Go Ga-Ga For These Holiday Gifts For Pets (And Their Owners!)

When it comes to gift giving, pets rank right up there with the rest of our loved ones as recipients of our goodwill. Shopping for pet lovers can also be fun, but choosing a gift for them, or for our pets, isn’t always simple and the options are nearly endless.

We love animal-related gifts here at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, and we hope our list of holiday gifts for pets and pet lovers alike will aid you on your shopping adventures this season!


Homeward Bound: Is the Homing Sense in Dogs Fact or Fiction?

homing sense in dogsWe’ve all heard stories or seen movies where man’s best friend makes a far-fetched trek across miles and miles to be reunited with their family. But is that a real thing? Do you think your dog would be able to find you if you were seperated? Read on to learn what’s real and what’s fantasy about homing sense in dogs.


What Our Dogs Teach Us About Life, Love, and True Happiness

We think of our dogs as family members, best friends, loyal companions, fierce protectors, and adorable snuggle buddies. But wise sage? Master teacher? Those may not be the first things that come to mind when you picture your beloved dog, but maybe they should be.

At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we believe dogs have more to share with humans than slobbery kisses and hair on the sofa. Our dogs teach us so many valuable life lessons, we couldn’t resist sharing our favorites!


Digestive Problems in Pets: How to Know When to Go

There’s nothing like waking up at 2AM to the sound of your sweet pet vomiting on the rug next to your bed. As annoying as it is to deal with a mess at that hour, you can’t help but wonder whether you should be calling the vet, or waiting to see if your pet starts to feel better.

Digestive problems in pets are relatively common and oftentimes pass on their own, but certain conditions can arise that spell big trouble for a pet. Knowing when to act quickly to get your pet help can prevent the condition from getting worse, and may save your pet’s life.


Growing Old Gracefully: Helping Senior Dogs Enjoy Their Golden Years

senior dogsWhether you’ve been with your senior dog since puppyhood, or adopted a wonderful pet during their adult years, you know by now that older pets have a lot to offer.

Making your senior dog’s golden years as wonderful as possible is your top priority as you and your best pal face this special time hand in paw, and it all starts with understanding the unique needs of an older pet.


Sittin’ Pretty: How To Prepare For A Pet Photo Session

pet photo sessionAlthough it’s only October, thoughts are inevitably turning to the winter holiday season ahead. For many families,  annual photo cards are a great way to share pictures with family and friends, and it’s only natural to want to include our pets in this fun tradition.

Pets are notoriously unpredictable, which can make holiday card planning a bit touch and go. Our tips and tricks can help you make the most of your pet photo session, and give your cards the sweet touch that only a beloved family pet can bring.


Have A Happy Howl-O-Ween With These Easy Pet Costume Ideas!

easy pet costume ideasModern pet owners know that costumes aren’t just for people, and if you can’t imagine your pet celebrating Halloween without an adorable ensemble, you’ve come to the right place. Our easy pet costume ideas will have your little buddy looking festive, feeling good, and won’t tax your budget!



Simplify Your Routine With Our Life Hacks For Dog Owners!

life hacks for dogs ownersWho knew that tea bags absorbed odor from stinky shoes, or that toilet paper tubes work perfectly for organizing electronics cords? “Life hacks” such as these give us cheap, effective ways to stay organized, manage our time, and overall maintain our productivity in a fast paced world.

Dog owners can benefit from useful tips and tricks as much as anybody, which is why we’ve compiled our top 10 favorite life hacks for dog owners. Enjoy!


Our Favorite (Virtually) Indestructible Dog Toys

indestructable dog toysDoes your dog shred any toy you give them within days, hours, or even minutes? Are you getting tired of spending money on dog toys that you know are going to end up in the trash soon? Do you worry about your furniture, shoes, and other household items being destroyed by your overzealous best pal? If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, you are the proud pet parent of an ‘extreme chewer’.

Many dogs fall into the category of aggressive/extreme chewers, and the pet products industry has responded in kind by creating a wide variety of virtually indestructible dog toys.


Changing Tides: Michigan’s Animal Abuse Laws

Michigan animal abuse lawsCompanion animals enjoy an elevated status in our modern society as compared to previous generations of their peers; for the most part. Many American pets are pampered with the best in medical and dental care, top of the line food and treats, specialty pet clothing, and most importantly the love and devotion of their human family members.

Unfortunately, not all animals are fortunate enough to receive the best that humans have to offer; indeed many of them experience the worst. In honor of World Animal Day, OVRS would like to shine a spotlight on Michigan’s animal abuse laws, and how they are working to help pets such as Amira, a puppy that was found abandoned with a severe neck injury and brought to us by a Good Samaritan in August 2017. Amira’s attacker is being prosecuted, and new legislation may prevent pets like her from ever entering the hands of would-be abusers in the first place.
