Laws for Dog Owners
With so many animals needing homes, it can sometimes feel like owning an animal is a right and not a privilege. But, those who take pets into their homes do so with the promise that they will adequately care for the animal. Additionally, there are laws for dog owners, and it is essential to be aware of them. If you are (or are planning to become) a dog owner, be aware of the following safety considerations and laws for dog owners:

Oakland County Dog License
Oakland County dog owners are required to license their dogs each year. Dogs four months and older must be licensed. The license has a fee, and owners must provide an active rabies certificate from a veterinarian.
Leash and Collar Laws for Dog Owners
In Michigan, all dogs must legally be leashed and collared at all times unless they are actively involved in hunting activities with their owners. The dog owner will be held liable if an unleashed dog bites or attacks another human or animal. Even if you are in an area where many other people are walking with their dogs off-leash, you should still be conscious of this law and consider using a leash to avoid unexpected ramifications from this law.
Excessive Barking Laws for Dog Owners
Michigan dog owners cannot allow their dogs to become a nuisance due to loud and frequent yelping, habitual barking, or howling. If your dog likes to bark or howl and you cannot control it, you might want to invest in training classes or consequences.
Driving Safety for Dog Owners
While there are no specific laws pertaining to dogs in cars in Michigan, there are safety considerations you should follow each time you jump in the car. These include:
- Safely restrain your dog in a crate or a dog-safe seat belt. Unrestrained dogs can be seriously injured in an accident and cause significant distractions while you are driving.
- Don’t leave the dog unattended in hot cars: Cars heat up much faster than most people expect, and temperatures inside a car can soar to dangerous levels quickly. Do not bring your dog with you if you must leave them unsupervised in a warm car.
- Minimize distractions: Distractions in the car are hazardous for you and for your dog. Try to create (and maintain) a calm environment inside the vehicle at all times.
Picking Up Poop
Our laws mandate immediate pick up, removal, and disposal of animal poop in a sanitary manner. Making a law and ensuring neighbors and other dog owners adhere to the law are different matters. Be a responsible dog owner and always pick up and dispose of your pet’s poop.
Overall Safety Reminders for Dog Owners
Do not expose your dog directly to the elements in extreme conditions. Per Detroit Animal Control, it can be dangerous for animals when it’s too cold or when it’s too hot outside. If your dog spends a lot of time outside, make sure there is plenty of adequate shade and shelter. You should always provide clean sources of food and water. Lastly, vaccinate your dogs properly—especially if they are frequently around other animals.
A compilation of animal laws and Dog Law of 1919 by MSU
To be a responsible dog owner, and to benefit yourself, your dog, your neighbors, and your community, be aware of the safety considerations and the above laws for dog owners.
Oakland Veterinary Referral Services is here to help you give your pets access to the area’s best specialty and emergency veterinary care. We want to build a community that encourages pet owners to stand up for their pets’ health and wellness proactively. To learn more about our services or to schedule an appointment, please call (248) 334-6877.