Top 7 Tips for Running with Dogs

tips for running with dogsTaking Fido out for a run seems pretty straight-forward. Leash, water, run, done – right? Actually, there are several things to keep in mind for your dog’s safety before you head out together. The best exercise is one that is safe and worry-free, so use our 7 tips for running with dogs to help you both get the most out of your runs.


Dog Treats: The Good and The Ugly

dog treatsEvery pet owner loves seeing their dog’s face light up in anticipation of a treat. It feels so good that we’re tempted to feed them treats all day long. Because we also want our pets to live long, healthy lives, it is best to give them good-quality treats in reasonable quantities.

There are so many treats on the market that your biggest challenge will be choosing the right ones. As you navigate the world of dog treats, here is a little help in determining which treats are good and which are just plain ugly.


The Start and End of the Royal Corgi Dynasty

royal corgiSince 1933, the Royal Family has had their loyal corgis romping around Buckingham Palace. Queen Elizabeth has shared her love of corgis with the world for over 80 years, helping to keep the Pembroke Welsh Corgi name alive for over fourteen generations. Unfortunately, it seems this royal Corgi dynasty may be put to rest once and for all, but what started the tradition to begin with?


Canine Noise Aversion: When the Sounds of Summer Frighten Your Dog

canine noise aversionLoud noises from fireworks, summer thunderstorms, loud TV sounds and boisterous gatherings can be a source of anxiety for pets, as many dog owners know. Dogs that exhibit signs of fear and more extreme reactions to loud noises have Canine Noise Aversion, classified as a canine phobia or anxiety disorder.


Pet Estate Planning: How Will Your Pet be Protected?

Pet Estate PlanningOne of the most important aspects of being a pet owner is making sure our animals are always cared for. Our pets are family and as such, we don’t want to worry about something happening to them if we are incapacitated or no longer around. Preparing for the future with pet estate planning is the best way to protect them. Without it, you’re hoping someone will take them in and that your pet doesn’t end up in a shelter. But what does pet estate planning look like and where do you start?


The Subtle Signs of Animal Abuse in the Home

animal abuseOften when we think of animal abuse, we think of gross abuse where the animal is chained, neglected, beaten or used in dog fights. We may miss subtle signs of animal abuse in homes more often than we think. Without an understanding of what to look for, even a primary pet care provider may miss signs that a pet is being abused in their own home. What are the situations and signs that may indicate less obvious animal abuse and how should we respond?


A Look Inside: Canine Stifle Arthroscopy

stifle arthroscopyA stifle joint – essentially your dog’s knee – is one of the most vulnerable parts of the canine anatomy. It is common for dogs to rupture or strain their cranial cruciate ligament (which connects the thigh bone to the lower leg at the knee) through injury, accident, obesity, or degenerative joint disease. A tear or rupture of the cruciate ligament destabilizes the stifle joint, triggering inflammation and pain, cartilage damage, meniscal injuries and ultimately pelvic lameness or osteoarthritis.


Pet Cloning: Is It Safe? Does It Make Sense?

pet cloningOur pets are with us such a short time and no one wants to say goodbye to a beloved pet. With pet cloning, you may not have to. Multiple companies can currently clone your dog or cat with a simple procedure — though it comes with a hefty price tag. What are your options for cloning your pet, and what are some of the possible risks and ramifications?


Dog Food Recalls: How Did a Euthanasia Drug Get into Dog Food?

pet food

A string of dog food recalls made the news because the source of contamination is an unusual one–a drug used to euthanize animals. The question is how did this euthanasia drug make its way into dog food?

More than 100+ million cans of dog food from three U.S. manufacturers were recalled due to the presence of the drug pentobarbital. This barbiturate (sedative) is most commonly used for anesthesia and for euthanasia. Five dogs were reported to have fallen ill due to pentobarbital-contaminated food. One of the dogs, unfortunately, did not survive.
