6 Nearby Hotels That Allow Dogs

At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we are privileged to offer services that provide help to people who live locally and those who have to travel a bit to see us. We know it’s hard to be away from home, especially for medical reasons, and we want you to be as comfortable as possible. If you have scheduled an appointment with us from another town, here are some of the nearby hotels that allow dogs:


Financial Considerations of Getting a Pet

Getting a pet is a long-term commitment that requires a certain amount of planning, and a fair amount of money. If you want to create the best life for your future furry friends, you have to think about finances. Before you bring an animal into your home, consider the following financial considerations of getting a pet to ensure you can afford proper care:


Pet Firework Anxiety: 4th of July Coping Strategies

It’s hard to believe summer is already here, but the days are longer, the weather is warmer, and the 4th of July is just around the corner. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services understands canine noise aversion and pet firework anxiety. We know just how scary fireworks can be for pets. These tips will help you make a plan to keep your pets calm this summer before the fireworks illuminate the night sky:


Cat-Proof Furniture and Decor Ideas

If you own a cat, are you doomed to a life of drab decor and desiccated furniture? What is cat-friendly furniture and decor? With their cute little button noses, toe beans, whiskers, and fluffy heads begging for kisses, sometimes just looking at your cat is enough to send your heart fluttering. That is, until he digs his claws into your brand new couch. Or knocks over a vase and sends water and flowers flying onto the carpet. Or climbs up your window screen leaving a giant tear down the middle. Are you doomed to a cat-ravaged home? Not if we have anything to say about it!


Helping Your Newly Adopted Dog Feel Settled in Their New Home

Dogs are by far the most popular type of pet. Millions of people across the world have brought an adopted dog into their life, and they serve as trusted and loyal companions. 

However, coming into a new environment can be a stressful experience for an adopted dog. As an owner, you should try to facilitate the transition period so that it goes as smoothly as possible. We’ve put together a guide with several top tips for helping your dog feel settled in their new home. 


How to Survive Nights with a Hyperactive Cat

Do you have a hyperactive cat? Meowing at all hours. Incessant scratching. Zoomies. All the zoomies. Doesn’t it always seem like your cat goes into hyperactive mode when you’re trying to wind down for the night? This hyperactivity, or “midnight crazies,” can be difficult to deal with—especially when it starts to mess with your sleep. How can you quash this boisterous nighttime behavior and encourage your cat to rest in the evening? Keep reading to find out.


How to Get Rid of Dog Odors

Our tips can help you reduce or get rid of dog odors. We love our dogs and there is little that could decrease our love for them. Sometimes, though, unusual dog odors on your pet or in your house can make loving them a little more challenging. If your dog’s scent often makes you crinkle your nose in disgust, these simple tips can help you get rid of these odors. Then you can have your clean dog as well as a fresh-smelling pet and house. 


How to Stop Cat Hairballs

Any cat owner knows that although common, cat hairballs create an unpleasant scenario on the rug, the couch, and on really unlucky days, the bed. If you are tired of following your cat around with cleaning products, there are a few ways you can decrease the number of hairballs he generates. Use these tips to reduce cat hairballs in your home:
