Looking Forward to a Bright Future at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services

Let us start by wishing you a happy New Year! We would not be where we are today at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services without our wonderful patients, their families, and the continuing support of our incredible referring veterinarians. For that, we say thank you!

We’ve had a busy year, and we’re always striving to provide our patients with top-of-the-line care in a safe and friendly environment. We’re excited to share with you the ways in which OVRS has grown and changed, while still offering the compassionate care you’ve come to expect.


Entertainment, Stimulation, and Exercise After Your Pet’s Surgery

pet surgeryAfter surgery, it’s very likely that your pet will be ordered to rest and remain calm during recovery (and we’re sure you want them to rest too!). Depending on the procedure, your pet may be restricted in movement, diet, and other aspects of daily life in order to promote healing. But what does this time of rest during recovery actually mean for your pet?

If you’ve ever had surgery, being relegated to sleep and a restricted regimen can be quite boring. The same is true for your pet post-surgery. Because all animals need enrichment and stimulation, it’s necessary to create games, activities, and other positive outlets that can promote wellbeing during this time.

A happy pet, after all, typically enjoys a faster recovery time. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services has some suggestions for activities and exercises after your pet’s surgery.


Kitty on the Move: Our Top 10 Cat Toys for Fun and Friskiness

cat toysThere’s no question that indoor cats enjoy better health and increased longevity than their outdoor counterparts. Your indoor cat may be safe and cozy, but their feline instincts don’t know the difference. Without an outlet for excess energy, indoor cats can wreak havoc on furniture and belongings, get into potentially hazardous substances, and soil the home.

Your team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants to help you provide your cat with the physical and mental enrichment they deserve (and save your couch in the process). Join us as we share our picks for 2018’s top 10 cat toys designed with active cats in mind!


A Spotlight on the Online Veterinary Forms at OVRS

online veterinary formsAt Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we consider it an honor and a privilege to provide the best possible emergency and specialty care for our patients. As a service to our clients and referring veterinarians, we offer a variety of online veterinary services and forms in an effort to make providing ongoing care for our patients as convenient as possible for everyone involved.

Take a moment to familiarize yourself with the ways in which our online veterinary forms can make your life a little easier!


It’s Our Duty! Responsible Use of Antibiotics in Pets

antibiotics in petsWhen Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1928, the world as we knew it changed, much for the better. Antibiotics have been essential in modern human and veterinary medicine, allowing us to successfully treat many conditions that were once devastating.

With great power, though, comes great responsibility. The tendency to overuse these important drugs has lead to antibiotic resistance over the years. Join Oakland Veterinary Referral Services in recognizing and respecting the conscientious way to use antibiotics in pets.


To Move Forward, Look Back: Oakland Veterinary Referral Services Top 10 Blogs of 2017

At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, our mission is to provide the best veterinary care possible to our growing community of pets, and it’s our continued honor to serve referring veterinarians and their clients. A component of our ongoing service is to brainstorm, write, and publish articles in our pet care blog that speak to the various challenges facing a pet owner today. Each week we post a new topic, and if a pet care blog is clicked on or shared by one of our readers, we gain meaningful insight into subject matter that hits home.

Our high-level care goes beyond the clinical, and we aim to show our dedication to pet owners through a full range of subjects. From the light-hearted to the serious, we hope you enjoy the top 10 blogs of 2017.


Can You Teach An Old Dog New Tricks?

We’ve all heard the old adage, “you can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but is it true?

Older dogs (or senior dogs, if you will) may have some unique training needs, but we can dispel this myth right away! Senior dogs often love to learn new tricks and new games, and the team at Oakland Vet Referral Service can guide you through some tips for teaching your older dog something new.


What New Studies on Pets Reveal About Our Furry Friends

pet studiesHalf of all American households include pets. Considering companion animals have been part of our lives since the hunter-gatherer days, it makes sense that we would devote considerable time and resources to studying them.

Indeed, scientists are constantly looking for new ways to learn about our four-legged friends, and pet owners are just as eager to find out what makes their pets tick! By taking a look at  some of the new studies on pets, we can gain considerable insights into our furry best pals.


The Gift That Keeps On Giving: Pet-Friendly Donations

For many people, giving to those in need is a big part of the holiday season. With such a large number of deserving charities out there, it can be difficult to choose where to contribute your hard-earned dollars.

If you are considering donations to a pet or animal friendly cause this year (it is our fervent hope that everyone is), allow us to suggest a donation to OVRS’ own TEAR Foundation or one of our Michigan-based favorites: Continue…