! Independence Day was one amazing holiday. From its signature display of fireworks to its call for the ultimate all American burger (you still won’t share your recipe, right?), we think most people agree that the Fourth of July is pretty darn great.

However, now that the fun is over, what did you learn about your pet? Did your pet spend part of the holiday trembling in fear? For most animals, this holiday isn’t on their list of favorite things. It’s noisy, scary and filled with tempting people-food. Let’s take a moment to review some of the things you may have noticed and can learn about your pet this Fourth of July that you may want to think about for upcoming holidays.
