You have the basics for when you are sick or injured, but do you have the supplies on hand that you might need to take care of your pet?  Here are some of the items you should keep, just in case:

  • Information

Contact information for your veterinarian, an emergency after-hours clinic, and the Animal Poison Control Center should be readily available.  Also consider purchasing a basic pet first-aid book

  • Wound care supplies

Keep some latex gloves, antiseptic soap, gauze sponges, sterile saline, eye wash, and topical antibiotic ointment on hand.

  • Basic bandage material

Gauze roll, elastic bandage material, adhesive tape, and scissors are often handy.

  • “Boy scout” items

While not necessarily first-aid items, things like safety pins, a penlight or flashlight, and needle-nosed pliers are handy to have.  Also consider some type of muzzle or restraint device to keep yourself safe.  Many otherwise friendly pets can become aggressive when injured.

  • Triage materials

A rectal thermometer, sterile lubricant, an emergency blanket, a cold pack, and material to construct a splint are also good items to have.

  • Items approved by your veterinarian

Your vet can recommend a dosage of diphenhydramine (Benadryl) to have on hand for your pet in case of an allergic reaction as well as other items that might be specific to your needs.