Ceva – Future Leader Dog for the Blind!
What’s better than a snuggly, happy puppy? A snuggly, happy puppy with a job description that includes helping others! Oakland Veterinary Referral Service’s very own Dr. Theresa DePorter has had the honor to help train a puppy named Ceva to become a Leader Dog for the blind. Ceva earned her name from Ceva Animal Health, who has sponsored her care and training.
Dr. DePorter, along with an experienced Leader Dog trainer, took on the important task of
training Ceva to be the best guide dog possible. Tremendous dedication was required as Dr. DePorter spent the first year of Ceva’s life exposing her to all sorts of situations and locations similar to what she will face on duty. This has helped Ceva to build a foundation that will allow her to be comfortable and confident for her future owner. Because a guide dog is expected to keep her owner safe in any range of situations, Dr. DePorter took Ceva many places throughout her training including restaurants, veterinary conferences, and even New York City! This taught Ceva to be very good at ignoring distractions, even tasty ones!
In October, Ceva “graduated” to Leader Dog, where she will continue her training before being placed. This is the equivalent of her heading off to college! Dr. DePorter misses Ceva, but is very proud of her. We are all excited for Ceva to continue on to help someone in need. Feel free to follow Ceva along with us on her very own Facebook page! https://www.facebook.com/cevaleaderdog