Looking Forward to a Bright Future at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services
Let us start by wishing you a happy New Year! We would not be where we are today at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services without our wonderful patients, their families, and the continuing support of our incredible referring veterinarians. For that, we say thank you!
We’ve had a busy year, and we’re always striving to provide our patients with top-of-the-line care in a safe and friendly environment. We’re excited to share with you the ways in which OVRS has grown and changed, while still offering the compassionate care you’ve come to expect.
Laying out the Welcome Mat
In addition to the over 2,000 square feet we’ve added for our oncology department, we have welcomed several new doctors to our OVRS family, including:
Dr. Rachel Smith, DVM, DACVR (Radiology)
Dr. Krista Gazzola (Surgery)
Dr. Lauren Retallack (Surgery)
Dr. David Ricketts (Emergency)
Dr. Jennifer Cook (Clinical Pathology-IDEXX Laboratories, lower level)
Changes Are Afoot at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services
With the additional staff comes additional opportunities to serve Michigan pets, including:
Onsite radiology services – Adding radiology improves our turnaround time for comprehensive abdominal ultrasounds. We also have a radiologist (Dr. Smith) on staff to review radiographs and provide written reports to our referring veterinarians.
Arthex equipment tower – In our ongoing effort to offer less invasive surgical procedures, we have purchased the Arthex tower to provide our surgeons with better visualization, improved ability to diagnose, and a way to perform less invasive procedures.
Clinical pathology services – The addition of Dr. Cook to our IDEXX laboratory (on our lower level) will improve patient care by enabling doctors to consult directly with an in-house pathologist.
Looking Ahead
Oakland Veterinary Referral Services will continue to work tirelessly in 2018 to care for our patients and their families. We are excited to embark on our long-term goal of remodeling our treatment area and creating a dedicated space for our critical care team and their patients. Equally important are our plans to improve our technology needs to better serve our referring veterinarian community.
As always, the team at OVRS is here for you. Please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have about the services we offer.