Old Age Isn’t Always the Cause of Arthritis in Dogs

When a pet owner hears that their dog has arthritis, they tend to assume that their pet is just “old” and that’s what comes with aging. That’s not always the case. Old age can bring with it a number of pet ailments, from diabetes to cancer. But aging is not a disease and with the right preventive care, most pets can age gracefully

When we see arthritis in dogs, we often see a different reason for joint conditions like arthritis…and it isn’t their age. Read on to learn more about Oakland Veterinary Referral Services’ overview of arthritis in dogs.


Refilling Your Pet’s Prescriptions with Ease

Pet owners, some of you get frustrated when it comes to refilling your pet’s prescriptions. You may be busy and wait until the last pill of your pet’s medications to think about a refill. Or you think about it a few days ahead, but still risk ending up with a gap before getting a refill. It isn’t your veterinarian’s goal to make your life difficult. 

Some of the factors that can impact getting a quick refill:


Red Eyes, Squinting and Other Dog Eye Problems

Dog with eye problems

Red eyes, excessive tearing, green or yellow discharge, squinting one or both eyes, and trouble seeing are dog eye problems that indicate you should have your pet’s eyes checked by a veterinarian.

What causes these eye problems in dogs? We’re here to answer these questions and emphasize the importance of vision health for your pets. 


Cloudy Vision: Cataracts in Dogs

dog with cataracts in his eyes

Cataracts in dogs are usually easy to spot. The clouded look of the pupil gives them away. Unfortunately, many dog owners assume that cataracts just come with age and don’t think to intervene to address them. This is troubling because eye health is so important to a dog’s general health and quality of life.

The good news is that there is treatment available for cataracts so that your canine can have good vision and eye health throughout their golden years.


Pet Weight Loss Facts: No Pain, No Gain?

Overweight cat sitting on floor

Weight Loss is Confusing in the Pet World Too

In the world of diets and weight management, it’s hard to separate fact from fiction. One diet says to eat only healthy fats, while another says bacon is fine. One weight loss regime focuses on healthy protein, while another has you fasting on green smoothies. Confusing? Yes! We are seeing the same confusion around why pets gain weight and what they should eat.

It’s great to keep your pet at a healthy weight and avoid obesity, which causes many health problems. But, how does a pet owner gauge a healthy weight and the right approach to keeping fur friends on the right dietary track? The team at OVRS is here to separate fact from myths.


Therapeutic Diets for Pets: Using the Power of Nutrition to Heal

therapeutic diets for petsThere is no denying that the food we eat has an impact on our health, energy, and overall wellbeing. It is, therefore, no surprise that we have found the same to be true for our animal companions. Where once the family Fido was given leftover scraps, or inexpensive commercial kibble, we now find that quality nutrition is important in determining quality of life and longevity.

Prescription diets, or now more often referred to as therapeutic diets, for pets have come a long way since their introduction a few decades ago. But, what does a therapeutic diet offer, versus a commercial diet, and how can it actually benefit your pet?

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to give you some food for thought.


The Dog Nose All: The Power of A Dog’s Nose

power of a dogs noseWe all know that dogs have an impressive power of smell. Your dog is in the back of the house, sound asleep. You quietly open a package of ham for a sandwich and look who’s immediately begging at your feet! That’s the power of a dogs nose.

Sniffing out snacks is the least in a list of amazing ways that dogs and their super sniffers improve our lives. You’ll be surprised at the many ways they are aiding humans.


Growing Old Gracefully: Helping Senior Dogs Enjoy Their Golden Years

senior dogsWhether you’ve been with your senior dog since puppyhood, or adopted a wonderful pet during their adult years, you know by now that older pets have a lot to offer.

Making your senior dog’s golden years as wonderful as possible is your top priority as you and your best pal face this special time hand in paw, and it all starts with understanding the unique needs of an older pet.


Something Smells Off: Incredible Cancer Sniffing Dogs

cancer sniffing dogsYou probably knew that your dog is good for your health, but you probably didn’t know that dogs are advancing human medicine in ways you never dreamed about. Modern medical science is learning more and more about how our canine companions can be the key to disease detection. Cancer sniffing dogs may sound like science fiction, but this really is an incredible discovery in the health field.

Prostate Cancer and Cancer Sniffing Dogs

It has long been thought that animals have some sort of sixth sense when it comes to illness and death. Now we have some actual evidence to prove it.


The Owner’s Manual for Home Care for the Diabetic Pet

If your pet has been diagnosed with diabetes, you may feel a little overwhelmed and words like pathophysiology, insulin, and glucose curves may have your head reeling.

Obviously, diabetes is a diagnosis that requires a close relationship with a veterinarian. There are things that you will need to do at home as well. Home care for the diabetic pet is just as important as the care required at the vet’s office. Here’s what you need to know.