Gratitude: How Our Pets Can Teach Us the True Meaning of Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is supposed to be all about giving thanks for the many blessings in our lives. Although most of us appreciate time with family (and the food), we sometimes get so wrapped up in the details of the holiday that we forget about the point of it. Spending time with our pets can remind us about this important aspect of the season. Keep reading to find out how our pets can teach us the true meaning of Thanksgiving:


Ideas for the Best Paw-liday Card Photo with Pets

There are so very many things to enjoy about the holidays; sweater weather, time with family and friends, and delicious treats, to name a few. One of our absolute favorite aspects of the holiday season is all the extra time we get with our pets. Including your pets in your holiday photos helps you all get into the festive spirit together (and share it with others). Consider using the following ideas to get the best paw-liday card photo with your pets:


How to Pick the Best Dog Toys

Dogs love to play. A wide variety of dog toys gives them stimulation and keeps them active, which can improve their physical and mental health. They can also provide hours of bonding fun for you and your pup. If you are thinking of investing in some toys for your dog, be sure you choose ones that will provide the most benefits and safety. Use this guide to pick the best dog toys:


Pet Firework Anxiety: 4th of July Coping Strategies

It’s hard to believe summer is already here, but the days are longer, the weather is warmer, and the 4th of July is just around the corner. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services understands canine noise aversion and pet firework anxiety. We know just how scary fireworks can be for pets. These tips will help you make a plan to keep your pets calm this summer before the fireworks illuminate the night sky:


Dogs Love Peanut Butter: Can We Indulge Them?

It is hard to deny that dogs love peanut butter even more than most things. Most of them go truly crazy for this treat. Why do dogs love peanut butter so much? And is it okay to indulge them in this love affair?

Dogs Love Peanut Butter: The Basics

Many canine nutrition specialists think dogs love peanut butter for the same reasons we do. The combination of sweet and salt provides a winning (and memorable) explosion on the tongue. If your dog has ever tasted peanut butter, simply getting a whiff of its scent is enough to trigger the taste memory. 


Which Parts of the Turkey Are Safe for a Dog?

As hard as it might be to refuse those puppy dog eyes, it’s important to know which parts of the turkey are safe for a dog before sharing any. Have no fear, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS) is here to help.

With the holiday season upon us, it is good to know which parts of the turkey are safe for a dog. If your dog is like most members of the canine species, he is probably at your side from the time the turkey goes in the oven to the moment you put away the last of the leftovers. 


Pup-caso: Art Projects to Do With Your Pet

We are always on the search for new activities to do with pets. We know how important the human-animal bond is for both you and your furry friends. We want to help you enhance it whenever possible. Did you know that you and your pet can collaborate on art projects that you can use to decorate your home? Oakland Veterinary Referral Services provides this list of art projects to do with your pet to help you find new ways to spend even more quality time together.


Healthy Dog Biscuit Recipes: 5 or Fewer Ingredients

Nutritious diets are an important aspect of your dog’s overall health and wellness. Some treats you buy in the store are full of fillers and other ingredients that could be harming your pup instead of nourishing his body. If you want to be sure your treats are safe and helpful for your dog’s health, making them yourself is a great alternate option. Here are some of our favorite easy DIY dog biscuit recipes with 5 ingredients or fewer just in time for National Dog Biscuit Day:


How to Work from Home with Pets

Pets are one of the biggest advantages of working from home. Pets are also one of the biggest distractions of working from home. Most pet owners love the chance to spend more time with their beloved animals, but they also have to get work done. And the more you are around your pets, the more attention they tend to expect! If you are trying to figure out how to work from home with pets, use these tips to keep everyone happy:


New Year’s Resolutions for You and Your Pet

The start of a new year is the perfect time to look at your daily habits and determine how they fit into your goals. The goal is to make any necessary changes to help you achieve those goals. New Year’s resolutions do not just have to benefit the humans in your family, however. This year, think about some pet New Year’s resolutions that you can do with your favorite feline or your canine companion to set your year off on the right paw!
