Hot Spots on Dogs: How to Treat and Prevent Them
Hot spots are a common skin issue affecting dogs, which can leave your pup with unpleasant side effects. The Oakland Veterinary Referral Services (OVRS) team is here to help. This guide teaches you how to treat and prevent hot spots on dogs.

Hot Spots on Dogs
Hot spots on dogs are oozing sores. Also called acute moist dermatitis, they seem to develop and spread quickly. Starting as a small dot no bigger than a bug bite, they transform fast. These oozing sores are uncomfortable for dogs. They are often seen in the summer but can happen at any time of the year. Luckily, with some knowledge, hot spots are easy to treat, and a few small lifestyle changes can even prevent them from returning.
Causes of Hot Spots on Dogs
Any small skin irritation that causes a dog to repeatedly scratch, paw, or lick at a certain area has the potential to turn into a hot spot. This is because the touching causes a small amount of trauma to the skin. The immune system will send out inflammation as a response. The area is also exposed to secondary bacteria that can cause issues. Some of the most common catalysts for repeated scratching are:
- Parasites
- Flea allergy dermatitis
- Food allergies
- Seasonal allergies
- Atopic dermatitis
- Infections in the ears or on the skin
- Behavioral or health issues leading to excessive licking
- A dirty or matted coat
- Residual moisture left on the skin
Treating Hot Spots on Dogs
If your dog has developed a hot spot, treatment may be easier than you might think. Schedule a visit with your regular veterinarian to ensure the problem is not more serious than it appears. The vet can find what is causing the irritation so you can eliminate it. Once you understand the cause, you can begin treatment options, which can include:
- Cleaning the area using an antiseptic
- Bathing with a special shampoo
- Using antibiotics or steroids to get rid of the infections and inflammation
- Starting allergy medication to improve the condition of the skin
- Using medicated pet wipes to keep the area clean
- Trimming the fur around the area to keep it safe from further irritation
- Using a dog cone or an E collar to keep the animal from repeatedly touching the area
Preventing Hot Spots on Dogs
Once you know what’s causing the initial skin irritation for your pup, you can start to work on eliminating his or her exposure to it. A monthly preventive can keep your pet safe from parasites if that is causing issues. Changing the type of food you use helps with food allergies. Regular baths and brushing can keep your dog’s skin free from allergens or other irritants that might cause scratching. Be sure to dry your dog completely after a bath or a swim to reduce excess moisture on the skin. Engagement activities can help entertain bored pets and keep them from licking. Supplements with fatty acids can help lower inflammation. Hot spots on dogs can take some time to heal, but most can be healed at home.
If your dog has stubborn hot spots or other challenging skin issues, the team at OVRS is here to help. Our dermatology and allergy department provides relief for pets with skin issues. We also offer a range of other specialty and emergency services. Call (248) 334-6877 to learn more.