Celebrating Life: Memorializing Your Pet
Keywords: pet memorializing
Celebrating Life: Memorializing Your Pet
There is no denying the profoundly intense bond many of us feel with our pets. Our four-legged friends take care of us just as much as we take care of them. Looking into their eyes is like peering into a well of compassion and unconditional love.
As pet guardians, we are all too aware of the fact that our pet’s lifespans are significantly shorter than our own. Even though we have to say goodbye, at Oakland Veterinary Referral Services we believe in celebrating the time that each of our pets spends with us and the impact they have had on our lives. Most are with us for many years and it’s like losing a very close friend or family member.
Coping With Pet Loss
The bereavement process is complicated and expresses itself differently in everyone. Pet owners often find themselves grappling with their own grief, plus the grief of children and other family members, after the loss of a pet.
Memorializing Your Pet
Honoring your pet in a way that feels right to you is an integral part of the healing process. There are many ways to celebrate the life of your cherished pet:
- Hold a memorial service for your pet
- Share funny or touching memories about your pet with family and friends and ask them to do the same.
- Have a plaster cast made of your pet’s paw print and display it near an area that has meaning for you and your pet.
- Mount a framed photograph, drawing, or painting of your pet in a place of honor in your home.
- If you choose to have your pet cremated, place a small amount of his or her ashes in a locket.
- Plant a tree in memory of your pet.
- Put together a scrapbook or memory box dedicated to your pet
- Donate to a local animal shelter or your favorite animal charity in honor of your pet.
We respectfully contract out our cremation services to one of two local establishments; ULVH will deliver the ashes to us within 2-3 weeks or, if you prefer to have the ashes right away, Faithful Companions will deliver them to your home the next day for an extra fee.
You Are Not Alone
We are here to support you as you work through your grief. Please don’t hesitate to call us with any questions or concerns.