Understanding the Types of Veterinary Care

There are many levels of care a pet can receive, depending on their medical needs. We often use the terms specialty care, critical care, and emergency services to describe what we do here at our hospital to help pets. Differences between types of veterinary care may be confusing as well as how they coordinate with regular veterinary care.

The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to explain these distinct services and when a pet might need them. Let’s look closer at these terms.


Traveling with Your Pet During the Pandemic

After many weeks of the global pandemic, most of us are opting for road trips, camping, and other forms of getting out and about to shake off the boredom. This also includes using good social distancing precautions. 

As pet owners, we probably want to take our best furry ones along with us. After all, most pets, especially dogs, love to travel and sight see with us

There are a few considerations before venturing out with your paw pal. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants to get you out and on the road. Just use our tips for traveling with your pet during the pandemic. Let’s go!


Making the Grade: Why Choose a Board Certified Veterinary Surgeon

A general veterinarian performs many routine surgeries; however, you may find that they refer you to a board certified veterinary surgeon when the surgery is beyond their realm of expertise or perhaps needs 24 hour care and monitoring post-operatively. 

Both human and veterinary medicine have doctors who specialize. These specialists spend extra years accumulating even more advanced expertise and education. Just as with human medicine, a hip surgery or heart surgery isn’t going to be performed in your regular physician’s office. 


Why Is My Dog Itching? Understanding Dog Skin Conditions and Allergies

Is your dog itching? While the occasional scratch or nibble at the skin is normal for most dogs, a dog chronically scratching indicates something more serious. Intense itching is an indicator that your pet may have skin allergies or other medical conditions that affect the skin. Skin conditions can also become inflamed or infected. 

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services sees many chronic and complex cases of skin disorders. We can explain reasons behind them and help you get to the bottom of this uncomfortable problem.


When Your Pet Needs Diapers

If your pet is incontinent, you may wonder if your pet needs diapers. If your pet is geriatric or has certain health issues, you may have noticed that they are having increased accidents around the home. When your pet is unable to control these functions, it is a challenge to keep up with the cleaning. It is equally hard on your pet who is dealing with the condition.

Pet incontinence can be due to a number of factors, but it is especially challenging when the pooping and peeing are uncontrolled. Your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services are here to discuss how best to help your best friend at this difficult time.


Seizures in Dogs: What Causes Them and How We Treat Them

Witnessing a seizure in your dog can be a scary event. No dog owner wants to see their beloved fur friend experiencing a seizure. Knowing more about their cause can help ease fears we face as pet owners. Seizures in dogs are a type of brain disorder, and there are multiple reasons why a pet may be having them. 

The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to clarify this condition and provide insight into the causes of and treatments for seizure.


Dog Separation Anxiety After the COVID-19 Pandemic

If you are like most dog owners, your canine has received a lot more attention during the COVID-19 quarantine. Where we were once at work or school much of the day, the whole family has been at home for months. Dogs are ruled by routine so their new normal is to have you around 24/7.

This is why we at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services expect to see a spike in dog separation anxiety as we begin spending less time at home. As we look toward a new normal for ourselves and get back to regular life, your pet may exhibit unusual symptoms or behavior. Let’s take a closer look.


What You Should Know About Mental Illness in Pets

We have come a long way in understanding mental and behavioral problems in humans and how to more effectively treat them. This is true for our pets as well. Mental illness in pets, including both cats and dogs, can impact their quality of life, health, and longevity. It can also create problems for their human families. It becomes a serious problem if undiagnosed and untreated. 

The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants to shed light on this condition to give hope and help to pets who are afflicted with mental illness. 


Table Manners: How to Get Your Dog to Stop Begging for Food

Isn’t a begging dog almost synonymous with every dog? Dogs just beg for food, right? Actually, there are things we do to encourage this bad behavior in our canine companions and there are things we can do to get your dog to stop begging for food. 

A begging dog can spell trouble in the weight department if you give in to them. Giving your pet table scraps also increases the risks of toxicity and behavior problems. Plus, it is just plain bad manners for your dog to beg. This is why the team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants to give you pointers on how to teach a dog not to beg. Read on to learn more!


An Overview of Kidney Disease in Cats

Kidney disease in cats is a common diagnosis. We estimate that some form of kidney disease affects 20-25% of our feline companions and an even higher percentage of seniors and geriatric cats. 

Kidney function is vital in filtering toxins from the body and keeping electrolytes and water in balance. If the kidneys are compromised, this can result in acute kidney disease or chronic kidney failure (the kidneys getting worse over time). 

The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants cat owners to be aware of this disease and what we can to treat and manage it for a better quality of life.
