My Cat Has FIV! What Is It and Is It Treatable?

Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV) only affects cats. As implied by its name, FIV weakens a cat’s immune system and allows for secondary illnesses in cats that are positive for FIV. The symptoms of FIV can stay dormant for years with the cat owner unaware. Once it manifests, it wreaks havoc on a cat’s ability to fight off disease and infections.

If your cat has FIV, or you want to know about the illness, the team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services offers information to better help you care for your feline friends.


An Overview of Soft Tissue Sarcoma in Dogs

labrador retriever puppy getting vaccinated on white background.

Soft tissue sarcoma in dogs (STS) is a group of malignant tumors that originate from connective tissue below the skin. They make up approximately 15% of all skin tumors in dogs. Most occur as a single tumor, usually in middle to older dogs and can occur anywhere in the body. Sarcomas appear on or underneath the skin. They are a relatively common form of cancer diagnosed in dogs

Unfortunately, sarcomas can also progress to a malignant form of tumor and can become quite aggressive when left undiagnosed or untreated. This is why it is essential to know and watch for the signs of this form of malignancy, and to have your dog checked regularly. If sarcoma develops, the earlier you can catch it, the better chance of a positive outcome for your dog.

The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to explain more about soft tissue sarcoma in dogs.


Canine Chorus: Why Do Dogs Howl?

Why do dogs howl? Howling is synonymous with the whole canidae family, from wolves and coyotes, to our domestic dogs. You may assume that your dog is trying to recreate The Call of the Wild by acting out the role of wolf, but that is not the case. Dogs howl as another way to communicate with their furry pals. In the same way that dogs mark their territory, sniff out new smells, and bark, these mechanisms are ways in which canines express themselves.

The question of “why do dogs howl” is one that the team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to tell you more about. 


How to Treat Minor Pet Wounds at Home

You can treat minor pets wounds at home since not every scrape or injury requires pet emergency care. Our pets will occasionally experience a cut, abrasion, or other minor wound. Dogs especially have more of these instances, since they are more rambunctious than their feline counterparts. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to help explain the right way to treat minor pet wounds at home with pet first aid.


My Dog Has a Heart Murmur…Should I Worry?

If your dog has a heart murmur or other cardiac problems, you may wonder if this is something serious to worry about. What causes heart murmurs and does that mean my pet has heart disease? How does this affect my dog’s life expectancy? The purpose is to check for any abnormal heart rhythms, heart murmurs and other possible. 

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to address the issue of heart murmur in dogs, its diagnosis, and treatment. 


What to Know About Feline Leukemia Virus (FeLV) in Cats

If your cat was recently diagnosed with feline leukemia (FeLV), you will probably have a lot of questions and concerns about treatment and prognosis. How did your cat end up FeLV-positive, you may wonder. What are the symptoms and what should you do for your cat going forward? 

The feline leukemia virus is “second only to trauma as the leading cause of death in cats, killing 85% of infected felines within three years of diagnosis”. The prognosis, for many cats, is unfortunately poor, with most only living with the virus 3-4 years. Thankfully, 70% of cats exposed to the virus are able to resist or eliminate it on their own. 

Because of the seriousness of the disease, Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants you to know more about feline leukemia virus so that you can better protect your pet from this illness.


More Fun for Fido: Why Playing Is Important for Dogs

Playing is important for dogs. It’s not only a pleasurable pastime, but it’s an essential ingredient in the total wellbeing of most animals. Dogs thrive on interaction with their human friends as well as other pet companions. This sociable act serves many purposes, and play should factor into your dog’s daily routine. 

Playing keeps dogs active, healthy, and happy. This is why Oakland Veterinary Referral Services wants to spotlight this wonderful aspect of spending time with your four-legged pal.


Dog Food Allergies

Dog food allergies are one of the more frequently diagnosed forms of allergies in dogs. Many dog owners have jumped on the bandwagon of switching to grain-free diets, assuming that their dog is allergic to, or intolerant of, gluten as many humans are. In fact, in most cases the allergen for dogs is a protein or proteins.

The problem with recognizing a food allergy in pets is that it doesn’t always look like tummy troubles. The signs can be more subtle or manifest as a symptom that you might not associate with food allergies.

If your dog has food allergies, there are signs that will be present. The team at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to discuss dog food allergies and intolerances, and what you can do to help your pet.


Crummy Tummy: Cat Food Allergies

Like humans and dogs, cats can suffer from a number of different allergies, including those relating to their diet. Cat food allergies are a common concern among feline owners who wonder if their cat’s symptoms are due to what they eat. If your cat is having symptoms that include itching, digestive upset, or even sneezing, they may be allergic to ingredients in their food.

Oakland Veterinary Referral Services explores cat food allergies, symptoms to look for, and how to help your favorite kitty through effective allergy treatment.


DIY Guide to Homemade Cat Food

Many cat lovers are turning their attention, time, and talent to making homemade cat food, similar to the trend of dog owners preparing homemade dog food. Since pet owners want to give their beloved pets the best quality ingredients and delicious meals, it is understandable why many owners are making the switch to homemade pet diets

While this is a great idea, there are a few things to consider before whipping up a new diet for Fluffy. Your friends at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services are here to round up the info on DIY meals for cats.
