Pet Parasite Prevention 101

Dog considering health risks of tcks, fleaDogs and cats are susceptible to a number of internal and external parasites, some of which are capable of being passed to humans. Year-round, monthly parasite prevention is not only a vital component of your pet’s overall health and wellbeing, it’s important for your family’s health as well.

Pet Parasite Prevention

Parasites are more than just annoying. Many carry pathogens that can put our pets at risk for dangerous illnesses. By following your veterinarian’s recommendations for monthly parasite preventive medications, you will be protecting your pet from these tiny foes: Continue…

Knowing What to Say (and Not Say) in Uncomfortable Pet Situations

SONY DSCMaybe your neighbor’s dog has been handed a very sad prognosis, a co-worker’s cat has passed away suddenly, or your sister is spending thousands of dollars on treatments for her guinea pig. These situations can be difficult. Even for the most experienced of us, it is hard to know what to say and how to react. It is especially challenging for non pet owners who haven’t experienced the human-animal bond themselves. Thankfully, there are a few tricks to help know what to say (and not to say) in uncomfortable pet situations.

Taking on a New Perspective in Uncomfortable Pet Situations

No matter what the situation, the loss of a pet, or loss of his or her health, is difficult for those in that pet’s life. Our pets are with us through thick and thin, through major life events, and are the epitome of unconditional love in our lives. Continue…

Baby, It’s Cold Outside: Cold Weather Safety For Pets

OVRS_iStock_000049416582_LargeIt may be an El Nino year, but that doesn’t mean it will be warm in Michigan this winter. Cold weather can pose serious risks to your pet’s health and safety. We offer you a list of practical ways you can keep your pets safe and comfortable all winter long.   

Cold Weather Safety Tips

  • Stay home – Pets are not much safer in a cold car than they are in a warm one. Hypothermia is deadly and pets are just as susceptible to it as humans.
  • Stay in – Dogs and cats should not be outside for prolonged periods in the cold. It’s a myth that animals are more resistant to cold than humans; the reality is that our pets can suffer the harmful effects of cold weather just as easily as we can.
  • If you must leave pets outside – Provide a warm, dry shelter with plenty of cozy bedding. Puppies and older dogs are more sensitive to the cold so it would be better to take them outside only to relieve themselves. Shovel out a spot if there’s deep snow.
  • Paw protection – Be aware of your dog’s paw pads while walking as snow and ice can damage the pads or make walking difficult. Clip the fur between toe pads to reduce the amount of snow collecting between the toes. Or spray the pads with cooking spray just before your walk in very cold weather.


Pet Photography 101

iStock_000071973855_LargeIt’s easier than ever to take great pictures these days. Not only can we take professional quality photos on our smartphones, but top-of-the-line cameras once limited to professionals are now affordable and remarkably easy for a novice to use.

Whether you’re an iPhone-wielding amateur or a seasoned picture-taking veteran, you have most likely snapped a few shots of your beloved dog, cat, chinchilla, or lutino cockatiel. Maybe you share your photos on social media, or would like to. Maybe you’d like a nice print or two to frame and hang in your home, or maybe you just want a few pet photos on your phone to glance at when you need a pick-me-up at work.

OVRS has put together a list of tips, straight from the pros, for making the most out of your pet photography sessions, regardless of what you end up doing with the final results. Continue…

Coolest Pet Products of the Season for the Pet Who Has Everything

OVRS_iStock_000051074990_LargeIf you are like many pet parents, your holiday gift list will naturally include your pet. And, there are so many wonderful options when it comes to toys, gadgets, and other pet products for our pampered fur friends.

At Oakland Veterinary Referral Services, we have taken time to spotlight a few of our favorites this season. After all, we are certain your pet has been nice, never naughty, and is definitely deserving of some great seasonal surprises. Continue…

Diabetes in Pets: Are You in the Know?

iStock_000002977378_Large (1)With more pets leading a sedentary life and the increase in pet obesity, more dogs and cats are developing diabetes at some point in their lifetimes. This disease is an important one for pet owners to be familiar with. Do you understand what pet diabetes is, what the symptoms look like, and why it is so serious? If not, be sure to keep reading so that you can be in the know about diabetes in pets.

The Pathogenesis of Diabetes in Pets

When a pet eats a meal, the nutrients are broken down into parts that are usable to the body as energy. Fiber and starches (carbohydrates) are broken down into glucose, which is absorbed into the bloodstream then transferred into cells. In order for this transfer of glucose into the body’s cells, a hormone called insulin is required. Continue…

The Tick Boom and Your Pet

OVRS-iStock_000033327372_LargeTicks have been an increasing problem for people and their pets over the past few years. According to the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, reported cases of Lyme disease have almost doubled in two years, with the western region of the state seeing the highest number of incidents. And, while the tick boom has created a worrisome outdoor environment for people, pet owners are also concerned about keeping their pets safe from ticks and the diseases they carry.

How to Handle a Pet Escape Artist

OVRS_iStock_000019191267_Large (1)You turn your back for a minute, and he’s off! A pet escape artist can maneuver through the narrowest of passages, wiggle under any fence, or slip through an open door with the stealth of a ninja – or at least it can seem that way. The truth is, when your pet likes to roam, there’s really no letting your guard down.

Pets escape for a number of reasons. Getting to the core of what prompts your particular pup or kit to want to wander is a good place to begin.

Understanding the Cause

Dogs and cats are natural roamers. Instinctually, many breeds can travel several miles each day, marking territory, communicating with other animals through scent, and seeking out a mate. However, when it comes to your beloved pet, we discourage the indulgence of these instinctual impulses through training, providing enrichment at home, and spaying or neutering before the first heat. Continue…

Adventures in Dog Park Manners

When you think of taking your four-legged pal to the dog park, do any of the following thoughts come to mind?

  • Oh, great, my dog can play while I catch up on my phone calls, emails, texts…
  • Patches has been off the hook lately… think I will take him to the dog park to work off that destructive energy.
  • They always have water at dog parks, right?
  • Dang, I am in a hurry, but I’m certain they hire someone to clean up doggie messes.
  • My dog’s just naturally dominant, like the alpha, and that’s normal.
  • Snuggles is just a bit timid; I’m sure she’ll become more assertive in time.
  • If you confess to some of these misconceptions, hold the leash!


Animal Symbolism: What Our Pets Teach Us About Ourselves

Dramatic landscapeThroughout history, mankind has studied animals and their behaviors. Animals have appeared as mythical heroes and guardians, as well as in fables focused on important moral lessons. They have embodied the stories of cultures throughout history and are the subject of Paleolithic cave art and archaic Native American petroglyphs. Continue…